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Another cheap exploit (trade)

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  • #61
    Originally posted by sunshine
    MarkG, if you haven't had a situation in which the ai is ahead of you in tech, maybe you should play on a higher difficulty level?
    i didnt say the ai was never ahead of me, i just said that when it was, it was just 3-4 techs ahead.
    my point was that you can do this exploit a couple of times, but it wont mean that you can win the game cause there's a limit at how much you can get from the ai
    Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
    Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


    • #62
      Civ3 has fallen...and it can't get up!

      Originally posted by fanatic civver
      >How do you know what the bug is?

      Firaxis already stated that it is a variable overflow bug...


      Buggy? Yes. Broken? Only time will tell. Will civ 3 stand the test of time?
      He he, nice TOT quote. I may not have been clear in my quote. The whole game is not broken - I shold have ended that with a question mark for clarity. The whole game is absolutely not broken. However, it's very,very raw with many items needing retooling. I have high hopes, because for every item that needs serious help, there is a new item that is a step forward. With patches, I hope for alot of steps forward and few stpes back.



      • #63
        I will not cast my pearls before swine...

        Originally posted by dr.charm
        Venger seems to be one of the few people here *with* perspective. There are two camps apparently: The 'My favourite little thing isn't in the game, it's irreperably broken, BOYCOTT, BOYCOTT' crowd; and the 'It doesn't matter if air superiority doesn't work, if you think that it should, you obviously think that the game totally sucks and just want to try and damage its reputation' crowd.

        It would be a great if *more* people were like Venger in fact. The game is good, *very* good in fact, but there *are* Firaxis-acknowledged problems with it, one of them being air superiority.


        Dr. Charm
        Thanks dude. I hope y'all don't mind me quoting the whole thing, by Dr. Charm's insight deserves it...he he...

        I think people think that my vociferous objections to some things that are flawed outweigh my great pleasure in seeing the new things that are great. I've stated numerous times, this game has serious, serious potential to be GREAT. Once patched, I doubt I'll play Civ2 anymore. But closing our eyes to problems doesn't make them go away...



        • #64
          Right on home slice

          Originally posted by sunshine
          Well, to me the obvious fix to the exploit I started this thread with is to make the trade pacts last for 20 years. Just like the manual and the civilopedia says they do. If you are unable to produce said item, the ai doesn't receive it- but if, in the course of that twenty years, you become able to produce said item again, the ai gets the surplus. And if you traded for gold/turn, you shouldn't receive that unless the ai gets their resource.

          In other words, make trade work like trade.
          Stated succinctly and correctly. If you aint got the goods, you don't get the gold, and if you dont got the gold, you don't get the goods...


