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German release/translation gaff

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  • #91
    I think that Firaxis should create a special version for German players which include a new unit called 'InfoGrames Lawyer'

    I don't understand this...the German legal system does not allow people to consult with their lawyer before admitting guilt on court-admissable material? Not only is Infogrames whack, the German legal system is whack too.
    "The only dangerous amount of alcohol is none"-Homer Simpson


    • #92
      Thats not the problem. Of course he got time to consult his lawyer, however, his lawyer is currently in vacation , so he asked infogrames for a little more time.

      Infogrames rejected his offer, either sign now or sign not at all.

      However, so far as i understand it, Infogrames wants to hold him responsible for any lost revenue that may have been created because of their translation.

      That this is totally inacceptable i won't have to tell you. The translation is on the net, you can find it on edonkey, bearshare, everywhere. The financial consequences for his family if he signs it, could be dramatic.


      • #93
        Say hey,

        Shouldn't we all start our own lawsuit against Infogrames, for listing things on the box which are not included inside the box? What exactly does the blurb on the box say about the editor, I can't remember.

        This is half-joking


        Dr. Charm


        • #94
          Originally posted by dr.charm
          What exactly does the blurb on the box say about the editor, I can't remember.
          Translated from Swedish:
          A game editor is included, where you make your own scenarios, maps or change the rules exactly as you want.
          The Danish begins with
          Game editor included, which makes it possible to change everything in the game...
          And the Norwegian says
          Now also with a "game editor", which lets you change everything in the game – map, mission and rules.
          Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


          • #95
            Well then, a pretty clear case of false advertising, right? I mean if Infogrames feels that it can go after these poor sods in Germany, why can't we go after them for false advertising? Now all we need is someone to take the case on, pro bono


            Dr. Charm


            • #96
              The ignorance astounds me.

              This fan was making something that infogrames had plans to sell. It is the equivalent of leaking a beta out before release
              Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

              Do It Ourselves


              • #97
                Originally posted by Nemo

                you are quite right in your reasoning. however, at least this time, i was questioning their consumer relations, not the quality of their product (thats in other threads ). so, if they sold a game that was $20 but came with no support, and was half-@ss, but was a good game (which they do make good games), then i would buy it, cause, well, you get what you pay for. but for $65(!) I expect at least tech support, and to not have sooo many issues.
                they are just so anti-consumer (which this lawsuit emphisizes), why spend more than the game is worth, since you get nothing for it, other than an unfinished game with no support? if i could find infogrames games that are similar to Civ3 for $20, i'd buy it, but it doesnt work that way...its either pay $50 or piracy, so given those choices, i choose justified piracy. and since i just spent about 36 hours beta testing Civ3(after that i gave up, which is why i am in the forums now) their game for them (yes, my emails were that informative, and I even sent them fixes when i found them), and i get paid $25 and hour as a student, that means i can get about $650 worth of games for free, and since each game is $50, then i get about 13 games that i can get for free, for my services. my last email even asked for a discount on my next infogrames games for all the issues this game has...maybe i should just send them my lawyer and demand my repayment next time
       left out the option of "do without the game". This is what you should do rather than piracy OR paying an amount you feel is unjustified. (It's like saying...I shoplift the overpriced stuff only...fair priced stuff I buy.)

                Obviously you are being cute with your comments about payment for time spent playing civ3. They have no obligations here. (elsewise...I'd just play bad games all year round and ask for a 50K/year salary for it....that's what 25/hr equals.)


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Skanky Burns
                  If a translation by fans takes place, this would cause the number of "Translated Civ" sales to drop. However, this would be offset exactly by an increase in sales of the US version. If the infogames business model is too out of date to take advantage of this situation, then they will and should suffer a loss. It balances out. Perhaps it could even save the time of the guy who is sitting at his terminal, feeding in lines of Civ 3 text into babbelfish...
                  Same company, practically the same product, but causing a massive public relations fiasco.
                  2 issues:

                  1. The English version may be selling cheaper than the German one.
                  2. The distribution channels in GE may lose some "scale".


                  • #99
                    true, but it is not just a matter of different markets. its also a matter of making a statement that you can only buy the game for your country, and your screwed if you cant speak english, and your screwed if you try to make it understandable. its like nauthorized country codes for DVD's (which, imo, is a crock of sh-t to begin with). and its also a matter of releasing the other 1/2 of the game that they promised, just for more money. (MP) they originally said MP was included, and even took orders for this game while the inclusion of MP was posted onthe official website. so, i am sorry, but this is bad.
                    It doesn't matter how many curse words you put there. If they want to control release in different languages they can.

                    The MP issue is a seperate issue and the only people wronged are those who ordered the game and then didn't know about the MP change. It has nothing to do with the Germans...or with you.
                    Last edited by TCO; November 26, 2001, 15:44.


                    • Therefore I think this action had another background. IG did not take the translation project seriously. Now it put out, however, that the translation gets on very rapid and is likewise very professional. How looks that if a few fans get the translation clearly faster and better than themselves? !? I think that was the true motivation to stop the projekt for IG.

                      I mailed them my opinion with some nice words muhahahaha. Maybe i get a mail from their lawyer too *g*.



                      • Originally posted by kittenOFchaos
                        Funny how Dan from firaxis will wash his hands of this one or just plain avoid it...I think civ3 is great and will get better with modding, but this is almost in spite of firaxis and infogram.

                        Well, considering that:

                        A) The only substantive information I know about this is what's been posted here, and

                        B) To my knowledge it has nothing to do with, or any of Firaxis' web presence,

                        There is nothing I can really say or do to ameliorate the situation. I don't know where the idea came from that I'm some omnipotent demigod who knows all and can make things right with a wave of my hand, but I'm here to tell you it just isn't true. If it was, I wouldn't be in the doghouse with my wife so much, that's for sure.

                        I comment and/or assist in threads where I have knowledge of a topic and the ability to help, and don't in threads where I don't/can't. I hope you can understand and respect that.

                        Dan Magaha
                        Firaxis Games, Inc.


                        • Dan,

                          Do you have knowledge of when the first patch will be released then? Oh, and the ability to tell us?


                          Dr. Charm


                          • Originally posted by Dan Magaha FIRAXIS

                            I don't know where the idea came from that I'm some omnipotent demigod who knows all and can make things right with a wave of my hand, but I'm here to tell you it just isn't true.
                            Excuse me, I have been sacrificeing one virgin goat every day for the past 14 days in your honor. Color me "embarrased"!!!


                            • Originally posted by Farmer Jimbo

                              Excuse me, I have been sacrificeing one virgin goat every day for the past 14 days in your honor. Color me "embarrased"!!!
                              No need to be, that didn't work for me either.

                              Dan Magaha
                              Firaxis Games, Inc.


                              • Originally posted by dr.charm

                                Do you have knowledge of when the first patch will be released then? Oh, and the ability to tell us?


                                Dr. Charm

                                I don't know for sure but we should be getting close. It will cover quite a bit of ground, so please be patient..

                                Dan Magaha
                                Firaxis Games, Inc.

