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Originally posted by GP They are very warlike...and they have those mean horns...and a few years ago there was the theory that they were the meanest opponent. (netlegend...)
Trdi: Maybe you didn't intend to insult people (though I still think you did ), but that's what it sounded/looked like. It's definately hard to convey a tone or mood with just typed words. If you are joking, a or a can sometimes help show that you're not serious. And you insulted me and my country on several occasions.
I have said: I hate the US National Security. It's doing bad things. I'm sorry, but that's the way I feel. I don't hate any nation, religion, homosexuals, other race ,...
I just don't like some institutions (no, i'm not an antiglobalist ): I won't tell which institutions are these, because,... we all know.
Originally posted by Snapcase
which leaves me voting for...
Vikings. Nothing whatsoever justifies their existance: They lasted as a power for a few dozen years, and a minor one even then. No great leaders or scholars (Alcuin excepted) ever emerged from their midst. Their technical advances were mostly of a military nature, even their amazing work with accurate optics, and much of it was derivative of other cultures. In fact, they were very much "behind" neighbouring nations at the time. As a barbarian tribe, yes, but not as a civilization.
Why? WHY? Why are you saying these mean things? You are a bad person! BAD! BAD!
Have you heard of the Normans? I, Gangerolf, alias Rollo, alias Rolf the Ganger, a Viking from Denmark or Norway, founded the duchy of Normandy. My descendant, William, conquered England in 1066. Other Normans (Roger & Co.) went down to Sicily and made theirselves a kingdom there.
As you might know, this is only one example (of many) of the impact the Vikings had on world history.
Barbarian tribe? You know better. They had a unique culture and religion, and they were great discoverers and merchants.
But noooo, you thought the Zulus were coooooooler, so you just had to go bash the Vikings, eh?
BTW: I'm not talking about that am. football team.
This poll/thread was in no way intended for you to do American bashing nor was it intended for anybody to bash any nation. Some people felt that this thread should be used a way to bash the US. You can feel whatever way you want about the US, that's fine. For you to state thse feelings and expect every American here to believe you and start to think the US is evil is ridiculous on your part. "Deep in your heart you know the truth, all of you Americans know the truth."(Trdi). "I'm just defending my vote."(Trd). You're not defending your vote, you're trying to spread your beliefs. The only people who are defending are us Americans who have had our country terrorized by many posts. I will admit that some of us (Americans) did go a little bit overboard on our retailiation ("dumbass"). The thing is we're only doing it in defense. We shouldn't have to defend our country in a thread such as this like you state we should. I will state it again this thread is here to let people express their feelings on which civ from Civ2 should not be on Civ3. In expressing your feelings you don't need to bash the country. Go do that stuff in the OT Forum. So I'm asking you to stop doing nation bashing in this thread and forum. I would appreciate it if you could state your opinion in a reasonable and logical fashion.
However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.
Hee hee. Did I say this was me. Unlike many posters here, I don't just express what I personally want, but what I think is neccesary to make the game commerically successful.
Its not the posters fault this discussion has gotten ugly - it is predictable - anyone who watched the venom on the AOK boards before TC came out would have predicted it.
Youve got unique units - that forces (due to balancing issues) a limit on the number of civs included in the game. But this isnt a sci-fi or fantasy game - its based on world history, so some nations must be chosen over others. Leads to nastiness.
And its too bad - the whole philosophy implicit in civ (i dont know if sid ever realized this) is the way nations develop driven by geography and strategic imperatives - so that little or nothing is foreordained by identity.
"A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber
and BTW, New York IS very European in its street life, etc AND also very American in its zest, its aggressiveness, its sense of unlimited potential and free social mobility. It is a thing unto itself. Some would say that it is the culmination of civilization thus far. And you would exclude this city from Civ3? Civ3 without the home of the Met, MOMA, Abstract Expressionism ("The New York School") the beat poets (well the eastern ones), Byrdland, Leonard Bernstein, Martha Graham, George Balanchine, the New York Public Library, the Metropolitan Opera, "Mostly Mozart", etc, etc. You might as well as exclude the 20th century from Civ. Just end the damned game in 1900. Or 1914
"A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber
Andhow about that towering institution of New York radical intellectualism, the New School for Social Research. Sound familiar, European friends? It should - it IS the old Frankfurt new school, one of Weimar Germany's great institutions, transplanted.
The spirit of Weimar Germany, perhaps one of Europes high points of civilization in the 20th Century, was transplanted in the 30's and 40's to New York. Now if you want castles and stuff like that you've got to go to Germany - if you want what made Germany great in the 20th C you have to go to NY.
And Einstein ended up at Princeton. And New York became the center of psychoanalysis, not Vienna. And American ballet has been enriched by Russian dancers. And Enrico Fermi, an Italian, helped build the nuclear bomb for America. The story of 20th civ is the decline of Europe and the rise of America, especially in the years from 1933 to 1945, when europes most advanced nation sent forth a horde of talented refugees to the US, accelarating americas cultural development.
"A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber
Not only did the Vikings do all the things mentioned by Gangerolf but they also crossed the Atlantic about 500 years before anyone in the Old World and discovered Newfoundland and Labrador. They didn't settle permanently (trouble with the natives) but a tribe of Vikings called Rus went on to found . . . you guessed it! Russia! That has to count for something in the history of civilisation. I definitely think the Vikings should be kept in.
Formerly known as Masuro.
The sun never sets on a PBEM game.
Originally posted by TechWins
You're not defending your vote, you're trying to spread your beliefs. The only people who are defending are us Americans who have had our country terrorized by many posts. I will admit that some of us (Americans) did go a little bit overboard on our retailiation ("dumbass"). The thing is we're only doing it in defense.
Well, you can obviously do everything for your 'defense'.
Originally posted by TechWins We shouldn't have to defend our country in a thread such as this like you state we should. I will state it again this thread is here to let people express their feelings on which civ from Civ2 should not be on Civ3. In expressing your feelings you don't need to bash the country.
I would say these things don't belong here, too. But you are as much guilty for that as I am. Maybe even more - you still don't want to stop.
Originally posted by TechWins Go do that stuff in the OT Forum.
YOU won't tell me what to do. If it was to me, we weren't be talking about these things now. But it's up to you.
Originally posted by TechWins So I'm asking you to stop doing nation bashing in this thread and forum. I would appreciate it if you could state your opinion in a reasonable and logical fashion.
Again, look at the other posts. You can't issue orders here, buddy. Who do you think I am? IF (read this IF 10×) someone will attack my beliefs, than I will respond. I have to. So I must say now: Stop with this ****. I would appreciate it, too.