When you increase hitpoints across the board you're guaranteeing one thing: that battles will take longer.
We used to allow up to 255 (I think) hitpoints in the editor, and we had to reduce it because battles would take several hours to resolve.
Well, there could be an option then to only see the result of the fight, and not the actual fight. Or a multiplier to deal with 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 rounds in a row and make it faster.
Same to the hit point bar, so it won't be too big (if it's not the case, I still did not tried with very big numbers).
Originally posted by Dan Magaha FIRAXIS
Wouldn't increasing attack power be a better solution than increasing hitpoints?
Wouldn't increasing attack power be a better solution than increasing hitpoints?
It's not the same. Increasing the Attack of the attacker change the chances of winning a round, while increasing the Defense of the defenser decrease the chance for the attacker to win the round.
Increasing Hit Points diminish the dispersion (which means that the more the HP, the more predictable the fight is), while increasing FP increase the dispersion (which means that the more FP, the less predictable the fight is).
Low HP/high FP increase the possibility for bogus results, high HP/low FP increase the chances of the stronger to win.
Low A/high D increase the chances of the defender to win, high A/low defense increase the chances for the attacker to win.
*broken record rant on*
Give us back the FP/HP on a unit basis ! It allows such more subtle ways to mod...
*broken record rant off*