I've been lurking for several weeks and have wanted to ask this question - And I ask in all seriousness.....
Yin and Venger - Do either one of you have any programming experience? If you do, would you find a venture capitalist and form a gaming software company? I would like to play the version of Civilization that your suggestions would bring about.
If neither one of you actually knows how to program, would you find a friend who does. Tell him (or her) your ideas and make a game that would really be the Civ Game to beat all Civ Games.
As for the rest of the "whiners," stop whining and do something about it. Consumer dissatisfaction is one of the biggest motivators in starting new businesses. So, go out and start your own software house and produce really cool games. (Just don't sell-out like it appears Firaxis has).
Most of the problems you post are valid. The game is not what you expected. I'm not entirely satisfied with the game (but for some reason I keep playing it.) I challenge you to do something about it instead of just complaining. If you all pooled you resources and ideas, you would be able to make your vision of what a Civ game should be into reality. Heck, if there were enough of you, a proxy bid could be made to take control of Infogreed and the rights to the Civilization name.
Besides being responsible for creating the greatest game ever, think of all the wonderful responses those fanboys you currently despise would give you. The tons of money wouldn't be all that bad either.
If anyone out there actually acts on this, keep me in mind for the job of Tech Writer.
Deornwulf - The English Teacher
Yin and Venger - Do either one of you have any programming experience? If you do, would you find a venture capitalist and form a gaming software company? I would like to play the version of Civilization that your suggestions would bring about.

If neither one of you actually knows how to program, would you find a friend who does. Tell him (or her) your ideas and make a game that would really be the Civ Game to beat all Civ Games.
As for the rest of the "whiners," stop whining and do something about it. Consumer dissatisfaction is one of the biggest motivators in starting new businesses. So, go out and start your own software house and produce really cool games. (Just don't sell-out like it appears Firaxis has).

Most of the problems you post are valid. The game is not what you expected. I'm not entirely satisfied with the game (but for some reason I keep playing it.) I challenge you to do something about it instead of just complaining. If you all pooled you resources and ideas, you would be able to make your vision of what a Civ game should be into reality. Heck, if there were enough of you, a proxy bid could be made to take control of Infogreed and the rights to the Civilization name.
Besides being responsible for creating the greatest game ever, think of all the wonderful responses those fanboys you currently despise would give you. The tons of money wouldn't be all that bad either.

If anyone out there actually acts on this, keep me in mind for the job of Tech Writer.
Deornwulf - The English Teacher