Well, I don't know what to do. I've downloaded the new patch a third time. I've uninstalled both the patch and then the main game. Reinstalled both and still have the same problem. If I run in Compatibility mode Win98/ME (the mode I ran in originally that worked without the patch) I get the locked up process. If I run in any other mode or without the Compatibility mode the screen goes into power saving mode. Is there a fix for this? A workaround? Is this being looked into? This is kinda bugging me. The game runs fine in compatibility mode Win98/ME without the patch. I'm running in Windows XP.
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v1.16f: Issues? Bugs? This is the thread
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Nuke VS SDI Bug
This is a bug that I have only seen once but it was post 1.16f-new. I was attacked by an ICBM and my SDI stopped the attack. ( I got to see the impact but then no pollution or damage to the city). When I opened the city up to bomb a nearby city none of my air units are there. I chalked it up to a bug and attacked the nearby city with a ground assault only. Then at the end of the turn, my air units become usable... they are invisible... no graphics but I get the proper stuff in the info box and the buttons and sure enough I can attack with my (Now SUPER) stealth bombers and (simply invisible) bombers. The next turn.. same thing again, however I moved them successfully with the re-base command to another city where they promptly and correctly appeared. Note, the units were also not visible in the right click menu from the map screen. They were also not visible or accessible from the military advisor screen. If it matters, the city was only a few turns old and had a pop of 1 and a culture of 0 at the time of the attack.
In the end... gameplay wasn't radically affected, but others may not be as lucky.
Thanks for looking into this.
Tech Trading
As far as I can tell the computer automatically trades techs and contacts to all the CIVs in the game as long as they have contact with each other.
So if you trade techs or not the computer civs will basically have all the techs from each other. Once you trade to one civ they will trade it to any civ they have contact with.
So, I was trying it on Diety....
By turn 5 the Germans had 5 spearman units about 5 turns from there capital approaching my territory.
I was the Americans and had contacted a couple races early, traded techs, but by turn 10 the Germans had completed Iron Working and Writing and I still needed the wheel...
patch bugs galore!
I am working on a LONG list of problems that the patch caused and many not addressed. I have had 3 games right in a row crash for different reasons. One was I had to choose for next research, I entered the Industrial age at this point, fatal error. Another game I was building city in valid location game crashed fatally. Another game I tried to build on northern point of my land at pole of world the game crashed.
The Governor does not function properly. If you go to the production screen, set up how you want the default to be, go back later and you have no way of knowing what or how it was set up. Very confusing indeed.
Workers seem to go about aimlessly but I never tried the shift command. I use the icons at the bottom of screen. That is another issue you have way to many commands for everything which also makes it confusing.
My last game I had settlers, hoplites and workers disappear after saving, quiting and reloading.
There is a typo when right clicking to upgrade units.
Game will not let you switch wonders from one city to another if you want. There are many reasons why you would want this.
Grids do not stay on when set to be on.
I had to uninstall the game and then install the patch to get rid of wierd things from happening. However the above things are just a few. I will send you a better list but from I see if you generate a large map such as 220x220 230x230 the game may crash later on. I have a high end computer and had these problems over and over. I have not been able to finish a game yet for numerous reasons. Most of the time it was a crash for unknown reasons.
D.G.Thanks ~ Desert Fox (Real Nickname)
Fleet Admiral - NeoTech Games Network - Game News & Game Modding Community
delete all folders
Originally posted by cassembler
Another safedisk problemo.
Ok, brief chain of events:
1) V 1.07F gave me lock up on startup problems (cd spins and locks up)
2) V 1.07Fa let me play the game just fine.
3) V 1.16F(current as of today) again gave me the same lock up.
4) Even after un and reinstalling from scratch.
One thing I did notice is that the Infrogrames folder still has several megs of files in it after uninstalation, and NOT just modded files (i.e. "civ3.exe_old) and saved games.
??? should I try deleting the whole Infrogrames folder after
uninstallation ???
Desert DogThanks ~ Desert Fox (Real Nickname)
Fleet Admiral - NeoTech Games Network - Game News & Game Modding Community
Unavoidable Crash
Playing Under Windows 2000, with the updated for win2k version of the 1.16f patch.
I had a trade going with the aztecs.
They got in war with the Iroquois.
I think the Iroquois destroyed their trade routes because it hadn't been 20 turns when I got the "We lost our supply of dyes" message.
Then the game crashed.
I had saved a couple of turns back.
When I regot the message, the game crashed again.
I reloaded a third time, and the same thing happenned.
Now I saved the game at the end of the turn just before it happens.
I have attached it here.Attached Files
Originally posted by Ognid
Tech Trading
As far as I can tell the computer automatically trades techs and contacts to all the CIVs in the game as long as they have contact with each other.
So if you trade techs or not the computer civs will basically have all the techs from each other. Once you trade to one civ they will trade it to any civ they have contact with.
So, I was trying it on Diety....
By turn 5 the Germans had 5 spearman units about 5 turns from there capital approaching my territory.
I was the Americans and had contacted a couple races early, traded techs, but by turn 10 the Germans had completed Iron Working and Writing and I still needed the wheel...
The patch is working fine for me so far. My only complaint is that Shift-P now won't send more than 2 workers to any polluted squre and this is driving me nuts!I think it shouldn't be too hard to use the time needed to clean up a polluted square to decide how many workers should be assigned to the task. In fact, this could be done for any worker job instead of a fixed cap on how many workers should work on a given square when automated. Thanks for your attention.
Here's a new one...
Here's one I haven't seen reported yet:
When bargaining with the AI, If I say "What will you offer for The Republic?" (for example, could be anything) The AI comes back with his offer, if I alter the offer at all into a realm that the opponent cannot satisfy, (i.e. 1 gold per turn too many) when I reset the item to the originally offerred amount, the AI will no longer accept that deal. But if I then clear the queue and ask again "What will you offer for The Republic?" the AI will give the EXACT SAME deal and be perfectly willing to accept it. This surely must be a bug.
I am using the 1st 1.16 patch in WinME on a Celeron 733.
The problem with techtrading AI, is not that it trades techs and contacts in a superfast way, nor that the AI start with more techs and get techs/contacts faster than the human player. You can call that cheating, but it is "fair" in the sense that at least they either start with the tech, trade the tech/contact fair and square with someone else, or acquire the tech/contact by exploring the map. Ognid and Player1, you do not mention the real problem, although you might mean it right.
The problem is that civ A can mysteriously "give" civ B a contact/tech, that the human player just gave civ A (through trading), before the human player hits "END TURN".
I realize that this might be a counter to the tech-whoring "strategy", but if it IS that, it is just too obvious a cheat by the AI. As I said I can live with the extra units, reduced costs and the prooduction bonuses. But what is the point of trading with civ A, if by that trade the score is like this:
You pay 1-2 techs and gold + get 1 tech
Civ A gets the 1-2 techs and gold from you, and pays one tech to you.
Civ B, C, D get the same tech that you get for free, the same second you finish the above deal.
I would never make that trade! It is that easy! Since now, I never know whether this is the possible scenario of ANY tech trade, why trade mid to cutting edge tech with anyone AT ALL?
If this really is an attempt to counter tech-whoring, then making the AI less tech/contact hungry (willing to pay less, especially gold per turn deals), and/or much more aggressive with the trading of techs/contacts (BUT IN THEIR OWN TURN!!) would be much better solution.
Still, PLEASE, I would like a response from Firaxis. It doesn´t have to be much. Just say that it was a design decision (meaning I go back to pre-patch), or that the game in its patched state, should not be doing this.
Originally posted by player1
It's probably done to dicourage tech boreker strategy, where human players buys tech from strongest AI, and then sells it to the weaker AI.
what really makes me angry is , that firaxis try to deactivate any strategic possibility. only thing we seem to be allowed to is shuffling units around and building temples.
older/other civ-versions gave as much more possibilities.
i didnt liked the IFE-thing, and never used it, but:
wheres the point in not allowing those weired people to micromanage 40 workers for a few shields more? when someone wants to cheat in a singleplayer game -wheres the problem????
using some exploits is one thing, but if you really want to disable cheating, than please deactivate all mods and the editor. cheating this way is much more efficient.
but everything that was changed to prevent players from using some minor exploits also punishes all other players.
more than that: with the incredible AI-cheating, former non-cheaters are forced to use exploits(making the right special units stronger and so on). just because the AI-cheating makes us EXTREMLY angry
hanZLast edited by hanZ; December 11, 2001, 03:27.There have been no new posts in the last 1396 days to your subscribed threads.
patch announcement and readme.txt stated that we can now build palace and spaceship parts in one city only. does that mean that the ship parts can only be built in once city at a time or that no two cities can build the same spaceship part(s)? i loaded my old game on new patch and finished it off without much difference as to the spaceship building...it was too easy....
it was great to see the tech costs going up and it provided for a more interesting and challenging game. one thing, though, UN still looks a bit cheap given its benefits, and the diplo victory now seems even 'lighter' in the light of the somewhat harder space victory (tech costs going up). yeah, i know, editor can fix that.....
after playing for an hour last night ,i noticed several things:
-i really dont know if its a bug or not,but if i do a "pillage" action (tried that with a modern tank and mech inf unit)
they do an attack animation (only in one direction-west, or is it a north west,i just dont remember.)
is it meant to do that animation??or is it a bug?
-another bug(?)- suddenly, i got enemy units from no where all around my territory,and i found out that the show enemy/friends animation was turned off, so apparently i didn't saw them coming. got into preference screen and turned all animations on (as i recall they were all on since the beginning ),got back in the game but animation for friends/enemy moves was still off,i had to fight with that option several times,going in and out of the pref screen, until he finely excepted and stayed with my preference choice..
-there is a slight delay in units sounds.the effect activates after the unit has already moved, or in the middle of moving.
few positive things-
-city disorder pop up-thanx a lot, it really helps!
- getting much more popup windows after the patch (AI trade request,empire status according to other civilizations) and the overall feeling is that the AI is more involved and interact then before.
-i really cant put my finger on it but is there a change in some graphics??like trees or something,or is it just me needing a good sleep,and a pair of glasses??,i realy think that there is a slight graphic improvement then before.
--gray transparent line under the doted border color-its really makes them strong looking and easy to see on various land types,good improvement.
and a little question here-can i modify or change the shadow under the pop numbers? (i asked and mentioned that before in several threads, but haven't got any answer. its really really REALLY the thing that upset me the most after the patch,maybe because i do graphics for a living and i am more aware of graphic glitch).
oh man, i really love this game!Last edited by m_m_x; December 11, 2001, 05:39.
Re: I wish all I could complain about is gameplay/AI
Originally posted by PN
...but since I installed the patch I have had 8 crashes, all with new games (not old save games). I had no crashes with the out of the box version.
On the last crash, the game gives me DataIO Operation System Error: RPLE errors and will not load my newest save games.
I've attached a listing from Norton CrashGuard which trapped all the crashes and logged them.
I'm running Win98SE UK
Matrox G400 16MB
Creative SB Live! Value
MS Intellipoint Mouse
Diamond Supra 56K modem
A-Open DVD-9632 (my install drive for the game)
Crative Blaster 1210e CD-RW
I have also logged this fault at Infogrames.
Desert DogThanks ~ Desert Fox (Real Nickname)
Fleet Admiral - NeoTech Games Network - Game News & Game Modding Community
With respect to the shaded population numbers and the origin of their change having to do with starving Romans...
It is understandable that the numbers need some shading. Particularly given the graphical presentation of the city info boxes. No one is complaining about the shading per se.
What we are saying is that the shading of the numbers is rendered INCORRECTLY, thus giving a good idea a bad result. Let me show you what we mean:
Bad (and current) shading:
Good (and needed) shading:
Can you see the difference?"Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham