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German release/translation gaff

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  • Originally posted by Dan Magaha FIRAXIS
    I don't know for sure but we should be getting close. It will cover quite a bit of ground, so please be patient..

    You will not fix the bugs with sea and air then
    (As the last settler on a boat thing)
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


    • In the US copyright laws allow fair use...modifying software like we do for Civ3 and other games is something that companies always claim the right to prohibit in liscencing agreements, but is one of those things thats sort of up in the air as far as legality is'd have to ask a lawyer (I'm not quite there yet) to be sure, but I believe that whether the modification of a program violates fair use hasn't been tested yet because courts and companies keep finding ways to dodge the issue every time it comes up.

      I have no idea what the situation is in Germany. It may be that modification of the software is explicitly illegal, and even though Firaxis is an American company and Infogames is British (? - I'm not sure on that), German law would apply.

      So it may be that it is legal/quasi-legal for us to produce mods in the US, but illegal there. Which makes you think, what if the translation were being produced here?


      • Originally posted by wervdon
        I don't know what the relation between firaxis/infogrames is, but id find it highly amusing if they dumped them for their next title ;P Its not like they couldn't get just about any publisher they want, assuming they are the ones who hold all the copyrights and infogrames doesn't own all their stock Course business isnt my speciality, so I could bt totally off on how those things work. It does clearly seem to be a case of a good developer, really lousy publisher though.
        The fact is that Infogrames is now part of Hasbro, which owns the rights to the Civilization III name (since they bought MicroProse a while ago)
        In Soviet Russia, Fake borises YOU.


        • Originally posted by Oncle Boris
          The fact is that Infogrames is now part of Hasbro, which owns the rights to the Civilization III name (since they bought MicroProse a while ago)
          actually, Infogrames owns what used to be a part of Hasbro, Hasbo Interactive(HI).

          HI owns the civilization name rights....
          Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
          Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
 my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


          • Originally posted by GP
            It's like saying...I shoplift the overpriced stuff only...fair priced stuff I buy.
            Actually that is what I am saying. Look, as a John Doe consumer, you or I have absolutely no power to win a debacle with a gaming conglomerate in court. Not only that, but the US court history shows that they tend to side with the company rather than the consumer. So there is no way to win this legally, even if I had the money. Face it, we are in a capitalist society that squashes every consumer, and downsizes its staff any chance they can get, without any quorums. So, if this is the only way to 'speak out', the only way for them to hear John Doe (since they obviously don't respond to emails) ...well, so be it.

            Obviously you are being cute with your comments about payment for time spent playing civ3.
            actually, I am being cute with most of what I say as I look at my stack of games, not one of them is pirated...why? ...because if I don't like the 'demo' I don't play it. If I like the 'demo' I buy it. (I mean, it's not the programmers I am mad at here, it is the corporation for being a bunch of uncaring winnies, so i am morally to give the programmers their money for their hard work, without buying the crap that the corperation pushes out the door.) I'm just infuriated by the fact that infogrames produces a game without any concern for ripping off the consumers, but then complains about it when some one rips them off. They are a bunch of hypocrites, and that's what pisses me off the most.
            They have no obligations here.
            If you mean no obligation to pay me...of course they don't. If you mean no obligation to produce a product that works and then charge full price for it, I disagree.
            Last edited by Nemo; November 27, 2001, 00:29.


            • Originally posted by GP
              It doesn't matter how many curse words you put there.
              umm, there was one, which i self editted, which was part of a phrase, grow up.
              If they want to control release in different languages they can.
              that depends on the manner in which they do this.

              The MP issue is a seperate issue and the only people wronged are those who ordered the game and then didn't know about the MP change. It has nothing to do with the Germans...or with you.
              actually they are all tied together. MP (for the preorders) and my technical support where included in the price of the package, as was a working game. as with the Germans, it is not that far off either. their is no trade embargo between US and Germany. If the US game is $50 and the local german release is $50 you have to buy ONE of the two versions. now, what difference does it make which one you buy? infograme will get their money either way. its not llike they were selling the mod. there have been MANY mods created using the editor, editing text files and editting graphics files. they have not sued any of those people. and the german mod is nothing more that editing text files. if they decompiled the game to do this or reverse engineered the program, i could see, but that is not the case. so i think that the fact that these people were singled out and are now in an unnecessary legal bout (i mean a nice email requesting them to stop would have done it...and that is essentially free for everyone, except maybe 5 minutes to type and send) is how they TOO were wronged, just like ME and just like the pre-order people for MP.


              • as a quick aside...

                Originally posted by MarkG
                actually, Infogrames owns what used to be a part of Hasbro, Hasbo Interactive(HI).
                My freind Aaron actually got laid off from Habro when Inforgrames took them over.



                • I find some of the views expressed in this thread rather interesting. This in legal terms does NOT apply to just this translation project. It applies to any modification of the retail game in any means, however slight.

                  What is to stop them in 2 months from suing a modder for adding a civ or unit to the game? The EULA does not say any modifications are property of the developer/ publisher. Which was the case for Fallout Tactics. Modding was encourged and legally allowed. But they held the right to use the modded material in any patches/ addons sold later.

                  All they would have to say is we were working on adding that civ to a addon to be sold later. Bam u now have a legal suit and legal costs for doing a mod. Or how about u create a new unit? Same response from the company and BAM, legal costs are your gift for being a Civ3 fan.

                  Lets not stick to adding something to the game. U just modify a unit. Think the cruise missle should have bigger range? Maybe other people like that idea too. Now lets say u change it and post it to a website or forum. All the company needs to do is point to the EULA. BAM, thanks for trying to make Civ3 better. Here is your lawsuit. Oh and we think u should pay for the priviledge to be bent over by our company in court.

                  The EULA did not worry me at first. That phrase is in a lot of games that are modded by their fanbase at great length. But never have i seen a company willing to sue over a free mod. This is one game I will never mod for anyone else besides myself.

                  And yes I will continue to buy a Civ4 etc... But I guarantee it will be a few months after its made and for 15-20 dollars and NOT 40 after its release. Thats my 2 cents on this lawsuit.


                  • Precisely. For the less *ahem* observant poster above who suggests our worry about this is 'ignorant,' please wake up.
                    The ignorance astounds me.
                    Yes, indeed it does.
                    I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

                    "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


                    • Re: as a quick aside...

                      Originally posted by Field Marshal Klesh
                      My freind Aaron actually got laid off from Habro when Inforgrames took them over.

                      perhaps he was working on Hasbro Interactive (electronic games subsidiary) and not on (main) Hasbro?
                      Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                      Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
             my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                      • if anyone should be in the need of this civ III translation, look here: ht*p://
                        it's the latest german translation patch for civ III.
                        go, get it!


                        • We have logged your IP. Hope you have $500 burning a hole in your pocket. Oh, also: Bring a pen. You're gonna need to sign something soon.


                          I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

                          "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


                          • a pen? oh sure, i will sign a license to kill you! FU!


                            Last edited by joker_civ3ger; November 27, 2001, 04:28.


                            • Your abusive language just got you another Cease and Desist order. That's $500 more out of your pocket.

                              Care to go for $1,000 big guy?



                              P.S. Check your mail around Thursday.
                              I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

                              "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


                              • tell me what you want from me. i have the right to post here what i want. if this has to be censored, that's a prob of the admin not yours!

                                btw: the site isn't mine
                                watch your ass..



                                ps: look at the german civ forums, they all hate you!!
                                Last edited by joker_civ3ger; November 27, 2001, 04:52.

