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What If?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Turk Man
    what if the germany won the ww1
    Germany winning WW1 is not that far fetched. If the USA had not declared war in 1917, it is most likely Ludendorfs spring offensives in 1918 would have brought a negotiated peace.

    There would be substantial changes in geography. Based on the Treaty of Brest Litovsk, there would be the Baltic States and a Poland that looks like the old Grand Duchy of Warsaw from Napoleonic times. An independant Ukraine would also be new.

    Transcaucasus would go to Turkey.

    Macedonia and parts of Thessalonika and the Dobruja would be joined to a greater Bulgaria.

    The rest of Serbia would probably disappear into Austria Hungary, as well as Venetia from Italy.

    Lastly, Germany would lop off another chunk of France (the rest of Lorraine more or less) as well as part of Belgium (probably to the line of the Meuse). Luxembourg would have also been annexed. Germany's colonies would have to be returned, and probably agrandized with the Congo. South Africa would be granted "independance" under new Boer leadership.

    Red Revolution would rear it's ugly head in the lands of the losers, as it did in our history, but instead of Soviet Bavaria and Hungary it would be France, Italy and Russia (again). I can't really see Soviet Britain but maybe it would happen.

    Ten to fifteen years after WW1, Austria-Hungary would fall apart/explode, which would probably be the signal for the Revaunchists to attack Germany and start the next Great War.


    • #47
      france and italy going communist would require more than losing a war, with a lot of different variables, i think, but it could obviously still had happened. My guess also is that Britain wouldn't go communist as, for one, their not on the continent, closer ties to the U.S., I think maybe having royalty would deter it (in my opinion) and finally they weren't affected as much by the war as a whole.
      I use Posturepedic mattresses for a lifetime of temporary relief.


      • #48
        what if the England won in war of 1812 and made the USA part of England again?


        • #49
          Originally posted by Turk Man
          what if the England won in war of 1812 and made the USA part of England again?
          If Britian had won the war of 1812, its unlikely they would have been able to take over the USA. They weren't able to keep the 13 colonies when the population was less than 4 million and had divided loyalties, its unlikely they would have been able to re-establish control over 8 million Americans who had been a nation for over 30 years.

          Most likely, part of Maine and Michigan would be ceded to Canada. The question is whether Britain would have been able to gain control over the new Louisianna purchase, forcing the USA to recognise the Mississippi river as its western boundary.


          • #50
            what if Spain still rule Mexico and South America in 2003?


            • #51
              what if Turkey beat England in Arabia?


              • #52
                what if the US loss the war against Spain?
                >>> El cine se lee en dvdplay <<<


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Chilean President
                  what if the US loss the war against Spain?
                  good one


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Turk Man
                    what if Turkey beat England in Arabia?

                    Turkman, maybe you could give us some idea why Turkey lost to England in Arabia, and what might have changed the situation. I assume you are talking about WW1?

                    I don't have all the answers. It would be nice if you would post more than just scenarios. Your opinion is as valid as mine. Give us your thoughts.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Chilean President
                      what if the US loss the war against Spain?

                      Chilean President, maybe you could give us some idea why Spain lost to the US, and what the Spanish could have done to turn it around. I'm assuming you are talking about the war of 1898?

                      I don't have all the answers. It would be nice if you would post more than just scenarios. Your opinion is as valid as mine. Give us your thoughts.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Turrosh Mak


                        Turkman, maybe you could give us some idea why Turkey lost to England in Arabia, and what might have changed the situation. I assume you are talking about WW1?

                        I don't have all the answers. It would be nice if you would post more than just scenarios. Your opinion is as valid as mine. Give us your thoughts.
                        well the arab rebel ,what if the arab did not join england in arabia?


                        • #57
                          well the arab rebel ,what if the arab did not join england in arabia?
                          That would be like "Hey, we don't want to rebel. We enjoy being subjugated and oppressed by the Turks. So what if their empire has been in decline for the last century? We don't want to be independent!!"

                          Chilean President, maybe you could give us some idea why Spain lost to the US, and what the Spanish could have done to turn it around. I'm assuming you are talking about the war of 1898?
                          Basically the same reason as the Arabs were able to defeat the Turks - both Spain and the Ottomans were way past their prime and lacked the forces to hold their territory against rebellious indigenous people being assisted by a better armed and better trained military of another power.
                          One OS to rule them all,
                          One OS to find them,
                          One OS to bring them all
                          and in the darkness bind them.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by justjake73

                            That would be like "Hey, we don't want to rebel. We enjoy being subjugated and oppressed by the Turks. So what if their empire has been in decline for the last century? We don't want to be independent!!"

                            Basically the same reason as the Arabs were able to defeat the Turks - both Spain and the Ottomans were way past their prime and lacked the forces to hold their territory against rebellious indigenous people being assisted by a better armed and better trained military of another power.
                            what if the turk manger to stop the decline,made a new amry to defend the turks?


                            • #59
                              suggest all you guys take a look at Soc.history.what-if, where they take this sort of thing VERY seriously.

                              Mad bomber is correct. The obstacles to sealion were massive and multiple.

                              German invasion through Turkey has been discussed. Mainly in context of attack on mid east oil. The key obstacle is logistics. Turkey had one single track rail line to the eastern border, not enough to support an invasion force (much less move the oil back) Invasion of russia is even more problematic, given the terrain.

                              A proper what-if should have a point of departure - when do things begin to deviate from actual history and why.
                              "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by lord of the mark
                                suggest all you guys take a look at Soc.history.what-if, where they take this sort of thing VERY seriously.

                                Mad bomber is correct. The obstacles to sealion were massive and multiple.

                                German invasion through Turkey has been discussed. Mainly in context of attack on mid east oil. The key obstacle is logistics. Turkey had one single track rail line to the eastern border, not enough to support an invasion force (much less move the oil back) Invasion of russia is even more problematic, given the terrain.

                                A proper what-if should have a point of departure - when do things begin to deviate from actual history and why.
                                what is the website?

