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v1.16f: Issues? Bugs? This is the thread

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  • Bug 1:Missing/Wrong attack-animations from Bombers
    Description: When ordered to bomb a certain city the bomber sometimes does not "bomb" (the graphic for the explosions are not shown). Or sometimes it can happen that the bomber is not shown at all (or only at the tile where he exits his run).
    This happens always with the same cities.

    Bug 2: Ships bombarding - Wrong attack-animations
    Description: The facing of the bombarding unit is sometimes not correct. Have seen this with ships. Again, it is reproducable because it is tile dependant.

    Wish1: Advances get handled before cities gets handled
    Description: At the beginning of a turn, first should there be the new advance handled (if there is any) and then the cities. Because when you get a better unit you cannot build it in those cities that pop up during the beginning of the turn. You have to manually change all this cities back afterwards.

    Wish2: Better Diplomatic Handling
    Description: Sometimes you really do not know why they are mad at you. In addition the advisor considers other civs friends that you (as player) surely do not considered this way.



    • Wish 3 : Improve automated worker
      Description : When automated, the workers change irrigated tiles to mine and my cities all begin to starve Automation to pollution handling only would be great improvement.

      Wish 4 : Improve Governor
      Description : When a square gets polluted and then cleaned afterwards the square may not be assigned to the city it earlier belonged. Even though that city is starving. If the square produces food and a city which is starving is in reach it should be assigned to it. If it produces no food, just assign it to the city that originally worked this tile.

      Wish 5 : Option to disable some of the "Are you serious" message boxes



      • Originally posted by Atahualpa
        Wish 3 : Improve automated worker
        Description : When automated, the workers change irrigated tiles to mine and my cities all begin to starve Automation to pollution handling only would be great improvement.
        Try Shift-A instead. That automates the Worker without it doing anything to previously worked tiles.


        • Apologies if this has been posted previously.

          I am playing the patched version of Civ 3 for the first time on Tutorial level. I have experienced the following crashes/ problems:

          1. The game crashed when A. Leader (Barbarians ) contacted me for the first time. His image briefly before the crash was a very red looking Abe Lincoln.

          2. On reloading, there is no image for the Barbarian leader on the foreign relations advisor screen.

          3. When I attempt to contact the Barbarian by clicking the area where his image should be the game crashes.

          Is this a previously known problem with a work around? If so, I would be grateful if someone could advise me of the solution.

          Many Thanks.


          • Huh?

            How did the Barbarians get hold of a city in the first place? Afaik, they only terrorise conquered cities; disrupt production, steal money etc.
            MonsterMan's Mod:


            • Re: Huh?

              Originally posted by MonsterMan
              How did the Barbarians get hold of a city in the first place? Afaik, they only terrorise conquered cities; disrupt production, steal money etc.
              They should also be able to raze towns as well IMO. I like them, (I set mine to Raging), but I think they're rather lame. Except of course when a horde of about 20 Horseman descend upon me. They should at least be able to raze some size 1 town in the middle of nowhere.


              • just to elaborate on my post above, the error happened again just now
                here's what happens

                and here's a savegame just before it if anyone has any idea how to fix this without having to sort out the cities causing the crash

                ps - it only just happened so i havent reloaded and tried getting past it so i dont know whether it will happen when another city goes into civil disorder or what


                • I think you have activated the choice of getting a pop-up when cities go into disorder. Try disabling that in the preferences settings. Or reload your previous save, find Nuremberg, open the city screen and click on the center (city) icon in the map. See what happens.
                  MonsterMan's Mod:


                  • Willem: thanks


                    • Bug 3 : Negotiating in diplomacy
                      Description : When you ask the AI to make an offer, but then do not accept it and leave it on the table as they offered it and ask what the AI thinks off it, it says they do not accept. Even though its the offer they made. When you ask them again to make an offer they come up with the same offer which you can accept of course.



                      • Originally posted by Atahualpa
                        Bug 3 : Negotiating in diplomacy
                        Description : When you ask the AI to make an offer, but then do not accept it and leave it on the table as they offered it and ask what the AI thinks off it, it says they do not accept. Even though its the offer they made. When you ask them again to make an offer they come up with the same offer which you can accept of course.

                        Here's another that just happened to me recently. I came across a Civ, who asked if I wanted to exchange World maps. At first I was going to accept but then I decided to see what would happen if I asked them what they'd offer for my World map. They gave me their World map, the original deal, plus Mapmaking and 530 gold. Not exactly Wall Street material that's for sure!


                        • Originally posted by MonsterMan
                          I think you have activated the choice of getting a pop-up when cities go into disorder. Try disabling that in the preferences settings. Or reload your previous save, find Nuremberg, open the city screen and click on the center (city) icon in the map. See what happens.
                          i hadnt thought of disabling the popup, but after sorting out all my cities manually the crashes stopped for a few turns

                          but then, a little later, it just crashed after building a wonder

                          I read earlier in this thread that savegames can get corrupt and not have any noticeable effect until later in the game, well thats my guess for this reoccuring bug

                          if i knew where it created the error log would that be any help?


                          • Re: What did they patch anyway

                            Originally posted by mattbolas

                            4) The use of " Strategic resources" still does not work. Often the game goes back in time because you run out of rubber or whatever.
                            When in real history has a nation had to make swordsman instead of infantry ? It is just not realistic, and badly cripples the game. I have taken to using the editor to allow the units to be built when the advance is meet, and ignore the "Strategic resource" nonsense.

                            Hey Jeff, it just doesn't work !! The game in general is not balanced
                            Hey i disagree dude,I think resources add a very interesting extra to the game ... leave it be!
                            No uranium ... no nukes ... whats wrong with that!
                            No oil well then steam it is ... what else you gonna burn?

                            Firaxis ... good job ... my only negative comment : I want multiplayer pleeeeeessse!


                            • Don't know if I'd classify it as a bug but...

                              Don't know if I'd classify it as a bug but...

                              I found something that is at least interesting and it may have occured before the patch as well, I just did not have the experiance with the game to notice it then.

                              If you have captured workers from other Civilizations, the rate that they are able to perform different actions IE: build roads irrigate etc.. seems to be determined by the style of government that their orriginal civilization is using not your civilization.

                              IE :

                              if I am the germans and I capture an english worker and I am in Democracy and the English are in despotisim or for an even more extreme difference Anarchy their workers will take much longer than mine to perform an equivilant action.

                              I could understand this more if I was an industrious CIV and they were just not getting the industrious bonus but in my experiance this does not seem to be the case.

                              Just my two cents worth.


                              • Re: Don't know if I'd classify it as a bug but...

                                Originally posted by Harper
                                Don't know if I'd classify it as a bug but...

                                I found something that is at least interesting and it may have occured before the patch as well, I just did not have the experiance with the game to notice it then.

                                If you have captured workers from other Civilizations, the rate that they are able to perform different actions IE: build roads irrigate etc.. seems to be determined by the style of government that their orriginal civilization is using not your civilization.

                                IE :

                                if I am the germans and I capture an english worker and I am in Democracy and the English are in despotisim or for an even more extreme difference Anarchy their workers will take much longer than mine to perform an equivilant action.

                                I could understand this more if I was an industrious CIV and they were just not getting the industrious bonus but in my experiance this does not seem to be the case.

                                Just my two cents worth.
                                Captured Workers always take twice as long to complete a task as your own workers. The only exception as I understand is that, if you are an industrious civ, the bonus gets them working at the normal rate.

