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About added RR-move related cosmic rule

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  • #16
    I also want infinite movement rates. As of now we can load a rail car with a load of goods and send that rail car from San Francisco to New York with just changing the Engine a few time in about 48 hours, so why change it?


    • #17
      Originally posted by Ralf
      No offense, but It really looks like you grasping for straws here.

      Its not exactly an entirely new feature we are talking about. Its just an added tweak-variation of the same old concept: the RR ground-unit universal movement-rule.
      No offense taken. But there aren't any straws being grasped either. The primary complaint people make is that there isn't enough realism in Civ. Every feature people request has some grounding in making Civ act more like real history (though hopefully maintaining fun) I don't like limiting railroad movement. It's a step backwards. If you want an option, fine, stick it in the rules.txt. End game turns are a year, railroads and airplanes should therefore be able to move halfway across the globe in one shot. Earlier I reiterated someone else's idea for infinite plane movement if the plane passes through an airport. I think thats perfect. It doesn't change the fact that the unit only has one attack movement, it only changes its range. You still can't attack all the way into an enemy empire without a base nearby. If air movement is improved in such a way, the only unrealistic portion of the endgame would be naval units, but I really don't have an idea of how to change their movement and haven't heard one on the boards. I don't like infinite railroad movement. It doesn't make sense to me.

      One of the largest complaints about inifinite railroad was the ability to race around an enemy civ's territory with them, well railroads should be getting damaged in war anyway. Also, the AI railroad web in Civ2 was a code bug holdover (in my opinion) from Civ1 where railroads gave trade bonuses. I never saw such behavior with mag tubes by the AI in SMAC, and see no reason why it would happen again.


      • #18
        Originally posted by SerapisIV
        If you want an option, fine, stick it in the rules.txt.
        Great! It doesnt always have to be "my way or the highway" when it comes to these little game-tweaks, you know.

        All you have to do once you have installed Civ-3, is to open the Rules.txt file and erase the game-default chosen RR-move variable, and type "0" instead (meaning "infinite moves").

        Finally, we are on agreeing terms about this issue.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Ralf
          Is it biased to promote such a tweakable text-file rule to make it the players own free choice?
          There is bias in this poll question, due to the fact that you haven't provided every possible response. You should have put the option: "Infinite RR movement. Final."
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          Killing it is the new killing it
          Ultima Ratio Regum


          • #20
            Originally posted by KrazyHorse
            There is bias in this poll question, due to the fact that you haven't provided every possible response. You should have put the option: "Infinite RR movement. Final."
            I have to admit that it never really crossed my mind that some civers actually would vote for "hardcoded" RR-move choices (knowing back in his mind that many would be disappointed, not being able to tweak it "the other way") instead of free optional RR-move choices (there each gamer can tweak it to his own personal liking - in best Civ tweak-file tradition).

            I certainly wouldnt be comfortable voting "Fixed RR movement. Final", even though Im personally is 100% supportive about it. The way I look at it: the more game-customization possibilities Firaxis can squeeze to the game - the better it is. Obviously, you dont seems to think so.
            Last edited by Ralf; June 14, 2001, 15:06.

