Software houses and publishers have been far more forthcoming with patch information and general feedback, and have produced superb games. The mushroom treatment is not necessary in order to get a patch out.
A little recognition of problems would be a good thing, but not so little that it leaves most people frustrated. Perhaps a long, comprehensive list of people's problems, the relative difficulty, a very tentative schedule would alleviate the axieties of many players.
Firaxis are not miracle workers! They have only a limited amount of resources, and have to work with Infogrames (I'm presuming - if the patch release quality control is anything like what I remember of the SMAC patches - that some kind of authorisation is required) and these things take time.
Yin is right - PR is not an afterthought. Whether you're a furniture maker, a software house, or a supermarket, customer service is EVERYTHING to the company that wants to make money. Hype will only go so far. Quality of product and aftersales service count for a LOT.
Isn' there some kind of quote that says for every disgruntled customer, you lose ten sales? Word of mouth is POWERFUL.
[QOUTE] Alienating your customer base is Not A Good Thing. Look what happened with SMAC and ACOL. Many of the ACOLytes were Civ fans when they bought SMAC, but because of certain PR blunders by Firaxis (some of which they appear to be repeating) they created a community of people who will NEVER buy another Firaxis game, no matter how good.
One patch is better than no patches. Be thankful.
A mostly fixed game is better than a hastily patched game. Be vigilant. [/QUOTE]
All true. we had to go through what, six or seven patches for Civ2. I never played CTP or CTP2, so I am not sure how many patches there are for those games.
I do think that for the majority of Civ3 gamers (those of us who are not big fans of MP) are that upset over the product that was sold. It wasn't as buggy as it could have been, and the majority of the bugs affecting gameplay have been resolved with this first patch.
Besides, I like to try and beat the game first before modding it, so waiting for an editor is not driving me up the proverbial wall.