Culture rocks...but not when I've capured all but two of the enemy's cities, quelled all resistors, built up my own citizens in the captured city, built my own Forbidden Palace in an adjacent city, put TONs of money into cultural improvments in captured and adjacent citys, and STILL after hundreds of years with the enemy having only two pathetic cities neither of which are remotely close to the ones I captured hundreds of years ago, without civil disorder or any provocation, the city ADMIRES the culture and switches over. My guess is a culture rating from wayyyyy back is still being used to tabulate whether they revolt or not. If that's the case, Revolt should be based on current cultural output, and not from a long gone empire that has been crushed nearly to extinction. Otherwise, capturing cities will become a useless endeavor and I'll just have to raze everything to the ground. Real bummer.
