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LE scandal - Firaxians, there has to be an explanation to 75,000 customers!

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Rasbelin
    Sid's notes would have been enjoying to read, but I suppose Firaxis thinks that their competitors might steal Sid's ideas.
    There are not too many 'Sid´s ideas' in it. Look at the Credits (from start page): Sid is mentioned only as the inventor of the original CivI.

    They do not claim he even had a hand in designing CivIII; apparently he was completely busy with SimGolf.

    So if he didn´t take part in designing CivIII at all, how can there be 'Sid´s Designer´s Notes'?
    Now, if I ask myself: Who profits from a War against Iraq?, the answer is: Israel. -Prof. Rudolf Burger, Austrian Academy of Arts

    Free Slobo, lock up George, learn from Kim-Jong-Il.


    • #92
      Sid Meier, The brand name

      I think it is pretty clear that Brian Reynolds was the true driving force behind SMAC and Civ II. Maybe he jumped ship when he saw the direction Firaxis was going...

      I love the new Civ III, but I really wonder what happened to the creative spark in Mr. Meier. Dinosaurs might not have been as profitable, in the end, but probably more creatively satisfying.

      But hey, maybe there really aren't designer notes worth making. In a way, Civ III is really just a huge bug patch, game balancing of Civ II, which dod the same for Civ 1. The game really hasn't changed that fundamentally in the last 10 years...

      I'm just pissed off for being such a sucker and spending an extra ten bucks for a stupid biscuit tin.


      • #93

        Ok, first off -- I saw a list of what was included in the LE edition for Civ III and it didn't excite me. So, I don't know why exactly people wanted it... I suppose the tin can might be worth something to a hardcore Civ 3 fan. In any case, I was dissapointed that a tech tree wasn't a standard with the game itself -- isn't that supposed to be the case? I mean from what I understand the LE edition is pathetic as it is... but it seems like an oversight not to have a real tech tree poster shipped with the regular edition.

        I'm not usually interested in special edition packages just because I normally care for the game alone. I would like to mention that it would be nice for publishers to ship EXTRAS with special edition boxes, not stuff they omit from the regular edition - as mentioned above. I've looked over the items that were supposed to be in the LE edition of Civ3 and I - personally speaking - thought that there wasn't anything really compeling in there. Most other special edition boxes had at least 1 or 2 things that I could perhaps consider "special" enough to get. This game was expensive enough as it was and it only had a manual and a cd with it.

        As far as the game is concerned, I can't help but feel a bit dissapointed by the fact that I think I paid for a new Civ game but I sort of got a remake. Don't get me wrong, any remake of a Civ game would be fun... and it is... but this game didn't blow me away -- I think it's pretty accurate to say I now have an upgraded version of Civ 2. The game also seemed to be rushed quite a bit -- and I was looking over the editor and when I noticed you couldn't play with units and cities I was in a complete state of disbelief. I'm not that affected by the fact there are no scenarios for the game, but the fact that you CANNOT make your own right now is very upseting. It's sort of sad in a way, I was hoping for Civ3 to be one of the most memorable games of this year at the very least... I just can't say it will - can you?



        • #94
          Why I bought it......


          "Civ in a can"

          Nuf said.

          Was dissapointed however.


          • #95
            When I pre-ordered Civ3 LE, it was supposed to be:

            1 Tn Can (included as that's what you see before you buy)
            1 Game CD (included)
            1 Video CD (included, but containing previously released infomercial video and a Sid-is-God-and-here's-the-award-to-show-it video)
            1 Manual (included)
            1 Tech Tree (said to be a poster, turns out to be screen shots complete with the Done button)
            1 Designer Notes (ommitted)
            1 Letter from Sid and Jeff (included)

            So, if you want to know why we stupid peoples ordered it, that's why. I ordered it for the designer notes. It was supposed to be a second book.

            But hey, if a "thanx-now-go-away" letter qualifies as designer notes, I am going to write a Strategy Guide. It will be as follows:
            The CD will auto-run. Select setup and follow the instructions. Consult the manual if you're not sure.
            To be one with the Universe is to be very lonely - John Doe - Datalinks


            • #96
              Designer Notes

              It sounds like most people, myself included, wanted the LE for the designer notes, which was the one part they failed to deliver.


              • #97
                Re: Designer Notes

                Originally posted by scientist
                It sounds like most people, myself included, wanted the LE for the designer notes, which was the one part they failed to deliver.
                I toyed for a moment with the thought of buying the LE because of -you guessed it! - the designer´s notes. I decided not to buy it, because I was pretty sure this would be only a small 16-page-booklet not really worth the price.

                However, hearing they omitted them completely surprised even me- they get my Chuzpah of the Month Award for November!
                Now, if I ask myself: Who profits from a War against Iraq?, the answer is: Israel. -Prof. Rudolf Burger, Austrian Academy of Arts

                Free Slobo, lock up George, learn from Kim-Jong-Il.


                • #98
                  Gee, I'm really impressed with my LE!

                  Tech Tree Poster - Wow! Saved me the trouble of making four screenshots, reducing them, printing them, and taping them together. Thanks!

                  "Making of Civ3" CD - Wow! Nothing's more exciting than watching a story about a computer game being developed--especially when it's the third iteration! Look at those guys work on the computers! This is better than watching paint dry!

                  Letter from Sid and Jeff - Wow! Nothing like a mass-produced letter to make me feel special! Of course, Sid and Jeff's names aren't signed, merely typed, in the signature, but I just know those words are truly theirs and heartfelt and not written by some faceless marketing guy. The lovely italic font completely makes up for the missing designer notes!

                  Of course, the best thing of all about the LE was the privilege of paying $60 to be a beta tester!

                  Thanks, Firaxis! I'm sure I'll remember this lovely experience the next time I see one of your games in the store! I'll be sure to tell my friends and spread the joy on the bulletin boards I frequent!

                  Dar Steckelberg


                  • #99
                    Personaly I bought the LE for the joke of a Tech Tree - with Civ II I was always refering back to it

                    Now im temted to send it back Infrogames in protest
                    "I named the constellations, and tought myself to swim
                    Created my creator, and made me look like him"
                    The Bears, Caveman


                    • My Rant

                      I've been thinking of writing a letter to infogrames or friaxis or both about the rip-off LE. I just don't know if it is worth the bother.

                      The truth is that I really like Civ III. It is definitely buggy and shows the sign of a rushed, unpolished release, and I hope that these problems are fixed in patches. One of the most frustrating problems is the turn lag. On a large map, as the game progresses, it is very slow. This dort of reminds me of SMAC, when air units movement would be very slow in the latter part of a game. Since there is no hard drive swapping going on, I suspect this is due to poorly written, though not buggy, code.

                      I'd be impressed if Firaxis or Infogrames publically addressed the LE rip-off and buggy/slow code issues.

                      Civ III has the potential to be a great game, but in its current beta version, which is being playtested by tens of thousands of devoted fans, it is not there yet. I hope it gets there. But it requires that Infogrames and Firaxis be concerned with serving the community, rather than milking us for bucks and then moving on.

                      In the long run, a loyal community will spend more money than one that is wary of being ripped off. Sure it takes some extrq work on Firaxis/Infogrames side, but it pays off with a reliable market. Take us for granted and rip us off, and they might find that they are alienating their audience and assuring a shrinking market for their products.

                      Most video games are puerile crap, but the puerile crap has a bigger audience. Intelligent games like Civ III has a smaller audience, but we are loyal and we won't put up with too much crap.

                      I really wish I didn't get the feeling I was being taken advantage of, but I do.


                      • Originally posted by dsteckel

                        Tech Tree Poster - Wow! Saved me the trouble of making four screenshots, reducing them, printing them, and taping them together. Thanks!
                        That wouldn't have taken many minutes.
                        And the techs would have been correct and that stupid Done
                        button would have been excluded.
                        "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


                        • I still can't see the Civ III LE as a proper product in its current form. It's like playing a dirty trick on decent civers.
                          "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


                          • Originally posted by Rasbelin
                            I still can't see the Civ III LE as a proper product in its current form. It's like playing a dirty trick on decent civers.
                            And coming from the Bikkie King, that's saying something.

                            I bought the LE for three reasons:
                            - The tech tree. Yeah, this was the big one.
                            - The fact that the EB shop I was standing in right at that moment hadn't received its shipment of the SEs and I didn't want to wait another two days
                            - The designer notes. I was expacting maybe 16 or 24 pages with concept art, the rationale behind what was included and so forth... A guide to the designer's thoughts when constructing the game.

                            I got:
                            - Ripped off.

                            Thanks, Infogrames. Ta a million. Couldn't you at least have got the screenshots correct? It'll be quite a while before I buy anything more from that company.

                            Not happy, Jan. NOT HAPPY.


                            • Originally posted by Comrade Tribune
                              First of all, I don´t think LaRusso is a 'Disgruntled Individual' (Apolyton) , rather, his complaint about the missing Designer´s Notes is entirely justified. Second, I don´t buy the given 'explanation' at all. It was Firaxis, who promised those notes in the first place, not Infogrames, so it was up to Firaxis to make sure they are in there.

                              Promises, Schmomises!
                              Hehe, Comrade well...thank you! I am really not 'digruntled' - actually I very rarely complain about anything. DanQ, thanx for putting it as news, it would also be VERY cool if one of the future Firaxis interviews could include the question about designer's notes...I see that many more people than one 'disgruntled individual' feel a bit ripped off


                              • Even Gettysburg beats Civ III!

                                I suppose Civ III should be the crown jevel of Firaxis, right? In that case, why haven't they put more effort on a Designer's Notes book and the standard manual? Too expensive? Isn't that's why we are paying for the game?

                                The manual Gettysburg (made by Firaxis) was excellent compared to Civ III's handbook. Civ II had a thick one that beats the one of Civ III. I just can't understand how Firaxis has gone so deep. The manual is more like a joke and insult. And where are those notes?

                                "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver

