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Whats the coolest civilization in Civ 3?

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  • The Germans or the Russians. Those Panzers and MiGs look schweet!
    "Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!" -- Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
    "If you expect a kick in the balls and get a slap in the face, that's a victory." -- Irish proverb

    Proud member of the Pink Knights of the Roundtable!


    • A question..

      Hey republicans,I was wondering if you guys can "really" fix social security.

      Now,my dad is 63,retired,my mom has schizophrenia and lives about 30 milesaway.I'm 15,will be 16 in a couple months.We are very dependant on Social security obviously since dad never wnet to colledge or anything and never had a good job.heres problems from the frontlines.

      A.Its is WAYYY to bureaucratic.TO give you an exapmple.About 2 years ago we moved from Aripeka to Port Richey.Ok,we got social security for those 2 years comin to our bank,then one day they just cut it off saying some bull**** about us not filling out a paper about us moving(can you belive this...It TOOK THEM 2 YEARS!!!),when no such notification was ever sent or asked for in any way or form during that last two years.Ok,dad dosen't know this and ends up writing lots of bounced checks costing us over a 150 dollars.Plus we didn't get our money until the next month.

      B.Not near enough pay-Why do I have to live in poverty?Hm?Is there a reason I have too?The goverment WON'T ALLOW us to make 2000 a month.For instance,one time we tryed to up our income to a decent 2000 a month by keeping mom,getting her check.(During this time we were finnaly able to afford a computer because are living costs were so cheap at the time..)Ok,the gov. found out and decided we were makein toooo much money(gasp) and cut moms check off and we were forced to get rid of my Mother.
      DO you in your hearts feel this is right?!?

      C.Its obvious SOcial Securitys gonna crash in another decade or so and we alll know how determined you are to deal with that...

      So,whats up guys?WHats your take on this?
      "Battle is a combination of all your skills,therefore,to be excellent at battle is to be excellent at life"-Me


      • off topic (but i could not resist

        from today's guardian

        Wednesday July 4, 2001

        Perhaps their minds have been unbalanced by the sight and sound of all those fireworks on Independence Day: more than one teenager in five doesn't know which country America was trying to get away from during the revolutionary war.
        In fact, 14% believes that the colonies declared independence from France on July 4 1776. Then there is the one in 10 between the ages of 12 and 17 who does not know that the first president was George Washington. One in four identifies incorrectly the two sides in the American civil war, of whom 13% think it was a struggle between the US and Great Britain.

        "When you look at these numbers it means that more than 5m teenagers don't understand the true meaning of Independence Day,"

        Now, if you consider that US teenagers are the core of the army of potential civ 3 buyers, you'd understand why firaxis could not care less about anything and everything that we post here.

        have a nice day.


        • ROMA VICTOR

