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Screenshot of the week: 10/26

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  • #61
    one more thing...whoever saying that grey stuff is railroad: are you sure? they look more like roads to me...

    you get paved roads in the modern era..instead of dirt ones...
    I not only dream in colour, I dream in 32-bit colour.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Kc7mxo
      Is that a word or some kind of perverted sexual problem?


      • #63
        Huge Map Project?

        1.Roads (Railroads?) graphic look fine, maybe could be a little thinner. Roads probably increase trade, like Civ2, which explains their abundance... but doesn't justify the massive twisty ugly spaghetti layout at all.

        2.Small World Map has it's problems, but it's the Huge World Map I think most are concerned about. I agree the Black Sea should have an out too. And I do hope on the Huge World Map they didn't leave out the South Pole!! I plan to build my glorious empire there...

        3.The Fred Flintstone Mines can definitely be improved.

        4.City graphics are fine.

        5.Mini-map & city borders are fine.

        6.Irrigation scratches need work. They should not have shore-line color water for the irrigation scratches since it gives the impression they are standing on paper-thin land. Should be a darker blue.

        7.The too much terraforming (if you believe that's the case) can easily be adjusted by simply increasing the amount of time (cost?) it takes to terraform.

        Finally, chances are the Huge World Map will not be up to everyone's expectations. Is there a team assembled yet to work on improving the Huge World Map? This way no one gets their home territory or area of expertise done wrong. I think that might be a better solution than 20 different versions each missing something.


        • #64
          problem with this map is that it is using the mercator projection. Areas around the equator are miniaturized and alaska and greenland and australia look relatively gigantic. This is one way of projecting the round surface of the globe onto a flat map - it retains accurate coastlines, and is primarily used in navigation, but is pretty bizarre at displaying relative land masses.

          Hence, mutant mediterranean, tiny USA, powerful Russia
          "There are but two powers in the world, the sword and the mind. In the long run the sword is always beaten by the mind."
          - Napoleon Bonaparte

          Visit the Tradewars 2002 Forum


          • #65
            Re: Huge Map Project?

            Originally posted by Pyrodrew
            Roads (Railroads?) graphic look fine, maybe could be a little thinner. Roads probably increase trade, like Civ2, which explains their abundance... but doesn't justify the massive twisty ugly spaghetti layout at all.
            I still think that there are too many roads and railroads cluttering up the screen. Don't like that...


            • #66
              i said that a while ago, especially with railroads.

              no country has railrods all over like that, they connect two points and thats all. they dont sprawl out all over for no reason at all.

              and the way i would work railroads would be like airlifts... unlimited movement to any city/spot on the rail, but you cant move until next turn... makign rails a major defensive point, and stopping howitzer attacks...

              but that was in a thread long ago... and civ3 has changed the genre...
              "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
              - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


              • #67
                eNo: I actually left because, first, the game just wouldn't work, kept crashing 10mins into the game, 2nd, when I did get it to work, I found it too linear, and 3rd when I felt like restarting, I had to watch that annoying 'tutorial' at the start everytime.

                removed the tattoo site too, still got everyones tats tho, all 500+ of them.


                Originally posted by Kc7mxo

                Is that a word or some kind of perverted sexual problem?[
                be free

