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Whats your choice of any civ-specific unit?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by joseph1944
    F-15 score 100.5 other World Aircraft including the Mig-29 0.
    And if I would sit down and read all 43 vol. of my World Air Power mag. I could tell you the score of the F-16. Btw the F-15 is not a carrier aircraft. That plane is the F-14 and not the F-15. Also we did not loose any F-16 to Iraq air force during the gulf war or in Kosovo campaign.
    we didnt lose many units in that war.. you idiot.. your a complete idiot.. we were fighting freakin men with rifles vs our bombs and airplanes.. we killed them.. it was overkill.. the migs are the greatest series of aircraft everbuilt and anyone whos piloted one can tell you that.... i was watching this how about aircraft the other day and they were showing off the migs and other planes and even the pilots admitted the migs are better.. migs can actually fly into outerspace (not very far but just to the edge of it)


    • #17
      Well how on earth could you decide what unit you would want when you don't know what any of them do??
      "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master." -- Commisioner Pravin Lal, U.N. Declaration of Rights
      "A ship at sea is its own world. To be captain of that ship is to be the sole and absolute ruler of that world." -- Colonel Corozan Santiago


      • #18
        based on your love of an actual unit.. how could legion win?


        • #19
          Originally posted by ancient
          we didn't lose many units in that war.. you idiot.. your a complete idiot.. we were fighting freaking men with rifles vs our bombs and airplanes.. we killed them.. it was overkill.. the MiG are the greatest series of aircraft ever built and anyone who's piloted one can tell you that.... I was watching this how about aircraft the other day and they were showing off the MiG and other planes and even the pilots admitted the MiG are better.. mig can actually fly into outerspace (not very far but just to the edge of it)
          The Israeli Air Force has shot down every Mig that has come up to fight. The American Air Force with the F-15 has shot down every Mig that has come up to fight and yet you call the Mig the greatest fighter of all time very good.
          The American X-15 flew the edge of outer space which is 354,200 feet. The American SR-71 flew well above 80,000 all of the time. Some years ago the American F-4 flew to around 106,000 feet and a Mig-25 flew to about the same height or a little above that height around the same time. I just look through World Airpower book on the Mig-29 and could not find any information about the Mig-29 flying that height. And btw these flight are what they call "clime to height" races. The aircraft is stripped of all unnecessary equipment and then loaded with fuel, take off and get level at altitude and then hit the afterburners and go for the height. They can not normally fly at this altitude. There are very few Fighter that can fly above 60,000 feet. Not enough air for the engines.
          When I served in the US Navy, it was my job to defend the United State from foreign and domestic enemies, and I would gladly do so.
          Communism is the enemy of the US and even today I would fight them.
          In the art of war the idea is to kill, I repeat to Kill the enemy any way possible. When we fought the Iraqi they had the forth larger military in the world, and it was our job to kill them. They no longer have the forth larger military.
          Now for the "idiot" statement. I have never attack another person on this site. I may have question his/her statement but no personal attack. I would appreciate if you would not call me a name.


          • #20
            It is true that F15 has a very good record against MiG. However, this may have less to do with pure technical superiority than it does with training, morale, and military infrastructure.

            Remember that when the F15 goes up against the MiG, the F15 side might have superior numbers, superior logistics, and superior reconnaisance due to AWACs operating on the F15 side.

            OTOH the MiG is probably flown by an inexperienced pilot and is naked in the sky with no AWACs operating behind the MiG29 pilot.

            Therefore, if everything were equal (training, numbers, infrastructure, etc.), I believe that F15 and MiG would be fairly evenly matched.


            • #21
              Originally posted by polypheus
              It is true that F15 has a very good record against MiG. However, this may have less to do with pure technical superiority than it does with training, morale, and military infrastructure.

              Remember that when the F15 goes up against the MiG, the F15 side might have superior numbers, superior logistics, and superior reconnaissance due to AWACs operating on the F15 side.

              OTOH the MiG is probably flown by an inexperienced pilot and is naked in the sky with no AWACs operating behind the MiG29 pilot.

              Therefore, if everything were equal (training, numbers, infrastructure, etc.), I believe that F15 and MiG would be fairly evenly matched.
              I will admit that in a third world county I don't know. However in Russia every time a Russia plane flies, he under the control of a ground controller and is told what to do and when to do it. The American AWAC normally only give threat status to the U.S. flyer and let them make their own decision on out to fight.


              • #22
                wheres th eoption for no Civ specific units!!!!
                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Rasputin
                  wheres the option for no Civ specific units!!!!
                  Rasputin I'm not sure what your question is. Please repeat. Unless you are saying that you do not have a specific unit that you like.


                  • #24
                    Against TechWins' judgment i believe there will be an option to remove civ-specific units from the game somewhere in the options...


                    • #25
                      I want the legion!!!
                      I just like the Romans, and the legions was the unit that brought them to the power they had!!!
                      So, legion, here I come!!!
                      Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
                      I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
                      Also active on WePlayCiv.


                      • #26
                        Anyone care to guess the chinese special unit ? So far i've heard nothing of it and I have no idea what it might be.
                        It's candy. Surely there are more important things the NAACP could be boycotting. If the candy were shaped like a burning cross or a black man made of regular chocolate being dragged behind a truck made of white chocolate I could understand the outrage and would share it. - Drosedars


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Wille
                          Anyone care to guess the Chinese special unit ? So far I've heard nothing of it and I have no idea what it might be.
                          I have not hear of any either, and my Father-in-Law is from China.
                          Maybe the Warlords could be their unit. Over the centuries they had many-many warlords.


                          • #28
                            There are some things the Russians do/did better but short-wave radar isn't one of them. American planes have better tracking & accuracy. So you can keep your more maneuverable MiG, I'd prefer to end the dogfight at 30 miles.
                            Russians also have crappier maintenance, although for some reason their missiles work more often than ours do.

                            That said, I think I'd like the Impis. Early scouting for good city sites. That and I have no clue what the other units do.

                            Communism will save the USA.
                            I'm consitently stupid- Japher
                            I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by joseph1944

                              The Israeli Air Force has shot down every Mig that has come up to fight. The American Air Force with the F-15 has shot down every Mig that has come up to fight and yet you call the Mig the greatest fighter of all time very good.
                              The American X-15 flew the edge of outer space which is 354,200 feet. The American SR-71 flew well above 80,000 all of the time. Some years ago the American F-4 flew to around 106,000 feet and a Mig-25 flew to about the same height or a little above that height around the same time. I just look through World Airpower book on the Mig-29 and could not find any information about the Mig-29 flying that height. And btw these flight are what they call "clime to height" races. The aircraft is stripped of all unnecessary equipment and then loaded with fuel, take off and get level at altitude and then hit the afterburners and go for the height. They can not normally fly at this altitude. There are very few Fighter that can fly above 60,000 feet. Not enough air for the engines.
                              When I served in the US Navy, it was my job to defend the United State from foreign and domestic enemies, and I would gladly do so.
                              Communism is the enemy of the US and even today I would fight them.
                              In the art of war the idea is to kill, I repeat to Kill the enemy any way possible. When we fought the Iraqi they had the forth larger military in the world, and it was our job to kill them. They no longer have the forth larger military.
                              Now for the "idiot" statement. I have never attack another person on this site. I may have question his/her statement but no personal attack. I would appreciate if you would not call me a name.
                              First off, im a communist, secondly United States and Isreal have never fought a war with Russia or the Soviet Union. So I have no idea where you got this crazy idea about migs coming out to fight. And in the korean war Migs werent used (as far as i know, i dont think they were even around yet) and in the vietnam war they werent used either. And yes I shouldn't have called him an idiot (but migs scoring a zero? com'on) but you may have too much pride in your nation. Communism isn't the United States Peoples enemy, its the enemy of the government who has done every thing in their power to hide the truth and surpress the people. If you do truely say that you believe communism is the enemy of the united states I must ask you why. Please tell me because it is probably something the government has done to inspire hate of the soviet union in the past. Ok i happen to like migs and i think their the best planes ever and its not because im a communist its because of their dual engine, and becaause they look cool, and fly better than the F series.

                              And i also have to say this which is a common misconception, there has never been a communist nation on earth. Not even close their has been socialism but not communism. A true communist system is a pure democratic nation where the people have the power of making laws, unlike the united states "democracy" where the peopple have represtentatives who do whatever the hell they want, and you vote and oppinions dont matter if the suppreme court says otherwise..

                              the iraqi had the fourth largest army in the world
                              the iraqi had the seventh most powerfull army in the world
                              the iraqi air force didnt match up to ours
                              the iraqis had no where near as many land armoured units
                              the iraqis had no nuclear missile deterent

                              basically we did kill them and we killed them good, it was overkill
                              it was a war over oil due to the united states policy of over production which the capitalist system seems to demand. cpaitalism is ruining the world being a freind to no-one, not the people, not nature..


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Theben
                                Communism will save the USA.
                                I think you and me should be friends

