Originally posted by Solomwi
I think you're right, vmxa. The other change is you can see what deals are active in the Foreign Advisor screen, rather than have to call up each leader to find out. In fact, I know you're right, because I remember having to call up each leader and click Active to find out what was up.
I think you're right, vmxa. The other change is you can see what deals are active in the Foreign Advisor screen, rather than have to call up each leader to find out. In fact, I know you're right, because I remember having to call up each leader and click Active to find out what was up.
In PtW (I can no longer remember how Civ III Vanilla is laid out) inside the foreign advisor screen there are two other screens which show your relationship to the other heads of state. These can be reached through tabs on the right hand side of the screen. One screen is trade - which shows which countries you have potential, and active trades with. The other is the screen which shows what deals you have that are active.
Instead of having to open up the negotiation screen (the screen illustrated by Catt above) you may click on the foreign leaders image, and the active deals appear in a status box on the right hand side. This allows you to quickly check all of your deals without the monotony of going in and out of the negotiation screen with every leader.
If you have sixteen turns left on a peace you sued for, for example, it will give you a number of turns left on the treaty (16) once those turns are up, the words "peace treaty" will appear but no parenthetical number will appear beside it.
-edited for clarity