Look, here is the suggestion. Just edit out all the horses from America and they won't get any UU unit. That would be a punishment for them enough? I know that that what I would do.
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A Petition
Originally posted by Th0mas
Are we sure Adrien is not Yin26!?About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.
Originally posted by tniem
Yep. Not yin's style to post a petition without a proper name to give you an idea of what he is complaining about and then let it go for about a day without coming on and telling everyone why they are wrong.......tis better to be thought stupid, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
6 years lurking, 5 minutes posting
Originally posted by Sabre2th
Go find something better to do with your time, Adrien. MOST of us don't care. The few that do can learn to live with it.
Adrien should know we don't value any opinions that aren't majority. Especially if they are critical. His opinion is worthless.
I especially like the "love it or leave it" helpful solutions offered to him. They are almost as good as the ones telling him to find something better to do with his time. (As opposed to the good use of time replying to him to criticize him.)
I don't know if I agree with his opinion. But the response he got was shameful.
I dont like the button they use for the Civilopedia (Aa)! It totally sux and will ruin my Civ experience! Firaxis will you please change the icon? Adrian will you sign my petition? Surely you agree that this is of the utmost importance to gameplay.
How about this:
To the Development Team at Firaxis:
We, the undersigned, are disappointed in your choice of a capital "A" a lower case "a" as the Civpedia icon. We believe the choice is unrealistic and game-unbalancing, as it skews the game towards the letter A.
Instead, we propose a multi-letter icon, perhaps ABC, representing the diversity and uniqueness of the English alpabet.
It is undisputable that the golden age of the letter A has passed. I propose a new age where all letters are treated equally, and given a chance to shine in their respective icons.
It would not be difficult to change the icon--a simple editing of a few statistics and a new graphic would make a great number of players happy, as well as add to the realism of the game.
Thank you.
Originally posted by RedWhiteArcher
Look, here is the suggestion. Just edit out all the horses from America and they won't get any UU unit. That would be a punishment for them enough? I know that that what I would do.
So what, if the Iroquois have access to horses, they will be able to build them. I would expect that if horses roamed throughout North America before the Europeans arrived, they would have taken advantage of them. Once they could get horses from the Europeans, they could build the unit.
Imagine a parallel reality where the Romans never had access to large deposits of haematite. Then they wouldn't have had legions. But imagine they had come face-to-face to an ally who had iron in abundance and could trade for it. Then it is quite feasible that the Romans would start building legions rather than their bronze-based counterparts.
Do you get where I am going with this?
So therefore, no, I do not support your petition. I think Firaxis have worked damn hard at balancing out this game well, and sometimes these things are implemented as they are for gameplay balance as well. I am sure it will work better the way they have done it, after all, they have been playing and tweaking this game for a damn long time.Speaking of Erith:
"It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith
Originally posted by red_jon
There were no horses in North American anyway.
Provost Harrison
You have a very bad example. The idea that they don't have access to horses at all. Horses are a major part in Warfare in Europe, Asia and Africa. They wastly contibuted to exansion, transport, thus made the society more advanced. Think of that as a reason for the Native Americans being so behind. The Iroqies couldn't trade for horses with anybody until the Europeans came.
Originally posted by seer_98
Originally posted by Sabre2th
Go find something better to do with your time, Adrien. MOST of us don't care. The few that do can learn to live with it.
Yes. How dare anyone criticize Firaxis. In some parts of history you could be executed for criticizing the divine.
Adrien should know we don't value any opinions that aren't majority. Especially if they are critical. His opinion is worthless.
I especially like the "love it or leave it" helpful solutions offered to him. They are almost as good as the ones telling him to find something better to do with his time. (As opposed to the good use of time replying to him to criticize him.)
I don't know if I agree with his opinion. But the response he got was shameful.
It's not that we don't care for or agree with his opinion, it's just that it has as much merit as an argument debating whether a Big Mac from McDonalds should have 88 sesame seeds or 89. It's not a big deal, nor is it a really small one, it is wholey insignificant, in my opinion.
Originally posted by seer_98
Yes. How dare anyone criticize Firaxis. In some parts of history you could be executed for criticizing the divine.
Adrien should know we don't value any opinions that aren't majority. Especially if they are critical. His opinion is worthless.
I especially like the "love it or leave it" helpful solutions offered to him. They are almost as good as the ones telling him to find something better to do with his time. (As opposed to the good use of time replying to him to criticize him.)
I don't know if I agree with his opinion. But the response he got was shameful.
How about we petition Firaxis to change it? Either get a lot of signatures here, or flood them with emails?tis better to be thought stupid, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
6 years lurking, 5 minutes posting
Not yin's style to post a petition without a proper name to give you an idea of what he is complaining about and then let it go for about a day without coming on and telling everyone why they are wrong. On top of that I don't think he has ever had a dl and it wouldn't make sense to start now.
I don't have a DL and I stand by every statement I make...out in the open daring people to argue against me. I mean, heck, if I am willing to post a Yinstradamous thread in my own name, surely I would have here.
On this issue of UU's, though, I do think that Firaxis is in new territory, and I also think they have had a lack of game-testing. So I figure we will go through several months of begging Firaxis to 'balance' the holes we find. After that, we will pray to the modders, as always.
Now, as for this particular UU supposedly not matching the civ in question, that has some merit depending on how you look at the situation I guess. On the scale of things, though, we have much bigger fish to fry...but that's already my broken record.I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001
"Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.