I've done a lot of tweaking on my mod (not updated for patch yet), including giving Shakespeare's Theater a civilization-wide happiness effect, giving units an extra HP, making nuclear plants create one unhappy citizen but not require a nearby source of water, giving all civs 3 starting techs, giving ZOC to all ranged-attack units and giving Blitz to a few more units (i.e. the Cossack and the Rider). I'm playing with the base rules currently to see how I like the new patch and because some of my changes were made to address weaknesses I saw in the pre-patched state (like making fighters more useful for bombarding and buffing up submarines considerably). I'll probably make a new mod eventually after I get the feel for what the changes in the new version do.
One thing I'm considering doing is raising the cost of later advances considerably to stretch out the early Industrial ages. I'm thinking that maybe the first new 'required' techs in each age (or maybe the last) should cost twice as much to delay the advance into the new era.
One thing I would really like to do that can't be done with the editor is to allow some Small Wonder traits to be used in regular Improvements. I want to make something with the Forbidden Palace's effect as a second center of the empire that can be built anywhere, albeit with a really high cost and requiring certain improvements to make sure that the city is well developed first.
One thing I'm considering doing is raising the cost of later advances considerably to stretch out the early Industrial ages. I'm thinking that maybe the first new 'required' techs in each age (or maybe the last) should cost twice as much to delay the advance into the new era.
One thing I would really like to do that can't be done with the editor is to allow some Small Wonder traits to be used in regular Improvements. I want to make something with the Forbidden Palace's effect as a second center of the empire that can be built anywhere, albeit with a really high cost and requiring certain improvements to make sure that the city is well developed first.