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Whats your choice of any civ-specific unit?

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  • Whats your choice of any civ-specific unit?

    Whats your favourite planed civ-specific unit so far? Personally i have to play the game to see, but i think spearmen look cool.

    It's pretty good to see some cultural development in civ 3.
    Panzer Tank
    Abrams Tank
    Eagle Warrior

  • #2
    Why would anyone vote for F-15's when there is a choice a the MIG?????

    The MIG is better then the F-15 for the following reasons:

    1. Faster
    2. More Menoverable
    3. It's sidewinders (missiles) are more powerfull
    4. The F-15 usually carries 5-8 missiles, the MIG can carry up to 10.

    Also, this is not a proper poll (no offense), for one thing, you need to seperate the choices into two catagories, 1 being ground units, and 2 being air units.

    For my favorite air unit I have seen so far, the MIG, but as for ground units, screw off Germans, I got myself an Abrams.


    • #3
      the MiG is a rip off of the F16, which is superior to the F15.

      "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
      - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


      • #4
        Why does everyone get so caught up about military units from the last hundred years? The differences between F-15s and MiGs are microscopic compared to the differences between F-15s and Spitfires, and these differences are microscopic compared to the differences between any fighter plane and an archer. Such small differences will be largely ignored by anyone living a hundred years from now, and perhaps we should attempt to gain such an historical perspective. This being said, my favourite unique unit may be the Longbowman, assuming that it makes it into the game. For a hundred years, English armies were composed in large percentage of Welsh-inspired longbowmen, and were able to defeat much larger French forces (even those including archers) due to their extreme range (300-400 yards) and rapidity of fire (10 shots a minute). By the way, Alex, why do you feel the urge to post so many polls about which units or civs will be our "favourites" when we have so little information to go on? I'll reserve final judgment until I've played the game a few times.
        12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
        Stadtluft Macht Frei
        Killing it is the new killing it
        Ultima Ratio Regum


        • #5
          I'll say Impi, they look cute

          And besides, it keeps me out of these anal military debates...some of you would have loved the MBT threads on the off-topic of yesteryear
          Speaking of Erith:

          "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


          • #6
            Originally posted by Diablo, Bro. of Mephisto
            Why would anyone vote for F-15's when there is a choice a the MIG?????

            The MIG is better then the F-15 for the following reasons:

            1. Faster
            2. More Menoverable
            3. It's sidewinders (missiles) are more powerfull
            4. The F-15 usually carries 5-8 missiles, the MIG can carry up to 10.

            Also, this is not a proper poll (no offense), for one thing, you need to seperate the choices into two catagories, 1 being ground units, and 2 being air units.

            For my favorite air unit I have seen so far, the MIG, but as for ground units, screw off Germans, I got myself an Abrams.
            True true!! Migs are the best! Best jets of their era! F-16's are just a watered down version!

            the MiG is a rip off of the F16, which is superior to the F15.
            that is not true! f-16's and migs are nothing alike migs can travel higher than 16's, and are faster , and can be decked out with more missiles and guns


            • #7
              There is no doubt that Migs rock.


              • #8
                Ahhhh, Musketers;

                Good, honest, old fashion combat!!

                "Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."
                --P.J. O'Rourke


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Sean
                  Ahhhh, Musketers; Good, honest, old fashion combat!!
                  Oh yeah. I agree. Musketeers! Ore Legion? My be Hoplite...
                  Arne · Das Civilization Forum


                  • #10
                    Agree, Musketeers! I remember their value in MP-Age of Conquerors.

                    Btw, does anyone actually know what Mig there will be? Mig 31? 29? Wasn't the 29 regarded as the better?


                    • #11
                      Pucara planes for the Argentines!!!!!!!

                      and let's blow those harriers and cruisers with turboprop planes!
                      Indifference is Bliss


                      • #12
                        The F-16 was developed first by us, americans, and a few years later, the Russians stole a copy, made one of their own, and hated it, after a couple years, they upgraded several parts of the plane, and called it a MIG 29.

                        And Rollo, yes the MIG 29 was/is the better of the two.

                        Our F-15's are now 80% strictly carrier aircraft, We now have the F-16's...which are NOT better then the MIG 29's, dang russians.


                        • #13
                          and what about this new plane iv been hearing about the x-something or other.. spose to be able to fly at mach 10.. can anyone say highspeeedbombing (yes 1 word)


                          • #14
                            F-15 score 100.5 other World Aircraft including the Mig-29 0.
                            And if I would sit down and read all 43 vol. of my World Air Power mag. I could tell you the score of the F-16. Btw the F-15 is not a carrier aircraft. That plane is the F-14 and not the F-15. Also we did not loose any F-16 to Iraq air force during the gulf war or in Kosovo campaign.


                            • #15
                              Remember that in a game of the scale of Civilization the unit symbols should represent entire forces instead of a single machine or soldier. The F-15 should be taken as representing an American air force rather than a single F-15 or even a group of F-15s. Personally if I were to chose an aircraft to represent the American air force I'd choose an AWACS plane, which may arguably be the most important single component of any US air deployment.
                              Likewise you should think of a Panzer symbol as representing the entire apparatus of blitzkrieg. If I were designing this game I would put in a P-51 special unit for the Americans and a T-35 unit for the Soviets to counter the Panzer. In the east, when the Soviets mastered the art of mass deployment of armor, artillery and air power they began to push back the Nazis. Likewise in the west the US used air superiority to more than offset deficiencies in their armor.
                              I'm not happy about the choice of the musketeer as a special unit for France. In which of his books does Dumas claim that the musketeers were a speciality of France. Spain was the first European power to successfully deploy units equipped with large numbers of firearms used in a way that significantly enhanced their fighting capabilities. First they used columns composed of both pikemen and arquebusiers, then they gave the arquebusiers swords and reduced the number of pikemen. The musketeer unit immortalized by Dumas was based on ideas ripped off from the Spanish! The Swedes were the first to integrate all mechanical firing mechanisms in a successful military force. If I were to give a special unit to renaissance/baroque France I'd givr them the Vaubun fortresss.
                              "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!

