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Patch Update

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  • Will the new patch work with nVidia graphic cards?

    I'm getting rather bored of staring at my blinking monitor.
    "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "


    • Something I'd like fixed. Speed up the period in between turns. I've taken to reading, cleaning, leaving the room and lying down on my bed, and watching tv and playing during commercial breaks.

      I'm seriously annoyed by the governors.

      Not being able to move stacks is only mildy annoying.

      I thought there were only supposed to be limited number of resources in the world, yet in my current game, I have almost half the world's iron (7, out of 12 civs), but I'm only trading away two iron. I thought there there was only supposed to be one resource per civ.

      Frankly, I liked the building in SMAC (continued building same unit until I made it build something else) as well as the tech advancement system (never knew what I was gonna get until I got it).

      I really like the diplomacy and culture system.

      Mostly I like the game. Once you learn to adapt to the new way to play, it's kinda fun. Forts are necessary to defend your territory, you need a mixed military to take and hold ground.
      Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


      • Originally posted by Th0mas

        I just wish he would lay-off the purile personal attacks.....

        A shame really, personal attacks are purely done to belittle anothers point of view, which hardly portrays you as someone who has concidered all the points before making your argument.

        ...and if he was face to face with whoever he was debating with, some of his comments would certainly ellicit a painful and explosive response.
        I think you'll find most of my "personal attacks" are retaliatory in nature. I disagree with many in this forum who I have profound respect for but who I always have good converstations with. Then you come to guys like LaRusso, Woody, etc., who only contribute bomb throwing to a thread, usually kicking it off by calling people names.

        If I was face to face with them, they'd likely not begin with the name calling in the first place...



        • I thought there there was only supposed to be one resource per civ.
          That's a universal allocation, not a local one. It would really be impossible to do a local per civ allocation without knowing precisely to where each civ will expand.
          "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


          • Originally posted by Ramo
            Will the new patch work with nVidia graphic cards?

            I'm getting rather bored of staring at my blinking monitor.
            Maybe this will help.
            "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


            • In a vain effor to bring this thread back on topic....

              There seem to be three camps with respect to the complexion of the patch:

              1) Minimalist: patch will fix gross bugs and reduce corruption

              2) Optimist: Firaxis has been listening to our complaints and will attempt to "fix" the game to our specifications

              3) Pragmatist: Firaxis had to stop developing the code (yes, prematurely) some time before it went gold. As a result, there is much more than 3 weeks of bug-fixes involved. There could be significant enhancements, especially to the editor. However, the list of things that users have complaints about will likely not be addressed unless the developers agree they are "broken."

              I make no effort to conceal where I fall in this discussion. As frustrating as it is to not be given direct answers about the patch, I think we've been given enough hints to know.

              BTW: Kudos to Libertarian and Venger for the way they have conducted themselves.

              I'm not sure I understand all the complaining--the game is highly customizable.


              • Have there been any updates about the release date of said patch? Aside from the very first post, I don't see them anywhere.
                “It is no use trying to 'see through' first principles. If you see through everything, then everything is transparent. But a wholly transparent world is an invisible world. To 'see through' all things is the same as not to see.”

                ― C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man


                • For the record Yin, I happen to agree with you that it should be possible to move units around in stacks (This is distinct from having armies). This could be as simple as holding down ctrl when you click the mouse to select all units of a stack, or by clicking the right mouse key first. The point I'm making, however, is that these problems are minor and could be solved quite easily with a patch. For the sake of brevity, however, my list was far from DEFINITVE!!



                  • Basically no. Someone over at civfanatics made a post something along the lines of: "I bet it won't be out before Christmas" and Dan responded saying he'd take that bet. But other than that, no new info.


                    • The general civ3 forum over the past few days has basicly become full of threads where people complain about what is wrong in Civ3. I too realize that this game does have bugs in it that need to be fixed and that it almost seems at times that these bugs are so vissible that you begin to wonder how did they not fix these bugs, but the bugs in the game I think are not that bad, and most are only made apartent in the later stages of the game and they do not take away form the game that much. One thing that I think is that they do know about them, but just ran out of time and money to fix the bugs. It was not that they were lazy or something like that, I just think that they just could not get the job done before the deadline.

                      I like Civ3 alot, when I play the game I enjoy very much. I wonder what yin26 would do if he were put in the possition of the people who work at firaxis. It is very easy to sit back and talk, but it is quite different when one is in the actuall situation.
                      By the way some people talk on these forums the make Civ3 like it is the worst game of all time, that the bugs in are so bad that one cannot play the game.

                      In my opion Civ3 is a vast improvement over Civ2. Some of the new features in the game I think are great, but need a little bit of adjustment. I think though that this is because the ideas are new, and as people play the game and give feedback the makers of the game will be able to improve on them. I wish it had mp out of the box, but I can live with that. I also think that Firaxis might release a very good editor that will allow really good scenarios to be made.

                      One more thing I would like to add is that if people want to complain about the game they dont need to start a new thread every time they want to complain. There are already lots of threads that disscuss the complaints people have about Civ3, why do you have to open a new thread every time to complain about Civ3. One I dont understand, if Yin26 hates the game so much, and is not playing it anymore why does he still posts here? Everyone knows that yin26 hates the game, but yin26 does bring out good points form time to time and some of his complaints are valid ones.
                      Donate to the American Red Cross.
                      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                      • Originally posted by Libertarian
                        That's a universal allocation, not a local one. It would really be impossible to do a local per civ allocation without knowing precisely to where each civ will expand.
                        That's not really my beef. I control more than half the world's iron, and yet, even in the Middle Ages, no one was beating down my door to get it. I also had 1/4 of all the horses and coal and saltpeter. I could only sell about half of it. I'd think these civs would need my resources. . . . Esp. when I capture their oil supplies.
                        Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


                        • Che - your seem to be right on the money here. I have nearly all the saltpeter, spices, uranium, and other luxury items, yet it's like pulling teeth to get evan a 4 to 1 trade out of the AI. The AI seems worried about making things hard for the human player, rather than playing to advantage their own Civ. I'd like to see the AI play for it's advantage, not solely for my disadvantage..



                          • Originally posted by Venger
                            Che - your seem to be right on the money here. I have nearly all the saltpeter, spices, uranium, and other luxury items, yet it's like pulling teeth to get evan a 4 to 1 trade out of the AI. The AI seems worried about making things hard for the human player, rather than playing to advantage their own Civ. I'd like to see the AI play for it's advantage, not solely for my disadvantage..

                            Soren Johnston, from Firaxis, has stated that the AIs do not know whether they are negotiating with the human or another AI.

                            Are you calling him a liar?

                            Or are you just ignorant to what has already been mentioned here many times, and demonstrating that you don't know what you are talking about (again, and again, and again...)


                            • stoppppppppp

                              hey venger

                              i'm new at this forum (although i'm a 'veteran' player of civ) but i have already noticed that your posts are always negative about the game, and sometimes you even run out of what more to say to blame this game and start saying crazy things and make guesses like the one above about the AI and the human player!!!!!!.

                              since you don't like this game at all and it has so many bugs as you say, then play something else. play red alert or monkey island or alone in the dark or colin mcrae or alien vs predator or wing commander or fifa 2002 or unreal tournament or mortal kombat 4 version3 or tetris or pacman or zaxxon or arkanoid.

                              when i don't like a game i just throw it in the garbage.i don't talk about it or join forums and talk evrry day about how bad it is.

                              Q: how many threads have u started with complaints about he game? i would be very interested to know.
                              Justice for all...........


                              • AI trade needs to be more reasonable!

                                If it's an ally or at least a friendly regime, then it should offer fair trade. Critical resources like iron, saltpeter, oil, and rubber should be relatively available to all, except during war.
                                "I've spent more time posting than playing."

