Curious, what size world do you enjoy playing with?
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What size world is the most fun?
I voted for huge. I like long games with as many civ opponents as possible and some room to build a good core of cities.
I've actually upped the percentage of water, seems to have given me some more interesting maps. Last game I actually had 5 naval squadrons with 2 carriers each as their cores. There was some intense naval engagements and aerial bombardment. Even some island hopping action.
Guess I'm just a glutton for punishment
Large. Big enough to have room to have fun on without being so big it causes problems with all the stuff to keep track of.Rule 37: "There is no 'overkill'. There is only 'open fire' and 'I need to reload'." 23 Feb 2004
I'm a fan of huge. Though i'll play anything from standard above. Like large quite a lot too, got some nice maps from large. I like huge because of having those extra civs and the room for us all to expand.
While we're on this topic I have a couple of quick questions for anyone that can answer.
1. How do I add all 31 civs to a game? I want to have a game on a huge map with 31 (or whatever the top number of civs is) civs on it.
2. Does the size of the map have anything to do with the ability of the AI? Does a huge map make the AI 'smarter' or is the AI better with a small map?
I like standard, it has, IMO, the perfect number of civs with just enough land to be comfortable on w/o making mm a pain. If I were to go larger ,I'd only go up to Large, and I'd still only keep 7 or 8 civs (I'm more used to SMAC, so that's why I prefer fewer civs).I AM.CHRISTIAN
Last time this poll was run (Dec?) I voted Standard because I had played quite a lot on large maps and was getting tired of the slow gameplay that crops up in the latter stages of games on large maps, and/or with many Civs.
This time I voted Small. Who knows, next time it may be Tiny.
The redeeming feature of smaller worlds is that the games tend to move more quickly and have greater focus.
Translation#1: fewer turns to crush the opposition
Translation#2: get to finish at 1 AM instead of 7 AM
IMO it's hard to make a strong case for ANY particular size, because the scenario, the world size, land type, and number of Civs all work together to determine how enjoyable or tedious a game of Civ will be.
- bvc
P.S. Isn't there a cliche about size...
I'm not too sure... I usually play huge but it gets a drag moving so many units...
I reckon Small is more fun - it's certainly more lighthearted anyway. The tech rate bonus makes for a quicker game too...
I'd say small = fun, huge = more satisfying.Some cry `Allah O Akbar` in the street. And some carry Allah in their heart.
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