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Rules changes -- An attempt at a listing

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  • Rules changes -- An attempt at a listing

    I want to suggest that we make a thread here which simply lists rules changes from Civ 2 to Civ 3. Emphasis to be on the small things not listed at the beginning of the manual or discussed in depth elsewhere.

    Just the facts, not our opinions, not our strategies or methods of dealing with these changes.

    A few to start:

    1. Unlimited switching within the build queue (among units, buildings, and wonders) -- with one exception: once you accrue shields from disbanding units, you can no longer switch to building a wonder.

    2. Related to #1, you cannot use tree cutting or disbanding of units to hurry up the building of a wonder.

    3. You can only work at building a one-of-a-kind item (wonders, palace) in one city at a time.

    4. You cannot continue building a wonder after another civ has built it.

    5. Diagonal irrigation is allowed. But, until electricity, the source must be a river or inland lake or other irrigation.

    6. Railroads are used to increase food and shields from irrigation and mines.

    7. Hostile ships can interfere with the harvesting of sea resources.

    8. Units get only one attack, even if they have more movement points.

    9. Fractions of a movement point always give movement. For example: two tiles down a road and then one into a mountain always works.

    10. Bridge building comes with the engineering advance, and it is automatic. Workers do not have to go back and construct bridges over the rivers.

    11. Nation borders extend out into the sea, and nations have a right to keep others' ships out of their sea squares.

  • #2
    12. Farmland improvement removed.

    13. Workers cutting down forests add production to nearest city.
    I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


    • #3
      14. No warning when another civ has almost completed a wonder.

      15. Units with two or more movement points do not get any movement after exiting a ship.

      16. Units cannot use roads or rail in other civs when at war with the other civ.


      • #4
        17- Units require gold for support (if in excess of free amount calculate for entire civilization and not city) instead of shields.
        I do not want to achieve immortality threw my work. I want to achieve it threw not dying - Woody Allen


        • #5
          18- You can switch which tech you are researching.

          19- Most tiles give the same resources, when used as a city center. Exceptions: special resources still count, and mountains (cannot be used)... However, defense bonuses for hills still count.


          • #6
            20. A city tile counts in a chain of irrigated tiles back to fresh water.


            • #7
              21 - No Terraforming. I'm unable to change e.g. plains to grassland (Very annoying!).


              • #8
                22. An enemy ship next to a port should blockade it, rather than having to surround any enemy port with ships. If I understand the system correctly, you would need a small navy just to blocade a single port currently.


                • #9
                  23. Theory of Evolution gives you two RANDOM techs -- not the familiar "finish your current tech, get the next one instantly" situation like Civ 2.

                  24. Damaged units do not lose any movement points.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Bakunine
                    17- Units require gold for support (if in excess of free amount calculate for entire civilization and not city) instead of shields.
                    This isn't completely clear as written.


                    17- Units require gold for support instead of shields. Units are supported by the civilization as a whole, and not by individual cities.
                    None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?


                    • #11
                      25. Great Libary works quite differently. In Civ 2, you got the tech advances when any two other civs got them. In Civ 3, you get the tech advances only when two civs YOU HAVE CONTACT WITH get them... However, in Civ 2, you got an advance when and additional civ obtained the advance -- thus, if all other civs already had the advance before you built the Great Library, the Great Library would never grant you the advance. In Civ 3, you immediatly get any advances that two known civs already have.


                      • #12
                        26. No sentry mode (at least for now, hopefully)
                        27. No ability to acquire new technologies when capturing enemy cities (bad idea, fixable ?)


                        • #13
                          28. Need aquaduct for city size 6 not 8
                          29. 10% defensive bonus for plains, grassland, tundra
                          30. Specialists only give one coin / beaker
                          31. City must have no food surplus to disband by building settler
                          32. Attack strength not diminished if unit has already moved
                          33. Can sell mutliple improvments from same city in one turn
                          Good = Love, Love = Good
                          Evil = Hate, Hate = Evil


                          • #14
                            34. Railroads require resources to build
                            35. Some buildings and wonders require resources to build
                            36. Most Units require resources to build

                            Edit: Cant count
                            Last edited by Skanky Burns; November 16, 2001, 21:58.
                            I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                            • #15
                              37. Change barbarian pillaging back to Civ 2 where they just took over the city, or permit us to disband cities. One barbarian attack pillaged 400 gold from one farflung city that I could not possibly defend.

                              38. Allow us to check intelligence of our rivals before we contact them.

                              39. Show us our "Reputation" somewhere.

                              40. Show the government types of our rivals somewhere.

