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firaxians, could you please look into some modern era tweaks

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  • #31

    Crap I justed posted a new thread on this topic...



    • #32
      shameless bump.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Peterk
        Aren't the smoking cities dead giveaways???
        Sure, when you have 7 cities and they fit on a screen. Not so when you have 45 cities on 3 continents.


        • #34
          Re: firaxians, could you please look into some modern era tweaks

          Originally posted by LaRusso
          1. UN vote has to be transparent-
          now we do not know who forms a majority. there has to be some indication (percentage of votes) - or is it just a simple majority of civs?
          Agree. The whole UN idea should really be expanded upon. The world council or whatever in SMAC was much more fun. I'm sure some Earth-type issues could be applied in the same way. Such as:

          Kyoto Accord - majority vote required. Participating nations must reduce their pollution output to a certain level, and gain a cultural boost per turn in so doing.

          Stuff like that would add a lot to the late game.

          2. modern era tech rates -
          i feel that some tech are just too cheap (advanced flight) and make some units obsolete too quickly.
          Yes, but it is VERY easy to edit this stuff; no official tweaks required. I already modified my game to increase all Middle and Industrial Age techs to cost 1/3 more. This makes for a much more enjoyable game, in my opinion.

          3. spaceship should be more expensive-
          Again, very easy to edit to match your personal needs.

          4. general comment - we should be able to see our diplo reputation, and that of the others.
          Maybe this (and other) information could somehow be tied to either a. having an established embassy or b. espionage.

          also, some indication as to the level of war weariness (say level 1 - 5) would be nice
          But isn't it more "realistic" (I hate using that word in reference to this game) as is. I mean, the only indication GW has as to the American public's tolerance for his current "war" is the level of unrest that the population exhibits. There's no "War Weariness Barometer" in the White House.

          i just feel that these tweaks might provide a better game, especially endgame. others, please let me know if your engame observations are similar. cheers!
          The endgame definitely needs just a little more work. I would really like to see the UN idea expanded; that would go a long way to providing some additional strategies in the Modern Age.
          "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
          "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
          "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


          • #35
            FWIW, war weariness seems to kick in 10 turns after war is declared. That means you have 10 turns to complete your objective, get the other guy to start talking to you, and sue for peace.

            There's a post either here or on about how to successfully wage a war in a democracy.

            More diplomatic options involving the UN would definitely be good to have. If being elected is an automatic win, then you should at least be able to trade stuff for votes, and see who's eligible at any one time. For sure, you should be able to see who's controlling how much territory and who has how much population. Right now, the best you can do is go to the demographics screen and see your personal ranking, which helps only slightly. As it is, my game has effectively become a race to build the UN, just so I can stall a vote.
            gamma, aka BuddyPharaoh

