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What is your favorite modification you made to the game?

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  • #16
    1) Hidden nationality!
    for a land unit, Special forces that paradrop and destroy resources (AI can really jack up your game with them)
    for submarines
    I used them for stealth planes and it was fun but I'm going to pull back a bit on it (see below)

    2) Airborne brigade
    an army unit that only carries two foot units and I gave it a airdrop range and ability and a few more hp. To make paratroopers stronger behind lines. I used the paradrop graphic so it looked like a multi-figure unit but the color got mixed up. If I figure out why I may make a new unit out of this, just the flag with a paratrooper.

    3) make differnt wealths for different govts. like democracy has capitalism so it was like wealth but i added more production like a factory (for more gold) and a science bonus to represent an economy with out govt interference.

    new ones I'm testing:

    1) Added the guerrilla attack flc and sounds to the Worker Modern Times.INI and then made a worker unit but added a space after it. made it have worker abilities and a defense of 10. I use this to make another guerrilla unit "farmer by day, guerrilla by night" so I try to take workers they may surprise by some fighting back.

    2) Air specializing: stealth bombers with very long range. stealth fighters with hidden nationality (debating if a regular bombard or only precision), heavy bomber with moves of three or more for multiple attack. close air support a10, the only one with lethal bombardment. an air superiority fighter, a recon plane. so have to have a mix of aircraft instead of jet fighters and stealth bombers.
    Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

    See me at


    • #17
      Yep you're right... so bad I do not think about my last game...
      I was playing Monarch on a Large Map in the modern world. The A.I. succeed to take my only city with Rubber so I was unable to build any Tank...

      I've got Cavalry VS Modern Armor...

      In this time, I must assure you that all my city was building Cruise Missile/bomber and Guerilla/Cavalry, and cruise missile help me a lots...

      Oh yeah, I succeed to make Peace with one of the A.I.( I was in war vs 4 A.I.) who got Rubber to sold!!! After this... this was Piece of Cake!

      KrONoS_QC = World Dominator ( my girlfriend bought me a shirt written World Dominator, I think this is the best gift I've never received)

      democracy has capitalism so it was like wealth but i added more production like a factory (for more gold) and a science bonus to represent an economy with out govt interference.
      How do you add this in the Editor, in the Government panel there is nothing about Production And Science Bonus? Or something like that


      So have nice day everyone


      • #18
        Originally posted by cronos_qc
        I was playing Monarch on a Large Map in the modern world. The A.I. succeed to take my only city with Rubber so I was unable to build any Tank...

        I've got Cavalry VS Modern Armor...

        In this time, I must assure you that all my city was building Cruise Missile/bomber and Guerilla/Cavalry, and cruise missile help me a lots...
        A similar thing just occured to me. Playing a random standard map (8 civs) it appeared that the settings were maximum water, pangaea, warm and wet -- there was only a bit of desert and a bit of tundra. With the discovery of refining I learned that there were only 3 sources of oil in the world -- none in my territory, but one just over a border. The minimum land setting meant that my borders were often only one tile from an enemy city -- we were crammed in pretty tight. I paid an exhorbitant amount for oil to take on an agressor civ, but didn't have the resources to fight a two front war and seize some oil. As I entered the modern age and my war was won, I was down to 6 or 8 tanks with no way to trade for oil. I planned to build up a bunch of cruise missles, prepare for a modern armor blitz and then seize the world. The Russians, with oil just outside my border, declared war before I could get close to Synthetic Fibers -- but I had already built up a stockpile of around 60! cruise missles. Using only cruise missles, I destroyed mech infantry (and infantry) defending 5 AI cities (all but one a metropolis) while doing no damage to city improvements, of course. Cavalry just rolled right into the undefended cities and the oil was mine! A same turn upgrade to mech infantry and builds set to tanks immediately insured that I had the forces to defend my captures and then press on within a turn or two.

        First time I've used CM's extensively in a long time, but served their purpose well in that game.



        • #19
          I had my favorite mod in mind when I saw this thread, and then after reading Catt's and crono_qc's stories, it reminded me of the reason why it's my favorite mod.

          My most memorable games of Civ3 are the ones where once you finally get the tech to reveal some important strategic resource, like oil and rubber, you then find out that there's none of your territory. So then you have to enter an unplanned war with less-than-ideal units to fight for it.

          To force more of these scenarios, I lowered the amount of strategic resources to 40% of their current number. Not 40 as the editor setting, but rather take the current setting and multiply it by 0.4. There aren't enough resources to go around, so you have to fight for whatever you're missing.

          It can make for some very exciting games, try it sometime.


          • #20
            Zero-range bombard for archers, Longbowmen and guerilla. It makes these units much more interresting (not that the archer wasn't interresting...)
            Get your science News at Konquest Online!


            • #21
              I've mane a bunch of little tweaks but the most important one is simply increasing the aircraft and cruise missle ranges. My stats are:

              ................range bomb st. att def r.o.f.
              F-15.........12 10 10 6 3
              jet fighter.12 10 8 4 3
              bomber.....10 9 0 2 3
              fighter.......8 4 4 2 1
              stealth b....18 16 0 0 5
              stealth f....35 0 0 0 0

              I actually renamed the stealth fighter the SR-71 Blackbird and use it solely as a long range recon plane.

              Also, you can see I made the jet fighter a little better than the bomber all around. Think of a modern fighter plane (like the Su-27) compared with a WW2 bomber - the Su 27 should be more powerful even in ground attack, especially when you consider increased accuracy. I updated AI strats to use the jet fighter to bomb and for air sup.

              Other than that I've increased the moves of most naval units by one.

              The helo transports two with a range of 8, and I gave it a weak (strength 6, rof 2) bombing ability.

              I give the AEGIS cruiser 7 moves and a bombard range of six to simulate cruise missles.

              One more fun thing I did was let (non-nuclear) submarines carry one unit.


              • #22
                Think of a modern fighter plane (like the Su-27) compared with a WW2 bomber - the Su 27 should be more powerful even in ground attack, especially when you consider increased accuracy. I updated AI strats to use the jet fighter to bomb and for air sup.
                The B52 flew for the first time in 1954...

                For me your Jet Fighter is a way too strong. Me, I'll lower your R.O.F. to 2.(Bomber can carry more bombs than jet fighter) and you Bombard value, since again, Bomber can carry more bombs than any Jet Fighter... even old bomber.

                But I understand you make this, since your Stealth Fighter is used at Recon...

                For me I think I will create a Air Units for Recon only, named the SR-71...
                I think the Recon Air Plane is a really good idea.

                see ya


                • #23
                  cronos: bombers in wwII carried up to 8 tons of bombs. A10 carries 7 tons. not very big difference


                  • #24

                    However the bomber represents all bombers not just those of ww2. with a payload in excess of 75,000 lbs (or 38 tons) the B-52 like most modern day bombers have bombloads that dwarf those of the best fighter-bombers. Lets hope that Firaxis put in some of the units they left out (super carriers, jet bombers, recon planes, mobile artillery, motorized infantry, crusiers, ect) in the next XP.
                    * A true libertarian is an anarchist in denial.
                    * If brute force isn't working you are not using enough.
                    * The difference between Genius and stupidity is that Genius has a limit.
                    * There are Lies, Damned Lies, and The Republican Party.


                    • #25
                      I reduced the Man o War it was way too powerful
                      Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.
                      Douglas Adams (Influential author)


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Mad Bomber

                        However the bomber represents all bombers not just those of ww2. with a payload in excess of 75,000 lbs (or 38 tons) the B-52 like most modern day bombers have bombloads that dwarf those of the best fighter-bombers. Lets hope that Firaxis put in some of the units they left out (super carriers, jet bombers, recon planes, mobile artillery, motorized infantry, crusiers, ect) in the next XP.
                        Why would they bother when just about all of these can be downloaded anyway?

                        I'm having fun adding minefields, both land and naval. It's not a complete success yet but I'm working on it.

                        I'm also messing about with naval air, but that's at an even earlier stage. I would like to create ASW helos and naval only aircraft, but I'm still not up to speed on the editor. I'll keep trying.
                        Some cry `Allah O Akbar` in the street. And some carry Allah in their heart.
                        "The CIA does nothing, says nothing, allows nothing, unless its own interests are served. They are the biggest assembly of liars and theives this country ever put under one roof and they are an abomination" Deputy COS (Intel) US Army 1981-84


                        • #27
                          How do you add this in the Editor, in the Government panel there is nothing about Production And Science Bonus? Or something like that

                          I actually add an improvement called capitalism, but make it only available to democracies. thats where i add production and science bonus.
                          Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                          See me at


                          • #28
                            Major changes on goverments (I made the democracy's corruption communal, for one).


                            • #29
                              I have made a few changes in my mod, but they are quite drastic and make the game much better IMHO :

                              - map trading pushed back to navigation, and communication trading pushed back to radio. You don't have the whole map revealed + all contacts by 2000 BC anymore

                              - all units HPs doubled, and all bombing units' firepower doubled too. It makes flukes much less important in combat, and empowers the bombers a bit (more chances to hit buildings)

                              - Dramatic increase of ship's movement points, and Navigation now gives Galleons, Frigates, Privateers, Man-O-War. The medieval exploration age is triggered by navigation (almost alone) and the age of sail is interesting at last.
                              "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
                              "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
                              "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


                              • #30
                                Spiffor, those sound like some good ideas. I'll give them a try - it's a bit odd to get the world map so early when you consider exploration continued almost into the 20th century!

                                Some cry `Allah O Akbar` in the street. And some carry Allah in their heart.
                                "The CIA does nothing, says nothing, allows nothing, unless its own interests are served. They are the biggest assembly of liars and theives this country ever put under one roof and they are an abomination" Deputy COS (Intel) US Army 1981-84

