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Which Civ2 Should Be Out Of Civ3?

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  • Most of the insulting posts came from Europeans and Canadians towards the US. I'm not saying all were from Europeans but most were.
    Canadians? What'd we ever do to them? Heck Cnada's so close I even have canadian in-laws!

    As for the European flames I just don't understand where the hostility comes from. In an earlier post La Russo asked "Why are we (US military) in Europe. I could say something wise-ass like "We came to steal your women", (we did ...just kidding...sort of...) but today is the 49th anniversary ofEUCOM's birth....I'm a little too pumped up with esprit de corps right now.

    "I know nobody likes me...why do we have to have Valentines Day to emphasize it?"- Charlie Brown


    • right on good god, i hope my posts did not come accross as 'flaming'....i certainly just wanted to have some light-hearted debate... after all, it is americans who are made all three installments of civ (now i could add that they also made CTP hehe)

      d4everman, as i said, no offense, i am sure you do a great job, but if one can protest against exxon and shell co., i see no reason to question the activities of usarmy co. agreed?

      as for my 'dumbass' observations - well in comparison with the rest of the us, nyc, sf and new orleans have an european flavour, in that they do not differ that much from what i am used to over here. not as in skyscrapers, more like cafes, restaurants, general *****y attitude of the people (NYC), but then again i am only a tourist in the us....
      as you can see i am not in the mood for flaming this morning a nice girl walked into my office and can i feel bitter


      • d4everman, as i said, no offense, i am sure you do a great job, but if one can protest against exxon and shell co., i see no reason to question the activities of usarmy co. agreed?
        Agreed. Its not like I agree with everything in the US Army myself. Heck, a coworker (thats a former marine) said yesterday "You army guys are so anal about everything!"....and she was right, we are. We tend to take things serious all of the time. (Well, I don't which has at times gotten my butt chewed by the first sergeant)

        and hey, I know you know I didn't call you a dumbass, and I don't think you are one.

        As for the nice oughtta check out some of the babes in Stuttgart sometime

        Or Costa Brava, Spain

        Good thing my wife doesn't read this forum.

        "I know nobody likes me...why do we have to have Valentines Day to emphasize it?"- Charlie Brown


        • Originally posted by TechWins

          Most of the insulting posts came from Europeans and Canadians towards the US.
          So let's just ban everyone who is not from US.

          I should be 'punished' for flaming I am insulting forum members? Could please the insulted ones tell, they're insulted by me? Take a look at the poll question. It is clearly made AGAINST one civilisation. So if you vote for someone, you are a fasist or what? Oh, no, just if you vote for US. No, seriously. Look, what you, Americans, told us about some other nations. If they don't exist in their original size and territory, that still doesn't mean you haven't insulted someone by telling such stupid things.
          This quoting of forum rules is a hypocracy. I can express my political opinion just like anyone other (I was not the first one doing that). If you can do that (Americans can express their political opinion everywhere), I can do that, too. I don't like some things, but I don't hate anyone and I didn't insult anybody. This is my style, if I don't like sth, I say it. That's why I had problems in school with some of the teachers. You all know the word democracy, don't you?


          • trdi, indeed we can tell whatever (whitout 'dumbas' calling) but actually in OT forum.


            • Oh, come on!!!! Take a look again at the poll subject. I'm just defending my vote.


              • yes, but we defended it long enough. time to let the post get a bit quieter


                • Oh, allright , qiuter! Joke. You are right.


                  • I know, I know, I should leave it alone, but I decided to give a dead horse one last swift kick....

                    I am insulting forum members? Could please the insulted ones tell, they're insulted by me?
                    *****July 31st 2001:What???!!!! Who are you kidding? What's that? Are you serious, are you normal?! Have you ever heard about the word 'politics'? What about, let's say, SUDAN? Ah? You came and bombarded a country who didn't do anything to you. Even the responsible for that admitted, that Sudan is not an enemy of USA. Have you ever heard about African wars, Indonesia,.... Why do you act different here if you are SO good. Listen, I could write a book about that, so I propose : Don't, don't talk about the good intentions of American politics and war machine. Deep in your heart you know the truth, all of you Americans know the truth.

                    Khm, khm. Heard of word 'based'? You thriving economy and huge power is BASED on slavery, based on blood of people who were not guilty, mean or anything like that. They were black. Tell me only one more succesful country like that. When you were exploiting slaves, hiding with DEMOCRACY (???!!!!) other countries tried to do it different. *****

                    Don't go there unless you happen to be a black american. I am, and I don't need you to tell me about it.

                    *****Leave the president, let's talk about you. Have you ever heard of word 'global'. Than you know, what means the word GLOBAL???!!! No further comment.

                    Democracy? So you have heard this word? Strange, because... hmm, if only one country of all the other rejects sth, that's democracy? Nice. And if they reject the Children rigths agreement, that's democratic, isn't it? It is and it's soooo nice. You can be proud on yourself, you are facing the whole world. We are just so primitive, aren't we? We don't understand you, don't we? You, the brain of this planet. You know everything the best. If you say global warming is not caused by CO2, than it is so. You are soooo smart. I think the day will come soon, when you will pack your things and fly to the other planet. You will leave us, primitives on Earth, dying in the filth you are making now.

                    Democracy? So you have heard this word? Strange, because... hmm, if only one country of all the other rejects sth, that's democracy? Nice. And if they reject the Children rigths agreement, that's democratic, isn't it? It is and it's soooo nice. You can be proud on yourself, you are facing the whole world. We are just so primitive, aren't we? We don't understand you, don't we? You, the brain of this planet. You know everything the best. If you say global warming is not caused by CO2, than it is so. You are soooo smart. I think the day will come soon, when you will pack your things and fly to the other planet. You will leave us, primitives on Earth, dying in the filth you are making now.

                    You know nothing about Karantanija and very little about USA politics, so... Americans are very bad informed about things their government does or is planning to do. That can't be democracy, or it is some higher sort of democracy?

                    Well, I could tell you many things, which would be better without USA. About WWII, if there woudn't be WWII, USA wouldn't be half that strong than it is today. Last week I watched on TV, how Americans charged everything they could. The extremly high payments for using American monitor technology caused Churchill to order big research in other technologies, but the right technology was found many years later (LCD monitors).

                    Well, I think you just live there too long. I really can't understand, how so many Americans are brainwashed.*****

                    Now what was that about not being insulting? You don't like america or americans, fine. To be honest I don't actually care that much. But in the context of this poll, don't you think that maybe your hatred of the US is a little much? Tell me, what did *we* do to make you so angry? If I told you that maybe you were brainwashed by your government wouldn't you be a little po'd by that? Even a little?

                    And don't moan about WWII. A lot of people died, some from my family and its rather petty to bring up as if the USA wouldn't be an important part of the world if it didn't happen. Maybe you're right. But this isn't a parallel universe so I guess we may never know what might have occurred in the last sixty years without Hitler.

                    America may be the only superpower right now but I'll be first to admit we ain't perfect. But neither are you. Ever even been to the US? You seem well versed in picking out its faults real or imagined. Theres several words for that but the first one that comes to my brainwashed american mind is "mean."

                    "I know nobody likes me...why do we have to have Valentines Day to emphasize it?"- Charlie Brown


                    • Originally posted by D4everman
                      Agreed Sabre2th. More than being slightly insulted by some of the posts I was disheartened by the mean spirited intent of some of them.

                      Theres no reason to vote any of the civs out other thna to ruffle some feathers. If you don't think the soiux or the americans should be in the game, don't use them. Most likely you'll be able to choose your opponents.

                      Some new millenium. First year of it and we're all arguing about what civ diesn't deserve the title for a computer game....

                      I agree...except the Aztecs must go! Even if there were unlimited room...their city names suck.


                      • Originally posted by Sabre2th
                        I agree that the poll was unnecessary. What U also think is unnecessary is some peoples' need to feel superior. If you have opinions about another country, great, but don't insult the people who live there.
                        Vote 'em off the island!!


                        • Originally posted by SerapisIV

                          You're a dumbass, NYC is nothing like Europe. You walk into Brooklyn or the Bronx and try and find Europe. You walk down Queens Boulevard and tell me what's European about it. Name me one European city that even remotely resembles Manhattan? If you grew up in NYC and travel through Europe, like I have, you'd know there is no similarity. NYC is in its own category, there is no other city in the world like NYC and NYC is like no other city. The only thing European NYC has is the fascist Guiliani as mayor.

                          edit: spelling
                          At least the trains run on time...he HAS done some amazing things to reduce crime and make the city more fun...


                          • Originally posted by Sabre2th

                            How are they scary to civ newbies?
                            They are very warlike...and they have those mean horns...and a few years ago there was the theory that they were the meanest opponent. (netlegend...)


                            • And I am the one who keeps going on?

                              Listen D4, I think you are a little too smart for me. You see things, which I don't. The insult. maybe I don't see the insult, because I didn't want to insult anyone. Have you ever thought about that? Again, there was sth which I don't like. You insulted ME, too than. My government washed my brain. The government for which USA are the only God that exists on this planet? With this statement you have just proved my words: US are the only democracy on the world, everything else is an anarchy, with no laws. You know, there was one black person attacked here few weeks ago by the skinheads. He is ok now (without a scratch), but there was an alarm made by the media, politicians talked about that and so on. There were some demonstrations, interviews, TV shows about racism.... only because of one case, which happened in maybe 10 years. I wrote that, because, maybe, you will change your opinion about the rest of the world and stop talking about brainwashing by our government. About brainwashing, remember Vietnam. I watched a brittish, I think, show about killing Vietnam civilians under a bridge. I know, this was being done many times by many armies in many wars. But... noone was sentenced for war crimes. Why? Can you blame me for not liking that? Noone is responsible for that today. In the 60s there was an american U2 spy aircraft shot down by the Russians. Your government was denying that (saying that's silly) untill the Russians showed the pilot on the TV. Noone was again responsible for that. In my country, the whole government would collapse for lies like that. But in US? Can you really blame me for not liking that? Do you like that? Now I've found out, what is really what I don't like about USA. Thanks for forcing me to think (I had to think about that, because I'm very liberal about everything, I'm not a hater or conservative): It's the AMERICAN NATIONAL SECURITY! I hate it. In the name of it, I'm sure that so many bad things were done to us, the humans, that this really can't be just tolerated. Do I really have to argue again and again, I really don't like it. With every post I write, I become more and more "ugly". I hate Americans and so on. Come on, don't be childish.


                              • cmon people calm down.
                                let settle it:

                                - all armies are full of lunatics (read catch 22, watch dr. strangelove)
                                - ditto politics

                                i admit i was the one who said a couple of things but this really is threatening to get out of hand. cmon, stop it.....

