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Desires For Future Civ3 Patches

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  • Desires For Future Civ3 Patches

    Please post all ideas or changes you would like to see in future Civ3 patches/expansions, but please remember to follow these four rules.
    1) Everybody lists there idea as either an 'editor idea' or a 'general idea' for me to see clearly. Editor idea would pertain to all ideas that relate to the editor. General idea would be pretty much any other idea, most likely game issues.
    2) Try not to list an idea that has already been mentioned or implemented into the game.
    3) When posting ideas make sure they are numbered, so I can see when a new idea begins and when an idea ends easily.
    4) Report if the ideas I list on the Reference Post (my first post) should be included/changed or not and be sure to list reasons why.

    $ = Idea does not contain a ranking; an idea might receive this ranking from being a bit too unrealistic.
    * = Idea is there just out of pure hope and/or minimal relevance
    ** = Idea is of little importance
    *** = Idea is fairly important
    **** = Idea is crucial
    ***** = Idea is extremely vital

    General Ideas and Changes

    Advisor Screens
    1-1-1****) Being able to see the resources you can trade for (NOT ‘with’). For example, I am the French and I am able to trade with the Romans, who have an extra iron resource and one spice resource. Even if I did have an iron resource, the iron resource for the Romans should show up under resources they can trade. The spice should also fall under the category of resources the Romans can trade. These two categories would be included in the trade advisor in an appropriate spot. This would prevent me from having to go to diplomatic relations with another Civ to see if they have a resource I am looking for. However, the ability to see what resources the other Civ has available should only become available once you have an embassy established with them. Also, regardless of whether or not you have a trade route established with the Civ you should be able to see what resources they have available, of course you have to have an embassy established with them first. The bonus for this is that you don’t have to enter diplomatic negotiations with other Civs to see if they have a certain resource or not.
    1-2-2**) Show what the diplomatic reputation is of your Civ, and also if it is in jeopardy of being tarnished. Such as this was done with Civ2.
    1-3-3*) When proposing a deal with the AI the advisor screen should give more info than “this deal is probably acceptable”. Such info as, “this Civ would be very grateful for this deal” or “this mainly favors your Civ, but it is still acceptable” would be helpful.
    1-4-4**) Include a city improvement list for the whole nation; this should probably be included in the Trade Advisor screen. An example, 17 Marketplaces cost 17 gold, 9 Barracks cost 9 gold, etc… (again, ala Civ2).
    1-5-5*) More accurate description of your technology stance. Even though a Civ may have researched deep into the Modern Age, but is missing a few ‘useless’ technologies in the Industrial Era that Civ will be considered “backwards”.
    1-6-6***) Make it possible to see all 16 Civs in the Foreign Advisor screen.
    1-7-7***) The ability to see all trade/diplomatic agreements with another Civ.
    1-8-8***) A reminder for when your 20 year trade deal ends.
    1-9-9*) Make access to Demographics available from the Domestic Advisor Screen. In Demographics include links on the categories to what that category’s description is. Meaning give the definition to “Military Service” and how it relates to the game.
    1-10-10*) In Domestic Advisor show how many cities you have total.
    1-11-11**) In Military Advisor show what units have been killed, when each unit was killed, and how many of each unit have been killed.
    1-12-12*) The ability to rush build improvements/units from the Domestic Advisor screen; currently, only orders may be changed for improvements/units production in a city.
    1-13-13****) Being able to see what each Civ has in terms of technologies in the Science Advisor. However, the appropriate requirements (i.e. embassy) must be met first.

    2-1-14***) AI Civs aren’t keen to keep peace treaties, nor are they punished for breaking a peace treaty.
    2-2-15***) The AI should be more inclined to accept trades that benefit themselves primarily. The AI should almost always accept a trade of: AI receives 1 gems and 1 spices and only gives 1 incense away.
    2-3-16*) When the AI is begging for peace with you, the AI should not propose you a deal for your acceptance, yet the AI should ask “What terms would be acceptable for you for the two of us to come to peace” or something to that effect.
    2-4-17****) The AI needs to respect other Civ’s borders more, especially human players,; not to mention the AI needs not to plop a city in the middle of your empire.
    2-5-18**) The AI needs a better understanding of when it is “beaten”. If the AI is completely outmatched it needs to back down.
    2-6-19**) If the AI is presented with a fantastic offer in a trade, but is required to give up a city, the AI shouldn’t be so utterly repulsed by the idea.
    2-7-20****) Even though a lot of expansion provides the AI well in the long run, investing more time into building improvements and wonders would also provide very useful.
    2-8-21**) The AI needs to build more fortresses along its borders and place units inside them. This will prevent from the AI aimlessly wondering around, which in turn will speed up the turn of the AI.
    2-9-22****) Upgrading of units needs to be performed more by the AI, especially when the AI builds the Workshop. Too many times a Pikemen will be spotted next to a Mech. Infantry. A couple of reasons why the AI might not upgrade units: The AI sees quantity as being more valuable than quality, and/or many times the AI lacks sufficient funds to upgrade, which is because of the AI seeing gold as of very little value.
    2-10-23***) The AI needs a better understanding of food/production/trade tile management. The AI will harvest a square that is full of food but lacks a lot of production/trade when the city can’t even grow anymore for the time being and a tile full of production/trade is available.

    3-1-24**) If Barbarians loot a city completely (there is no more money to take), then the city should turn into an encampment.
    3-2-25***) Barbarians should stay somewhat on pace with the advancement of units instead of only having warrior, horsemen, and galley available to them throughout the whole game. Basically include more units for the Barbarians, such as also having long bowmen, cavalry (ala Civ2). Also, Barbarians need to stay competitive longer, hopefully this idea will help that out.

    City Screen, City Screen Options, and Cities
    4-1-26***) If it is determined that a unit is obsolete (not even relatively close to units of that time in terms of value) it should be completely removed from the build queue. Of course this should be made as an option in ‘preferences’.
    4-2-27**) An alternative unit for drafting in the modern age than Swordsmen. Swordsmen may be cheap to build, but they are way too weak for the modern age.
    4-3-28**) Include the atrocity of ‘killing citizens’ when a city is already under your control or becomes under your control.
    4-4-29**) Don’t allow for building production swapping. A 50% shield cost should take place when a unit in production is swapped to a wonder or improvement, an improvement is swapped to a unit or wonder, or a wonder is swapped to a unit or improvement. Basically the same way Civ2 handled this; in that only do this at the higher levels, Regent and above.
    4-5-30****) The Civilopedia should be accessible from the City Screen, particularly when choosing what unit/improvement to build.
    4-6-31**) When a city is overtaken it should be possible to loot more from the city than just money, also include technologies, maps, communications with other Civs, etc… with looting.
    4-7-32***) Include more city names, because it is very silly seeing the city name of Berlin written four different ways.
    4-8-33****) When a city revolts all units should not be lost mysteriously; instead a fight should be put up by the units.
    4-9-34**) When a city is taken via trade the citizens of the city should not automatically transition over to your own nation; instead the citizens of that city should be foreign nationals as if it were conquered/culturally defected.
    4-10-35**) Size 1 cities should have a random chance of being destroyed when conquered.

    5-1-36***) Increase the difficulty to perform blitzkrieg attacks on the AI. Making it take two turns for newly captured cities’ roads/railroads to give their bonus. Meaning that if England were to capture Rome in year 2000ad, then all of the roads/railroads in the city radius wouldn’t give off their movement (and possibly trade, as well) bonus until two turns later (2002ad).
    5-2-37****) Decrease the chance for an obsolete unit to defeat a modern unit (i.e. a warrior should NOT be able to beat an armor, maybe even ever). If it must done revamp the whole combat system, so it is more like Civ 2’s. For example, unit rank should increase attack and/or defense instead of hit points. Add a new category called firepower. Hit points and firepower should act like they did in Civ 2; have them pertain to the unit’s age (i.e. warrior 1hp & 1fp, battleship 4hp & 4fp.
    5-3-38***) Increase the stats for naval units considerably, especially movement rates.
    5-4-39***) Increase the stats for air units, and give air units a special advantage over naval units, just like this was present in Civ 2.
    5-5-40***) When a unit is bombarding another unit give the bombarding unit a chance to defeat the opposing unit completely. Increase the chance of bombarding killing a unit for the more advanced the unit. Also, air units should have the best chance to kill an opposing unit completely when bombarding.
    5-6-41****) When an Elite unit wins a war it should be more prone to turn into a Leader, than how often that occurrence takes place currently. Achieving a great cultural feat should, also, have a chance of spawning a Leader. Such cultural feats as being the first Civ to have a city reach x culture, entering a golden age, culturally assimilating x amount of cities.
    5-7-42***) After a city has been conquered more city improvements should stay intact than how this is currently.

    6-1-43***) When building a colony it should automatically give off a 1-tile culture border, basically meaning the square that the colony is built in. However, colony borders should not be able to ever expand. Colonies should, also, be able to be assimilated into another nation by culture. However, colonies should not be able to assimilate another city/colony in to its nation’s culture.
    6-2-44***) When a city defects culturally nearly all military units should automatically defect to your nearest city, and you should be made aware of what city the units went to and from what city they came.
    6-3-45***) A cultural defect of a city should be a gradual process and not occur in just one turn. Citizens of a city should start to turn their cultural tag to a different nation until the majority of the city’s citizens belong to another culture type. This would allow for action to be taken on the city, so that the city would not defect culturally.

    7-1-46**) Increase the value for embassies, adding the latter part of suggestion # 1-1-1 could do this.
    7-2-47*) Allow Civs to pay other Civs to build the other Civs unique unit for certain amount of money. For example, the Germans could pay the Americans 100 gold, so they could build four F-15s. However, this should only be allowed between Civs if they are alliances. Maybe a set number of gold should be set for each unique unit; F-15 would be worth 25 gold, Jaguar Warrior would be worth 5 gold, etc…
    7-3-48**) If a Civ is allied with another Civ they should automatically have a right of passage deal, as well.
    7-4-49**) Before an opposing nation signs a military alliance against you (except if a nation is being offered a military alliance), they should first give you an ultimatum.
    7-5-50$) Another stretch here but having negotiations with more than one party would be great. This would allow for an outsider of a war to bring two Civs and the outsider ALL to peace. To elaborate on this, it would be called an External Peace Pact.
    7-6-51**) Allow for ‘concrete’ alliances; currently alliances only apply to war. Concrete alliances would include a Mutual Protection Pact and a Right of Passage Pact. Concrete alliances could be cancelled peacefully after 40 turns.
    7-7-52**) Give the ability to fluctuate the amount of turns a deal will stay in tact. However, only include this ability if the AI will also be able to use this feature.
    7-8-53$) Make it possible to trade food between your own cities.
    7-9-54$) Allow for trading of military units with other Civs.
    7-10-55**) Include an option that lets you ask the AI to offer a peace agreement. Now, this is already an option, but it is only an option in an aggressive way; a peaceful option for this needs to be included, as well.
    7-11-56**) Also include a Mutual Protection Pact that can be targeted towards just one Civ, instead of just a MPP that is against all Civs.
    7-12-57***) Give an increment bar on gold values directly on the diplomacy screen; that way several mouse clicks can be prevented when reaching the optimal gold value.
    7-13-58***) It should possible to scroll the map while in a diplomatic discussion; that way if deciding to trade for a city you would know its location and its value.
    7-14-59***) When an unwanted unit is in your territory and you try to boot them out you should be given the choice of doing it politely or in the manner of an ultimatum. Many times you want to be polite to a friendly Civ, but you are only given the choice of an ultimatum to give to the Civ.

    8-1-60****) Only certain governments should be allowed to perform the operation of razing a city, because many governments included in the game would find that idea utterly repulsive. Also, there should be an option for this in the editor to change which governments have the capabilities to raze cities.
    8-2-61***) Add more governments, because as of now the choices are very limiting, plus, balance out the already implemented governments, because Democracy is much more powerful than Communism, as is Republic to Monarchy.

    Graphics and Viewing
    9-1-62****) Add more zoom levels, for both the editor and the regular game.
    9-2-63*) In the Palace View make it possible to replace an already placed structure. If I want to change the Far East statue for a Native American statue I should be allowed to. Include more Palace placements, because many times Palace placements will run out. Give an option to turn off the Palace completely; such as how this was available in Civ 2.
    9-3-64*) Provide the capabilities for one to save an end game replay, so that they may view it again.
    9-4-65**) Make Civ3 playable on more computers; such as monitors with only the ability of a 800x600 screen resolution, but don’t make the game any less enjoyable for those who can already play the game with their computer.
    9-5-66*) When a city is razed provide some animation along with it.
    9-6-67*) In the city view continue to replace the houses, as a city gets larger, with skyscrapers.
    9-7-68***) Borders over forest, jungle, irrigation, hills, and mountains are still very hard to depict out.
    9-8-69$) Bring back wonder movies.

    Interface and Unit Commands
    10-1-70**) Include a popup or a special signal when a city is “about” to revolt. Note that “about” is in quotation marks because this is different from “when”. This will help the player determine if he/she needs to pay closer attention to that city (i.e. increase happiness in the city somehow).
    10-2-71**) Create a sentry command – allowing the user to skip a unit’s turn, but if the user later on in that same turn decides he/she wants to use that particular unit he/she is allowed to. It should be noted that the unit would not become ‘active’ (not just for that initial turn) until the user deactivates the sentry command on the unit or when that unit sights an enemy unit.
    10-3-72$) Give Workers the ability to build canals. Canals will allow for ships to pass through them and give off a +1 trade bonus. A canal shouldn’t be able to connect with another canal. Meaning that a canal can only be built one tile in a row; this will prevent unrealistically, large canals being built. Also, canals should take a hefty amount of time to build, in fact canals should take the longest time to complete out of all the terrain improvements, and shouldn’t come available for building until sometime in the Industrial Era.
    10-4-73*) Under ‘Contact Governor’ there should be an option that automatically changes all selections of “This City” or “This Continent” to “All Cities”. This will prevent from having to individually click every ‘drop down’ to “All Cities”.
    10-5-74***) Implement a “Wake All” command; that way it is easy to wake up a large stack of units simultaneously.
    10-6-75*) When pointing your mouse cursor to “Upgrade Unit” information on how much it will cost to upgrade that unit should appear in a balloon even before you decide to upgrade the unit. This will allow it so you don’t have to click on “Upgrade Unit” first to see how much the unit will cost to upgrade.
    10-7-76***) Only one pop-up per turn is needed for telling what Civ is at war with another Civ, if two Civs have come to peace, or if numerous amounts of Civs decide they want to build a wonder,; basically just include all of the changes in that one single pop-up. An example of this is, if France declares war on Germany, Russia declares war on China, and England and India come to peace with each other, all in the same turn, just show all that information in one single pop-up.
    10-8-77***) All commands for a worker should be able to be put on automation solely. As of now “shift-P” will make a Worker only automate on pollution, but other commands, such as building irrigation should be able to be put on automation of only irrigation by pressing “shift-I”. To make this possible for all commands, all commands should not include the prefix “shift” in its command. To elaborate on that, building railroad should have the command name of “R” instead of “shift-R”.
    10-9-78**) Automated Workers and AI Workers should team up to finish a job more often.
    10-10-79***) ALL key functions/commands need to be available in the menu, and for units all available commands need to be shown as option at the bottom of the screen along with many other commands.
    10-11-80***) You should be allowed to see how many turns a Worker has remaining on a terrain improvement. This could be done by having a ‘balloon pop-up’ appear stating how many turns the Worker has remaining when your mouse cursor moves over the Worker.
    10-12-81**) If spare automated workers are available, all of them should go to help clean up pollution, rather than just a few of them.
    Last edited by TechWins; December 24, 2001, 05:04.
    However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.

  • #2
    10-13-82*) If a resource is going to exhaust in year x, then a warning that the resource is going to exhaust in year x should occur in year “x – 5 turns”, however, this should be made a preference.
    10-14-83***) When ordering to destroy a mine with Worker 1 on tile x no more pop-ups should come up asking if you are sure once you reach Worker 2 on tile x. Meaning that a Worker decides to irrigate on a mine, so a pop-up appears asking if he/she is sure they want to do this, a different Worker on that same tile decides to irrigate on a mine that Worker shouldn’t be asked if it is sure that they want to do this.

    Improvements and Wonders
    11-1-84***) Include a modern coastal fortress, along with the regular coastal fortress, that way it would be possible to attack modern naval units with the fortress. If a modern coastal fortress isn’t to be added, then increase the power for coastal fortress, that way they will be more effective. Possible ways to increase the power of coastal fortresses are to increase the bombard value, increase the range to 2, and when the coastal fortress is bombarded it can bombard right back.
    11-2-85*) A certain wonder, perhaps Apollo, should reveal the whole map, such as this occurred in Civ2.

    12-1-86$) Quite a stretch with this one, but including PBEM and Hotseat multiplayer would be very nice.
    12-2-87*****) Reduce late game tedium; incorporating some of the ideas/changes mentioned could possibly do just that.
    12-3-88***) Improve the model for Diplomatic Victory. Each Civ is allocated a certain number of vote points, which is determined by population and culture. In order to win you should need 2/3 votes. Basically make the model something similar to how SMAC ran the model.
    12-4-89***) When your capitol is overtaken civil war should have a chance of occurrence, corruption should run rampant, and the Palace of a capitol should have to be rebuilt and not automatically relocated for free.
    12-5-90**) Include a very small random chance of a colony turning into a city. This would increase the importance of colonies, while also making colonies more realistic. Many times colonies turned into cities; United States are an example of that.
    12-6-91**) Even after when the spaceship is built it should not automatically launch, yet allow for the user to do it himself/herself, because some may want to wait a few turns to launch the spaceship after its completion.
    12-7-92***) Include a spy missions of sabotaging spaceship production, planting nuclear device, and planting a disease, and also make spy missions less expensive.
    12-8-93*) Instead of having to delete the whole High Scores file to delete game high scores allow for each game high score to be deleted manually and also have an option of deleting the whole High Scores file.
    12-9-94***) Decrease the occurrences of pollution, as well as, include an option to completely turn off pollution in the game.
    12-10-95*****) Continue to solve the overabundance of corruption problem. Possible solutions for correcting the corruption problem: City improvements that reduce corruption should have a greater effect on the reduction of corruption. Certain government types, such as Democracy, should provide more reduction of corruption. Include a modern Forbidden Palace along with the already in place Forbidden Palace, and make the Forbidden Palace have a cheaper shield cost.
    12-11-96**) Add more terrain types and terrain bonuses, terrain types such as glacier and swamp and terrain bonuses such as ‘Jungle Bananas’, ‘Swamp Peat’, and ‘Desert Oasis’. As of now without these terrain bonuses, your starting location plays an even bigger role in determining your success in a game. Also, when a terrain changes, either through deforestation or global warming, the resource on that terrain should disappear and reappear else where.
    12-12-97****) The capabilities of being to expand great amounts is a severe problem. There should be some other type of penalty rather than just corruption. Each era of the game (i.e. Ancient, Middle Ages, Industrial, & Modern) should have a semi-hard cap on the number of cities a Civ can have. Each era will allow a certain number of cities, with the Ancient Times allowing 12 cities, Middle Ages allowing 24 cities, Industrial Age allowing 42 cities, and the Modern Age allowing 66 cities. The amount allocated to each era will also provide more reality to expansion, in that a lot of expansion didn’t take place until later times. Now, the reason why it should only be considered a semi-hard cap is because you can always build as many cities as you would like, however, once you get past the semi-hard cap you will experience repercussions. For example, a Civ has 12 cities in the Ancient Times and goes to build its 13th city. That 13th city will experience severe unhappiness in that city, plus, the rest of the cities will see the after effects of that severe unhappiness and gain a little (not as much as the 13th city) unhappiness of their own. This same Civ goes to build its 14th city, that 14th city will, also, experience tremendous unhappiness, and the rest of the cities will (including the 13th city) gain a little more unhappiness. Once that Civ reaches the Middle Ages the unhappiness cause by over expansion will decease completely, (if) until that Civ over expands again (exceeds semi-hard cap for expansion).
    12-13-98*) When randomly generating a map there should be an option asking you how much abundance you would like for rivers.
    12-14-99***) There needs to be some form of Airbases in the game, such as there was in Civ2. Also, a colony when built should act as an Airbase.
    12-15-100***) Zone of Control and fortresses should function as they did in Civ2. Having ZOC act that way will help prevent the AI from entering your borders.
    12-16-101**) When right-clicking to see “Terrain Info” the improvements made to the land should be verified in the list. It is very hard to see if a piece of land has been mined or not when a resource is covering that tile. That’s why when you go into “Terrain Info” it should list all of the improvements done to the land, what the land is, what (if any) resources are on the land, and what the value (food/shields/trade) of the land is.
    12-17-102***) Global warming should come from both the pollution level and the amount of forest/jungle that covers the earth. This will provide more reality in that deforestation is a very harmful act on the environment, as well as, discouraging people from deforesting so that they would be able to mine grassland instead. Ultimately this will help prevent a lot of micromanagement.

    Technology Tree
    13-1-103***) Having to complete most of the technologies in era really decreases a lot of strategy within the tech tree. Not to mention it doesn’t provide much separation between Civs. The proposal for this is to include less era-advancing requirement techs and to allow certain techs in advanced era to be researched even before the proper requirements to advance into that era has been made. For example, if you were in the Ancient age and you still hadn’t researched all of the required advancement technologies you could still go research Monotheism or Engineering, as long as their requirements (Construction, Polytheism) were discovered already.
    13-2-104*) The discovery of Satellite should make the whole map completely revealed (even if a wonder like Apollo reveals the whole map), not to mention it should continuously update your map.
    13-3-105**) The Aircraft Carrier should come at a later time in the tech tree compared to airplanes. What do you need an Aircraft Carrier for if there aren’t even any airplanes to put in it?

    14-1-106*****) INCLUDE THE ABILITY TO GROUP A STACK OF UNITS TOGETHER!!! This would prevent tedious clicking by not having to move each unit individually. The movement of the stack would be as fast as the slowest unit and each unit would still fight individually.
    14-2-107***) Settlers should not be able to be created from foreign nationals, because there are many ‘cheap’ strategies that go along with it. If foreign nationals are taken away from the city population when a settler is built, then the settler should be a foreign national. If nationals are taken away from the city population when a settler is built, then the settler should be a national.
    14-3-108**) Scouts should have a movement rate of 1 and should see all terrain as road. Explorers should have a movement rate of 2 and should see all terrain as road. Explorers, also, should become available with Map Making, because Explorers become far too worthless by the time Navigation is researched, since most of the map has been discovered by that time already.
    14-4-109***) Allow for bombing from airplanes to sink ships, but certain ships should be given greater resistance to the bombing.
    14-5-110**) Unique units should be allowed to upgrade to more advanced units, but it should not be possible to upgrade to a unique unit.
    14-6-111**) All Civs should be able to build all regular units, even if a Civ has the unique unit for a regular unit. For instance, the Chinese may have the Rider available for building, so the Knight should also be available for constructing.
    14-7-112***) Older infantry, such as Swordsmen, should be upgradeable to Riflemen. Basically try to allow as much upgrading as possible, so that “old” units aren’t running around in modern times.
    14-8-113$) Give the ability to change the name of a unit. If one has a special unit (i.e. won a big war….all by itself) he/she might want to signify that unit by giving it a special name.
    14-9-114**) When Privateers win a battle against another ship there should be a chance that the Privateer gets a small amount of gold.
    14-10-115$) Add the unit Alpine Troop; it would be like a Marine but instead used for mountain warfare.
    14-11-116*) Musketmen are far too cost ineffective, since you can build 2 Pikemen for the cost of 1 Musketmen. Either, lower the cost of Musketmen or give Musketmen an attack of 3.
    14-12-117**) Tanks and Mech. Infantry should be considered wheeled, simply for the cause of adding more strategy.
    14-13-118***) Armies should not be allowed to unload the units in them, yet, the units that are in an Army should be upgradeable. This will allow for obsolete units Armies to become more advanced and not allow unit swapping in Armies.
    14-14-119***) Paratroopers and Helicopters should be allowed to be loaded onto an Aircraft Carrier.
    14-15-120***) Cruise Missiles should be able to be launched from ships, and the range of a Cruise Missile needs to be increased.
    14-16-121****) When precision bombing you should be allowed to select the target, otherwise, it is fairly useless.

    Editor Ideas and Changes

    15-1-122*****) Making it possible to add items, such as units/Civs/terrain/technologies.
    15-2-123****) Make all flags available for city improvements also available to wonders and small wonders. As well as, all flags that are available to small wonders should be available to city improvements and wonders, and all flags that are available to wonders should be available to city improvements and small wonders. That way it is possible to create a small wonder that gives +1 trade to all city squares and other matches.
    15-3-124***) An option to where a certain form of government CAN’T build a specific building, wonder, small wonder, or unit.
    15-4-125**) An option where certain buildings, wonders, or small wonders can be set as a requirement for building a unit.
    15-5-126*****) Make it possible for Civ-specific starting locations when creating a map.
    15-6-127***) Allow for advanced era technologies to have a prerequisite of an older era technology, and so the older era doesn’t have to be a required tech to advance in order to move on to the next era of technologies or moved to the advanced era. An example of this would be as follows: Feudalism should have a prerequisite of Monarchy, but in order to do that Monarchy would either have to be put in the Middle Ages era or make it become a required tech to advance to the Middle Ages, which isn’t the same thing as a perquisite for one single technology. Overall, just make technology tree editing more flexible.
    15-7-128*) Give opportunities for changing the effects of Nuclear Bombs.
    15-8-129**) Decide what units can be destroyed from bombing. An example of this would be to have submarines not destroyable by bombing, but to have battleships destroyable by bombing.
    15-9-130***) Include more options for units available to the Barbarians instead of just 2 land options and 1 sea option. Actually, just include more customization for Barbarians, such as tribe names and their available units.
    15-10-131***) An option that will allow units to have a restrictive number of how many can be built, such as how this is done with Armies, except give greater flexibility within the option.
    15-11-132***) Decease of the cap that only allows 8 range for air units and air drops.
    15-12-133**) Allow for more terrain improvements (mines, irrigation, etc…) to be built and for bonuses to be assigned to them.
    15-13-134**) Technologies should be given some of the options city improvements/wonders/small wonders posses. For example, one might want to make the discovery of Communications reduce corruption or have Education increase scientific output.
    15-14-135**) Include an option for governments that will allow you to select “no corruption at all”.
    15-15-136***) Allow for Civ-specific and government-specific improvements/wonders to be created.
    15-16-137***) Give a flag that will you to set the chance a unit will have of killing another unit when it bombards.
    15-17-138****) Extensive scenario-creating/editing abilities should be implemented, such items as ‘triggers’, year setting, diplomatic mood changing, and a ‘cheat menu’.
    15-18-139***) Allow for setting which terrain wheeled units can’t move over.
    15-19-140*****) Allow for determining which terrain a settler can build a city on.
    Last edited by TechWins; December 24, 2001, 05:08.
    However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


    • #3
      The Reference Post, as of now, represents all the ideas from the original/old thread. I will try to update the list to its fullest by Wednesday, because I will be gone (visiting my friend in Michigan) for a week come Wednesday.

      For those of you wondering why your idea may have not been put in the list, it is most likely because of one of these three reasons:

      1) I felt that the idea was far too outlandish, and Firaxis would never implement the idea, so it wouldn't be worthwhile to show the idea in the list.

      2) I couldn't quite understand what you were trying to explain in your idea. I will always try to make an attempt to fully understand an idea, but sometimes it is rather difficult.

      3) I felt that the idea would bring any improvement upon the game, or even the idea might detract from the game. An example of an idea I have/will not include in the list is terraforming. Terraforming is not only unrealistic, but it, also, adds more micromanagement, which is something I think there already is too much of.

      The reason why I disbanded the Bugs and Fixes section is because there already is an extensive list concerning bugs headed by Korn.
      Last edited by TechWins; December 24, 2001, 05:14.
      However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


      • #4
        More Space
        However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


        • #5
          Even More Space Just To be Safe
          However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


          • #6
            General idea: Domestic advisor

            1. Prioritize the Domestic Advisor messages so that "the city is unhappy" comes ALWAYS first, then "City is now growing because it needs aqueduct/hospitaly" and so on.

            2. When Domestic Advisor tells me that "Veii is unhappy" make the city name hyperlink to the city screen. As "Veii is unhappy".

            3. Make it available to sort the cities alphabetically. Now it's very hard to find a particulal city because the default order is when those cities have been founded.

            4. Change the column "happy/content" to include also # of unhappy people.

            5. Implement a button to sort cities by the "mood" of the city. So rioting cities comes first continued with those unhappy cities which will riot next turn.


            • #7
              So often "ala Civ2" in your post! Why aren't you play Civ2 any longer? It would be easier to play Civ2 again, than to wait until all of the things you mentioned are patched

              4-5-25: you can access the Civilopedia by double- (or right-) click on the thing you want to build.


              • #8
                From Firaxis you'd be lucky to get that in a $50 expansion kit, but never a patch.


                • #9
                  You can have it for $10! Buy Civ2


                  • #10
                    General Gameplay

                    Combat/Military Units
                    Submarines need fixing. There are different ways to achieve this:[list=1][*]Make Submarines impervious to ships that cannot see them. Reduce Submarine's Attack/Defense rating accordingly, so they are fairly easy prey for Destroyers, if found. Destroyers are now needed to escort Transports, Battleships, Carriers and AEGIS Cruisers. If at all possible, ships that cannot see Submarines should be able to pass over them when not at war.[*]Or, more simply, ships that cannot see Submarines suffer an Attack/Defense penalty against them. Something like -50%, maybe -75%.[/list=1]

                    Stacking would be nice. Not to be confused with Armies, stacked units would still attack and defend independently, and not as a group.

                    Waypoints are also a nice idea/ Program patrol waypoints for units. Especially useful for enabling your navy to patrol coastlines.

                    Why not have Navies? They function just like Armies, only they apply to naval units instead. Maybe increase the limit to 6 instead of 4? That would provide a Carrier or Battleship with plenty of anti-submarine and anti-air support.

                    Fighter escort for bombing missions. This would take the form of a new "mission", like Air Superiority or Recon. Fighters assigned to "Escort" would accompany Bombers to their maximum operational range only. Long-range bombing missions would be risky, due to lack of fighter support.

                    Anti aircraft measures. Modern infantry carry their own anti-aircraft missiles and should have some defense against aerial bombardment, at least from fighters. Bombers could be ticked with a "high altitude" attribute that allows them to bomb with impunity except against dedicated AA weapons. Also, a mobile anti-aircraft unit would be nice, like the Soviet ZSU. Give it an attribute kind of like "Air Superiority", in which it exerts a sphere of influence, say, a 2-square range.

                    Introduce the concept of Radar. Either as a technology that automatically imparts its benefits when researched, or as a city improvement. This technology drastically increases the likelihood of intercepting enemy bombers. Possibly do away with SAM Battery as a result? Or maybe combine Radar with SAM Battery?

                    More terrain influence. The defensive bonuses of dense or rough terrain (jungle, forest, hills, mountains, etc.) should only apply to footsoldiers and not armoured units (Tanks & Mech Infantry). The same applies to Towns, Cities & Metropolises (sorry, I don't know the plural for metropolis). Tanks and APCs rule the open ground, and are needed to clear a path to the enemies cities, but that is largely the end of their usefulness.

                    Perhaps a bonus for units attacking from hills/mountains onto lower ground (grassland/plains/desert/etc.) to emphasise the importance of high ground?

                    Also, units fortified in jungles/forests would be "concealed", and may not show up on the map for the enemy. If an enemy unit stumbles into a concealed unit when at war, an "ambush" occurs, and the enemy unit is damaged - or even destroyed - before combat begins. More experienced units would be better at setting up and detecting ambushes. Another reason to build Sun Tzu's Academy.

                    Some air unit related matters. A jet-powered Bomber to accompany the Jet Fighter. A nice graphic of a Soviet Backfire would be splendid. These new Bombers, like their real life counterparts, can carry multiple Cruise Missiles, extending their operational range most significantly.

                    Also, Carriers should not be able to carry Bombers, as they require immensly long runways - longer than any carrier - and, for that matter, are too large to be stored on or below the flight deck. Only Fighters, Jet Fighters and Stealth Fighters.

                    Maybe include an Orion reconnaisance aircraft? Longer range than the Fighter, can see a larger area, and can also see, and engage, Submarines.


                    It's late and I'm tired. I may come back to add to this post if I think of any more ideas.


                    • #11
                      Combat and War Weariness

                      War weariness should be tied to your level of civilian killing. If you use precision bombing and avoid bombarding and killing citizens, your own citizens should become less displeased. Whereas, if you fire ICBMs and wipe out immense populations and raze cities they should become very unhappy. As it is now, it seems to war weariness is more tied to how long you are at war, not how ruthless you are about it.


                      • #12
                        General Gameplay

                        Diplomacy Addition

                        1. To be able to see what a foreign Civ is researching once you have established an embassy.

                        2. To be able to ask a foreign Civ to cease an embargo against you before the 20 turns are up.

                        City display Interface Additions/Changes

                        1. To add some bigger change to the unit if it is fortified in a city. Currently the only way to know what units are fortified in a city is the thin whinte line around their health bars. Make a fortified unit have a little shield above the unit or or always have the fortified units display to the far left or something.

                        2. Show the number of GOOD shields used for production not the total and then we have to count the corruption and subtract.

                        Main view/unit changes

                        1. When right clicking on a worker in a grouo of workers have the description show what the worker is doing.

                        Example: Worker 0.0.1 (Irrigation)

                        This would help tell what your workers are doing in a group without having to click to activate them and then find out via the "Your worker is doing XX thing, and will be done in X turns." comment.


                        • #13
                          Cost of Relocating Capital

                          There should be a cap on the cost of capital. My suggestion will be the same as the cost of the great wonder in the current era. This will make relocating capital expensive, but NOT impossible. In the current setting (1.16f), it is impossible for empire larger than average civ.


                          • #14
                            Add the option to list your cities in order of biggest producer of shields and biggest producer of trade. That way it's much easier to determine where to start building wonders and spaceship parts.
                            Somebody told me I should get a signature.


                            • #15
                              It should be harder to raze and destroy a big city.

                              What about partizans?

