By far the easiest way to rectify the problem is to eliminate the source country. Wipe out their homeland, and there's no mother country for them to revolt back to.
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I DON'T admire your culture Damnit!
I think Usually Insane is on to something. This pesky once-French city of mine kept leaving the greater German Reich, claiming to prefer the "greater" French culture. I had reduced the French to one second-tier original city and a captured English town. The French culture output could not have been anywhere near the level of mine.
Interestingly, though, cities closer to the remaning French cities did not ever attempt to revert. I tried the old "reload and increase luxury level" trick and it worked more often than not.
Another note: this particular city had about a 50/50 German/French pop split. But, and I think more importantly, it had about a 50/50 content/unhappy split. The other cities, which had more buildings, were predominantly happy/content.
So, I think that culture plays a role in revolts, but I think that citizen satisfaction also plays a significant role. The happier the citizens, the less likely they will revolt.
This would also tend to explain why newly captured cities may revert back quickly; without the necessary infrastructure to keep the people happy, they will long for their old masters and throw your puppet governor out of town.
Still, I think the fact your units, no matter how many of them, suddenly vanish is ridiculous. I also like how your advisors set you up for the fall on this. "There are resistors; I recommend stationing a strong garrison to quell them" opines one helpful advisor. Then your mighty garrison force promply vanishes in the revolt.
5 Mechanized Infantry Divisions: *poof*. Yeah, thanks. Great advice. What the hell am I paying you for?