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Civilization III preview in Finnish gaming magazine

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  • #46
    It simply means Fireaxis doesn't consider Mulitplayer to be very important. Something I think the majoirty of the Civ fans would agree with.
    Are you familiar with the Civ2 MP debacle? Trust me...Firaxis wants to release this game with great MP but Infogrames is holding them to a deadline.
    I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

    "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


    • #47
      Re: Settlers enslaved

      Originally posted by jsw363
      So I am wondering about the ethnic cleansing thing with the settlers. If I can choose who becomes a settler, then (if I am Russian) choose two pesky French unhappy people to become settlers? Then when they found a city do they become loyal Russians? Do they remain French?

      And as for workers does the nationality of the workers matter? Can I use only French workers to build my mighty Russian Emipre? Will the colonies behave differently because they were founded by the French? Are they less efficient than my Russian workers? How does this all play out?
      I doubt that nationality would be modelled all that thoroughly in Civ3... I would say that the Pelit magazine only meant that if you build settlers or workers in a city with foreign nationals, the cost is automatically taken from the foreigner total. Directly translated, the only sentence in the article concerning this subject is as follows: "A player can, however, literally practice ethnic cleansing by transferring his own citizens to a conquered city and extraditing the original citizens into minorities in other cities as settlers." This does imply, however, that settlers built by conquered cities would somehow differ from other settlers once they are founding or joining a city, while I think they mentioned somewhere previously that citizens in any new cities you found are always your own, not foreign.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Kc7mxo
        Someting interesting about slavery though, is that your state of government has nothign whatsoever to do with the people's like or dislike of the institution.

        Governments do not reflect the ethical beliefs of a coutnry.

        And while I believe that democratic systems are simply the best availble, I do not particularly like the way that they are shown to be so generaly superior to everything else in the game. But, political bias is unavoidable. :-)
        It was my same doubt: also today some democracy/republic more or less tolerate some form of slavery.

        Children labour, abuse of women/immigrate labour... we can consider them modern form of slavery, IMHO.
        "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
        - Admiral Naismith


        • #49
          Re: Re: Settlers enslaved

          Originally posted by Jarouik

          "A player can, however, literally practice ethnic cleansing by transferring his own citizens to a conquered city and extraditing the original citizens into minorities in other cities as settlers." This does imply, however, that settlers built by conquered cities would somehow differ from other settlers once they are founding or joining a city, while I think they mentioned somewhere previously that citizens in any new cities you found are always your own, not foreign.
          So does this mean that forced resettlement of minorities converts them into loyal citizens? Interesting....

          Also, I agree that republics and democracies ARE less tolerant of slave labor than other governments. If you look at the outrage surrounding Nike and that Kathy Lee clothing in the US, you can see that people aren't so thrilled imagining ten year olds stitching their clothes in 16 hour work days for pennies.


          • #50
            If Dan agrees, there's probably going to be a translation
            of the article with Sid and Civ III on Apolyton on the weekend.

            Don't ask me who's behind the idea...
            "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver

