This is a rant. Agree or disagree, but don't whine because you "had" to read a rant.
What's the point of borders if the damn AI doesn't have to abide by them? I was playing an early game with the Russians and was on the same continent as the French, Greeks and English. I had built a lot of early cities and had a fairly contiguous border. I asked REPEATEDLY for my opposition to get out of my territory and they would for a turn, then they'd be right back in my face.
Then they started building cities. First, it was on the outskirts of my borders or in waste areas (deserts). Then they just started plunking down cities that actively interfered with my culture borders. I was getting a bit miffed, but it was still tolerable. Then, they just started building cities INSIDE MY ACTIVE ESTABLISHED CITY LIMITS. That's right. Not only inside my culture borders, but inside my @$#%# city borders - the 2 hex "X" border.
After that, my Civ 3 CD became a $50 frisbee.
Frankly, it's not friggin worth the frustration of trying to build a large, peaceful Civ and having the computer just start plopping down cities in the middle of my empire. It's one thing to do it outside my city borders, where their city won't interfere with mine. Or outside my culture borders, where my city may have not grown outside the 1 hex range yet. It's quite another to have the computer start plunking down cities RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF MY EMPIRE, perhaps because there's one hex that's not covered by any city, but by establishing that city their production radius interferes with a number of my cities. THAT SHOULD BE AN ACT OF WAR!!!
Firaxis forgot the attraction of Civ I and II - it's more fun to create and build than it is to destroy. You really can't play Civ 3 without being a warmonger. Which is a damn shame, because that's what made Civ I and II so great. You could actually play and win without actively pursuing war, at least on the lower difficulty levels.
Did anyone play test this for longer than 5 minutes to actually figure out this just might be frustrating rather than fun? Geez, SMAC actually had much better border implementation and game concepts. Regardless of future patches, this game is pretty friggin mediocre in its released state.
What's the point of borders if the damn AI doesn't have to abide by them? I was playing an early game with the Russians and was on the same continent as the French, Greeks and English. I had built a lot of early cities and had a fairly contiguous border. I asked REPEATEDLY for my opposition to get out of my territory and they would for a turn, then they'd be right back in my face.
Then they started building cities. First, it was on the outskirts of my borders or in waste areas (deserts). Then they just started plunking down cities that actively interfered with my culture borders. I was getting a bit miffed, but it was still tolerable. Then, they just started building cities INSIDE MY ACTIVE ESTABLISHED CITY LIMITS. That's right. Not only inside my culture borders, but inside my @$#%# city borders - the 2 hex "X" border.
After that, my Civ 3 CD became a $50 frisbee.
Frankly, it's not friggin worth the frustration of trying to build a large, peaceful Civ and having the computer just start plopping down cities in the middle of my empire. It's one thing to do it outside my city borders, where their city won't interfere with mine. Or outside my culture borders, where my city may have not grown outside the 1 hex range yet. It's quite another to have the computer start plunking down cities RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF MY EMPIRE, perhaps because there's one hex that's not covered by any city, but by establishing that city their production radius interferes with a number of my cities. THAT SHOULD BE AN ACT OF WAR!!!
Firaxis forgot the attraction of Civ I and II - it's more fun to create and build than it is to destroy. You really can't play Civ 3 without being a warmonger. Which is a damn shame, because that's what made Civ I and II so great. You could actually play and win without actively pursuing war, at least on the lower difficulty levels.
Did anyone play test this for longer than 5 minutes to actually figure out this just might be frustrating rather than fun? Geez, SMAC actually had much better border implementation and game concepts. Regardless of future patches, this game is pretty friggin mediocre in its released state.