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LE scandal - Firaxians, there has to be an explanation to 75,000 customers!

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  • #46
    I suppose many of just has to get along with the
    fact that we won't receive the LE, but I still
    suggest that for instance Earthling7 would take
    part in tomorrow's BTC Day 2, because we still
    have some hope for a worldwide Civ III LE.

    But I have alreadu bought the standard Civ III,
    because I have a feeling that I can't wait for
    the LE. Of course that doesn't mean that I
    would abandon BTC or I wouldn't buy the LE,
    if they start to ship it to us too or release it
    in Finland too.
    "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


    • #47
      Rasbelin, what is the point? If the LE is as much of a rip-off as it sounds like, why bother with it? I would have cancelled my pre-order had I known how empty that tin was. Too late now, it's somewhere in transit.
      To be one with the Universe is to be very lonely - John Doe - Datalinks


      • #48
        Minor, but...

        I bought the LE specifically because of the tech tree...and just found out that its inaccurate. It's a minor thing, but it is irksome to me.

        Fold out: Recycling leads to Synthetic Fibers and Ecology
        Civ III: Ecology is leads to Recycling, and both are required for Synthetic Fibers

        Foldout: Space Flight allow ICBMs
        Civ III: Satellites allow ICBMs

        Foldout: Radio allows UN
        Civ III: Fission allows UN

        Foldout omits many small wonders
        Folout includes some other unit on Magnatism
        Foldout notes that Coal is seen with Steam Power

        I understand that the foldout was valid when it went to presses, and that subsequent changes to the game were made to make the foldout inaacurate, but it would have at least been nice for the tin to include a list of these changes. I was only burned once when following the foldout instead of the Civlopedia, and then I started making notes about the innacuracies. But it means I bought to the LE for no reason, save that I got the tin. w00.

        For some the fairest thing on this dark earth is Thermopylae, and Spartan phalaxes low'ring lances to die -- Sappho


        • #49
          To all the people *****ing at me:

          Yeah I value craftsmanship and I value bang for the buck. That's why I waited to buy the game. What is it with you people that you can't wait a few days to find out the scoop. Is this the first time gamers have been let down. You're a bunch of shining gimme/gimme children. And that's why the companies rape you. Get a clue.

          This rant is directed only at specified whiners. I support La Russo.


          • #50
            thank you.
            dan, did you ask anyone there what happened to the designer's notes? can you send them to me via email?
            also, LE features: 'new elements of culture, nationality and the ARTS'??? go figure

            btw, i am playing game non stop and am not sleeping at all. still i want my DESIGNER'S NOTES


            • #51
              This is the one thing that I really dislike about Civ3. It's that the LE edition SUCKS!!! It is maybe worth 5 bucks more because of the tin but the extra stuff is crap. I would feel totally ripped off if the game wasn't so good. But that notwithstanding, I am deeply disappointed by the LE as a whole. I would not recommend anyone buy it unless you consider the tin worth $20.
              "To live again, to be.........again" Captain Kirk in some Star Trek Episode. (The one with the bad guy named Henok)
              "One day you may have to think for yourself and heaven help us all when that time comes" Some condescending jerk.


              • #52
                I have to agree with this... if it were the tech tree from civ2 i'd be happy, but an innacurate one that's so small as to be almost unuseable really doesn't constitute the extra expense...


                • #53
                  there was one reply by dan so far. dan, i sent mail to askthecivteam and to firaxis and got no reply so far.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by LaRusso
                    there was one reply by dan so far. dan, i sent mail to askthecivteam and to firaxis and got noreply so far.
                    Sorry, I thought the news item that Mark and Dan posted had cleared this up; don't send questions like this to the askthecivteam box, as that box is only for pulling questions for the "Ask the Civ Team" feature of

                    If you want to leave feedback, use the Contact Form on our website.

                    Please make sure you select the correct game you're comenting on and what the nature of your comment/inquiry is, as this determines how the mail is routed.


                    Dan Magaha
                    Firaxis Games, Inc.


                    • #55
                      Re: Minor, but...

                      Originally posted by Yaga
                      Fold out: Recycling leads to Synthetic Fibers and Ecology
                      Civ III: Ecology is leads to Recycling, and both are required for Synthetic Fibers
                      Has anyone else wondered why it is done like that on the tech tree? I mean you need Ecology to get Recycling anyway, so why does it show that you need both for Synthetic Fibres? To give you all some clue what I'm on about I'll do a diagram:

                      This is how I would do it:
                      Ecology---->Recycling---->Synthetic Fibres---->Stealth

                      This is how Firaxis did it in the game:

                      Ecology------------------------>Synthetic Fibres---->Stealth

                      Ok, so the diagram was crap (the ....s were just to push it to the right to make it line up), but they both essentially say exactly the same thing: You go Ecology, then Recycling, the Synthetic Fibres, then Stealth, so why the branch on Firaxis's one?
                      Never underestimate the healing powers of custard.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Dan Magaha FIRAXIS

                        Sorry, I thought the news item that Mark and Dan posted had cleared this up; don't send questions like this to the askthecivteam box, as that box is only for pulling questions for the "Ask the Civ Team" feature of

                        If you want to leave feedback, use the Contact Form on our website.

                        Please make sure you select the correct game you're comenting on and what the nature of your comment/inquiry is, as this determines how the mail is routed.



                        dan, my bad i sent first to askthecivteam, and after the news item posted here, i sent a proper mail to firaxis.
                        don't get me wrong, i do not feel that you should control marketing and production (and you surely do have other responsibilities) but there are tens of thousands of people who bought LE and found out that the tin costed 10 bucks. 10 bucks are nice but we are left with an useless manual.
                        so yes, the official one is sent but still no reply. i really do hope that someone will look into this.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Dan Magaha FIRAXIS

                          Sorry, I thought the news item that Mark and Dan posted had cleared this up; don't send questions like this to the askthecivteam box, as that box is only for pulling questions for the "Ask the Civ Team" feature of

                          If you want to leave feedback, use the Contact Form on our website.

                          Please make sure you select the correct game you're comenting on and what the nature of your comment/inquiry is, as this determines how the mail is routed.


                          Dan did you come to Firaxis from the DMV? Why not answer his question instead of telling him to get into another line.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by GP

                            Dan did you come to Firaxis from the DMV? Why not answer his question instead of telling him to get into another line.


                            • #59
                              I understand your frustration GP, but there's no need to ***** at the Firaxis guy. How many designers and programmers do you know who not only surf their game's forums, let alone join their sites for chats, and all under the auspices of their company?

                              Man's trying to do his job. Don't give him s*** just because you're upset; doesn't help anyone resolve anything. La Russo, on the other hand, kindly asked for more information on contacting the Civ team, and was told the appropriate route to take so that it would get handled correctly. Yelling at Dan in the forum is like yelling at the person at the DMV because you got a parking ticket: They didn't give you the ticket, they can't help you fix the ticket or explain why you got it. The *best* and most helpful thing they *can* do it point you to the proper authority. Which will probably be in another line.

                              Next time, read the back of the ticket. Yelling in a forum isn't going to get you the same attention as an e-mail sent to the proper authority to address an issue.

                              My 2 cents,

                              For some the fairest thing on this dark earth is Thermopylae, and Spartan phalaxes low'ring lances to die -- Sappho


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Yaga
                                I understand your frustration GP, but there's no need to ***** at the Firaxis guy. How many designers and programmers do you know who not only surf their game's forums, let alone join their sites for chats, and all under the auspices of their company?

                                Man's trying to do his job. Don't give him s*** just because you're upset; doesn't help anyone resolve anything. La Russo, on the other hand, kindly asked for more information on contacting the Civ team, and was told the appropriate route to take so that it would get handled correctly. Yelling at Dan in the forum is like yelling at the person at the DMV because you got a parking ticket: They didn't give you the ticket, they can't help you fix the ticket or explain why you got it. The *best* and most helpful thing they *can* do it point you to the proper authority. Which will probably be in another line.

                                Next time, read the back of the ticket. Yelling in a forum isn't going to get you the same attention as an e-mail sent to the proper authority to address an issue.

                                My 2 cents,

                                NP Yaga,

                                I'm just being the "bad cop". Dan will take it with a laugh. He's not some wimp. I'll buy him a beer next time I'm at UMD...I mean DMV!

