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Firaxis i'm M.A.D.

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  • #46
    Originally posted by korn469
    as for M.A.D. i think firaxis would be insane not to include it...also i sent the civ3 team a M.A.D./nuke question in the ask the team section...hopefully they will answer it
    Let's hope so.

    korn, I think you said perfectly my feeling for allowing SDI to stay in the game - it is the last tech and so it hopefully will occur after the game is already decided. Plenty of time to nuke the one who is trying to build it. Plenty of time for the diplomatic or spaceship victory conditions. And since it is the last tech, a little push into the future can't be all bad.
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    • #47

      i have my fingers crossed that M.A.D. will be in civ3, i don't see how they could give nukes infinate range, and possibly upgrade their damage without adding some form of M.A.D.

      i won't mind as long as SDI comes with integrated defense, but if it comes earlier, and is 100% effective and ruins the game balance then i will be very upset


      • #48
        So Korn you saw the Intergrated defense and it's probally an SDI since it's the last tech. I hope too that MAD was also implemented with the SDI. I'd be interesting to have MAD before intergrated def comes by. Anyways I hope that Firaxis answers your letter, but they probally decided on the nuke system that will be used. If they don't use MAD I'll be a bit dispointed but I'd still play Civ3, too many other great features.
        Learn the mistakes of yesterday to prevent the ones of tomorrow...


        • #49
          Lord Magnus

          trust me if they have made major upgrades to nuke power like letting nukes hit anywhere on the map and completely destroying a city without implementing M.A.D. the game would be build up enough nukes to disable your opponents then you attack, and whoever attacks first wins...everyone else gets destroyed...and even 100% effective SDI couldn't stop that


          • #50
            Originally posted by korn469
            if they have made major upgrades to nuke power like letting nukes hit anywhere on the map and completely destroying a city without implementing M.A.D. the game would be unplayable
            I don't think Firaxis is stupid. If MAD isn't implemented then we'll just see the old Civ2 style nukes with better graphics and maybe some minor tweaking to the unit's properties. Like I said, I like to see MAD in Civ3 but if it isn't there, I'm not going to boycott the game like the idiots in the "why isn't [insert country here] included in Civ3" threads, we just press our case harder for Civ4.
            Learn the mistakes of yesterday to prevent the ones of tomorrow...

