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Patch Update

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  • Please Fix Deposing

    I think everyone is happy with the way cultural works, aside from one thing, the deposing of cities.

    I believe in an interview a firaxian was asked about troops staying during a depose and replied, "what else would they do?"

    I can tell you, they would either see the inevitable and retreat, or would wager that they could stand up to the revolutionaries and stay and fight.

    I realize with a lot of troops the deposing chances are lower (although it still seems a bit odd, I don't even keep troops in cities I capture anymore, after one bad experience of losing 12 or so tanks to a depose), but we should get options:

    The advisor should come up and say the citizens of such and such city are nearing a revolt, should we:

    1. Retreat from the city.


    2. Bloodily put down the revolt.

    In civ2 partisans always appeared. Similarly, a the number of citizens that wanted to revolt could turn into partisans and get free attacks on your troops (with your troops receiving no city defense bonuses) and if they win they get the city, if they lose, you keep it.

    Reasonable consequences could be set down such as it provoking war with the nation they were defecting to...and any citizens of your nation that share a nationality with the revolters could be come unhappy for a period of time.

    I know there were a number of times I would've let some of the deposing cities go for fear of provoking my neighbors or upsetting my populace....but at times of war when on an offensive, I'd be damned if I'd let a recently captured interior city depose to my opponent with out a bloody fight, and risk losing valuable supply lines.

    The way war works now, it's either raze everything...or take city, buy temple, buy cathedral, buy library, buy university, etc. and then hope they don't defect....

    During WWII did Hitler slap a bunch of churches up to make the people happy? NO, he just knew the citizens of the occupied city wouldn't be about to revolt with a bunch of troops there.

    PLEASE, PLEASE tell us something is gonna be done about this in the patch, in the current state it ruins the game.

    Everything is stacked against war, the corruption, the loss of cities to's way easier to win by sitting around and developing science and building a spaceship without ever firing a shot.


    • Agre 100% with you bahoo

      You're solutions are excellent and would make it much better


      • They DID say it was out this week right? *hasn't seen anything*


        • "available some time next week"

          NEXT week

          Large for the apparent blind people in this thread.


          • Oops. =]


            • Can somebody from Firaxis give a rough outline of what is expected to be fixed with this patch?
              *grumbles about work*


              • Re: Thank you!

                Originally posted by James7654
                I wish to thank Firaxis for finally convincing me to NEVER buy a game before it is patched, no matter how enthusiastic I am about it beforehand.
                Well, some of us tryed to warn the community of the expected trouble... Yin26, Jeje2, myself, just to name a few, spended many efforts and time posting about bad signs.

                Too bad many call us with bad names...
                Now I see there are people really happy with the game AS IS, and I don't want to insult them. Simply it's clear today that the game suffers to be quite less that the fantastic new TBS leader: it miss the target of "revolutionize the TBS world" or "resurrect the TBS genre".
                "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
                - Admiral Naismith


                • Dear all, I said we should go have a holiday in Marseille. That's an admission of my guilt.

                  Luv you all all the same


                  • will a patch fix the lump of coal in your stocking ?
                    Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


                    • Originally posted by Shadowstrike
                      Can somebody from Firaxis give a rough outline of what is expected to be fixed with this patch?
                      Air superiority, some minor balance issues, probably the broken coastal fortress, possibly some fixes for a few people that are having video problems. Don't expect too much, just the serious stuff. It's already been rumored there's no update to the editor.

                      To the whiners that expect the combat rules to be changed to what they were in Civ2: forget it. They ain't gonna unbalace the game for you.


                      • I'd prefer Firaxis making statements about the contents of the patch and not some self proclaimed "insider". Thank you.


                        • Originally posted by eRAZOR
                          I'd prefer Firaxis making statements about the contents of the patch and not some self proclaimed "insider". Thank you.
                          Who put a bug up your @ss, and elected you thread Nazi? If you don't want to read my speculations, then don't. Pretty simple, huh? Jerk.


                          • Originally posted by Woody

                            To the whiners that expect the combat rules to be changed to what they were in Civ2: forget it. They ain't gonna unbalace the game for you.

                            So you think Spearmen should be able to beat Tanks? That sure sounds balanced to me. Not. There are major balance issues with this game and the last time I checked you don't speak for Firaxis. The "whiners" ,as you and others like to label them, have a legitimate complaint about how combat is resolved in the game. When a magazine such as PCGAMER points this problem out in their review of the game I think it is a valid complaint.


                            • Will there be a "patrol" function like SMAC in the patch? I want to protect my coastlines but it gets very tedious manually moving them back and forth. Thanks in advance.
                              Nothing beats a Cream of Mushroom Soup Sandwich. Yummy..


                              • My $0.02

                                I'll make this brief, IMHO....

                                "Civ3" IS A VERY GOOD GAME

                                "Civ3" IS NOT "Civ2 + Extras" IT IS A GAME IN ITS OWN RIGHT

                                OK it does have some bugs, it does have some strange quirks but spamming these forums and cursing the programmers of Firaxis there family and future offspring will not solve anything.

                                I honestly find the patience of Firaxis amazing given the abuse they have had on this and other websites.

                                If we can all keep our head and respond positivly to Firaxis (and yes positive critisism IS POSSIBLE) then i'm sure Firaxis will listen to us and will in each instance either fully fix the problem, amend it, or patiently explain to us that this is the new way things are done.

                                I personnally would prefer NOT to see a Civ4 anytime in the near future (yes I said NOT). Instead I would prefer to see Firaxis build on the foundations they have with Civ3, now i'm not a serious programmer but even I can see that Civ3 is designed to be heavily customizable which means that if we are mature and adult about the way we complain about bugs it will be easy for Firaxis to fix them, and when the eventual editor tools appear they will be very extensive!!!

                                Give Firaxis a break and they will work on the problems, then once Infogrammes have run out of copies of Civ3 they can start selling copies of Civ3.1 (to those who don't have Civ3, im not advocating selling existing Civ3 users a patched version)

                                Be constructive and Civ3 will have a long future.

                                Last edited by Vonotar; December 2, 2001, 14:00.
                                "Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." - Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc, 1989
                                AIM/YAHOO: Vonotar1975 MSN/EMAIL: ICQ: 123236923

