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Map Wrap-Around

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Chuckles
    i.e.-you go up at the top of the map and you show up half a screen over on the top of the map.
    It doesn't have to be half a screen over. In reality all the Northern\Southern most tiles should be touching. So you should be able to travel instantly to any of them.
    One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


    • #17
      a globe? that would just look weird....


      • #18
        Originally posted by Chuckles
        i.e.-you go up at the top of the map and you show up half a screen over on the top of the map.
        I think this is an excellent idea as well as a realistic one. For example, this could allow you to have a Cold War scenario where the Americans and Soviets could bomb each other cities without flying half way around the world. (not counting alaska and siberia )


        • #19

          Completely silly to have this. It would be faster to get from Norway to Alaska than to get from Norway to Germany. Once you've decided on a map like the one Civ 2 uses, you can't make a compromise. You just get the worst of both worlds.
          12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
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          Ultima Ratio Regum


          • #20
            To remedy this debate:

            There should be several options:

            Choose a Map
            Load a Saved Map
            Generate a Random Map---(taken to seperate 'slider' screen)

            Choose a Map Type
            Flat Map (Theatrewide)
            Fully 3D Map
            Globe Map
            Wrap-around Map
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            • #21

              this one still burns me...i dont understand why it is so difficult to impliment a sphere on a flat map!
              i understand why we can/should not have a sphere world like X-com ...but donut world blows chunks! - it just makes no logical
              sense. is there a black hole at the poles or something???

              it is a simple mathmatical equation to simulate a sphere world on a flat map by doing something like this:

              xCoord + z = whereThePieceMovesNext;

              walla! all done.

              now imagine applying it in the grid i drew. if your piece is at 2n and goes up...that means it comes out at 12n. if it was a flat map or east-west only map, then this could not happen. if this was a donut map then the peice would emerge at 2s.
              with this equation/example it allows for the player to imagine a map that was like any map we read on a daily basis for traveling or whatever. there is only one draw back i found...and that is that the world's grid width can only be even numbered. this can be overcome by compensating code...or easier yet, by simply allowing only even number widths (does it really make a difference if your custom map is 121 width instead of 120 or 122 width?)

              it can be so simply implemented...took me less than 10 seconds (except making the grid took a little bit...using different graphic program than normal)

              so simple
              so logical
              so realistic
              so why can't it be done?
              Attached Files
              Last edited by Nemo; June 30, 2001, 12:04.


              • #22
                Re: Map Wrap-Around

                Originally posted by Pilfur
                Would anybody else agree with me that the east-west map wrap around should be optional?
                In Civ2 one could choose "Customize rules" and then "Flat world" in the game-setup. So you can be pretty sure that they gonna add something like this in Civ-3, as well. Dont worry.
                Last edited by Ralf; June 30, 2001, 12:24.


                • #23
                  it is too bad that CIV III is too far in the game to steal the globe idea from "manifest destiny".
                  now my only hope is that cyberware will get enough $ to make their graphix to the level of civ III and enough $ to market the game, besides i think that "manifest destiny" is a ****y name.


                  • #24
                    It doesn't have to be half a screen over. In reality all the Northern\Southern most tiles should be touching. So you should be able to travel instantly to any of them.
                    true...but there is a dead zone (the black area) at the extreme ends of the maps...this could be considered the true tip, where as the last moveable gid is just before the complete north/south pole.

                    (and...yes, i am having fun with my new imaging program )
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by Nemo; June 30, 2001, 12:27.


                    • #25

                      That isn't really a sphere. It does nothing to reflect geodisic routes - the shortest route to a location on a true sphere, that makes it appear curved on a flat map.

                      If you travel East or West at the Equator you will have to travel further in order to return to the same point, than if you did the same thing nearer the poles.

                      Your model (although a lot easier to code) does not reflect this.
                      One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                      • #26
                        BigCrunch: ahhh, i see what you are getting at. well, the only way i can think to do that on a flat map is to make the tiles becom larger as you approach the poles. this would allow the map to maintain its square/rectangle shape, while allowing for less movements towards the poles.

                        i was thinking more along the lines of simply getting around the 'wall' at each end of the poles, while maintaining a realistic, yet easily implimented means of doing it (reads: "firaxis, please do something, anything, about the north/south pole issue. and no, donut world is not realistic...even if this is only a game")


                        • #27
                          Although the "halfway jump" at the poles is rather flawed, it´s a start. Now I think of it, does anyone here have Civ2:ToT and Angelo Scotto´s CSPL (an events language of some sorts)? Maybe that can do this.
                          Depicting a true globe won´t be possible in a fixed size square as far as I know, so the discrete system the civ series has used so far can´t support it, I believe. I´m not familiar with X-COM, so how did they do it there?
                          All the rectangular map projections have some kind of deficit, either distance, surface area or shape will be violated in some way.
                          I did see another approach at dealing with this problem, in a game called Evolution, that looked something like this

                          The dotted areas are black, if you enter on one side of the you reappear at the adjacent triangle. This is still far from perfect, of course, and probably can´t be implemented in Civ3 either... oh well.
                          Last edited by Mercator; June 30, 2001, 14:18.
                          Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


                          • #28
                            the X-com map was a complete 3D-sphere with rotational abilities and you could even see the night/day line created by the sun. not too bad, considering how old the game was.


                            • #29
                              But was the map discrete (say like Civ2) or not (e.g AoE)? I think it´s not all that hard to create a basic globe, it´s harder to adjust the graphics so that they adjust to the perspective, so that the terrains, units, cities etc. appear on the map correctly. If you would want this system to look perfect, creating your own graphics would be an even more impossible job.
                              Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by 007
                                it is too bad that CIV III is too far in the game to steal the globe idea from "manifest destiny".
                                now my only hope is that cyberware will get enough $ to make their graphix to the level of civ III and enough $ to market the game
                                I was worried that Civ III would steal our globe for a while myself. While I think they would have created a better game had they done so, I like the idea of us being the only Civ-style game with a real globe As it is, we are quite different games, although in the same genre. They have wonders, we don't. We have a globe, they don't. We have Leaders, they have Generals. We have a unit workshop, they do not. I could go on and on. Firaxis and RJCyberware have gone in different directions for each of our games, which suits me just fine, heh. The bottom line is that I think there is room in the genre for both of us. I hope so anyway, because we will be the ones forced out if there isn't

                                , besides i think that "manifest destiny" is a ****y name.
                                I'm sorry you don't like the name
                                Last edited by RonHiler; June 30, 2001, 19:39.
                                Manifest Destiny - The Race For World Domination
                                -Playable Alpha now available!

