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Top Secret - New Alliance

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  • #46
    and our tech is (And has been) slow
    It will get much better if we take over the GS lands.


    • #47
      and shifted our capitol

      and were not hit by the people of Bob when we were doing so

      Jon Miller
      Jon Miller-
      GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


      • #48
        All this also means that we will have to give up on Bob to achieve the cooperation of GoW.
        True. We will get a lot more out of the GS territory than we will in a corner of Bob.

        One more thing. We should try to make the same agreement with another rival of RP. If bot GoW and ND agree to help us against GS, in exchange for our withdrawal from Bob and our later help against RP, victory will be much easier to achieve.
        The more the merrier, provided they agree to give us all of Estonia. Any cities they take must be given to us. One nice advantage to that is any city they give us converts its citizens to Voxians. No foreign national problem. In return, when the war is over we give them the Bob city south of the cow. Once we have a chance to rebuild and the non-aggression pact is over we go against RP.


        • #49
          We need at least 8-10 turns to get a decent size force.

          We wait until the tech trade is done. In fact - if the timing is right - we stiff them on the free tech and walk in. They have to give us cuurency and constructiuon first in order to get the free tech in return. We can do this without republic - we can get it later in a trade if need be. We tell GS we are researching monarchy, which was Shiber's suggestion. Hence we don't have any money.

          We can also push for the 20 gold for the map making deal. Also tell them we have a deal for two future techs for our tech - in advance - but we need to put in 80 gold - can they put up 40 now.

          Just some ideas.

          I'm with Eli and jon on this - but then - do we even settle on Bob? It would be good cover for an invasion against GS, and could be our explanation for forces build up. If need be - we can gift it to GoW later. Same with a second city we could provide to NeuD. Great cover - and great leverage with the Bobians.
          Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


          • #50
            do you think we have enough time to use our Immortals?

            Knights could be coming very fast.


            • #51
              They have to give us cuurency and constructiuon first in order to get the free tech in return. We can do this without republic - we can get it later in a trade if need be.
              I think we will get them all at once. My guess is GS is trading Republic to Lego for Currency and Construction. My guess is we will get them all at once, or maybe even Republic as soon as GS finishes it and the other one turn later after GS completes the trade with Lego. The only way we lose out is if GS does an early trade with Lego where we get C&C before GS finishes Republic. In that case they will be asking for the free tech before we get Republic. We could tell them we are still holding out for that 20 gold to pay for Map Making.


              • #52
                do you think we have enough time to use our Immortals?

                Knights could be coming very fast.
                We will have to act fast as soon as we get the techs from GS. It will take a few turns for them to switch to Republic plus they have to research Feudalism and Chivalry before they can build knights and that assumes they have iron connected somewhere. If we have some galleys just our side of the border and out of their vision range, we can get some immortals on their doorstep in a few turns while the rest of the force marches down the mountains. We will have taken some of their cities before they can get knights. GoW or ND units will provide a distraction and together we have a chance of disrupting any iron supply they have.


                • #53
                  Oh, my. If we don't give them Monotheism that is another tech they will have to research before they can build knights.


                  • #54
                    Exactly Harry. I am liking this more and more. It is clearly a gamble - but as Eli and yourself have pointed out - our options are limited, and the window of opportunity is closing fast.

                    So - I am drafting an outline of a plan - and will post it shortly.

                    Operation Immortal Beloved.

                    Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                    • #55
                      Though I don't like all might me right. Maybe going after GS is our only hope. I guess it's either feast (take out GS) or famine (GS takes us out)...
                      "One day if I do go to heaven, I'm going to do what every San Franciscan does who goes to heaven - I'll look around and say, 'It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco.'" - Herb Caen, 1996
                      "If God, as they say, is homophobic, I wouldn't worship that God." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu


                      • #56
                        The consensus so far in another thread has been that Space Race and Domination are the most likely outcomes of this game.

                        If the world stays in its current division of land the only way anyone will be able to win is by lauching the space ship. In that case we lose. Our research rate and our production capacity are too small. Someone else will beat us to it. The likely candidates will be GS and Lego. Both are actively building and will have powerful civilizations by the end of the middle ages. Sooner or later the Bob civs will war and that will cost them. Even if one of them manages to conquer all of Bob it will take them a while to do it and it will cost them a lot. Both GS and Lego may be too far ahead for the Bob winner to rebuild the conquered territories and catch up in time. I think the Bob civs will end up trying for a Domination win.

                        Staying put or fighting a defensive war on Bob will not help us win the Space Race or by Domination. In both cases we need territory and the only way I see to get it now is by attacking GS. A small piece of Bob will not be enough and may prove to be very costly to get. The productive lands down south will provide a good basis for being a competitor in the Space Race as well as putting us a step closer to a Domination victory.

                        Or, we can forget trying to win and just play to watch the world around us. Besides, if GS takes us out we can apply for refuge status and join them.


                        • #57
                          Touche' Harry. Like I've already stated - I don't like it - but on the other hand, what viable options do we have left to us? I guess it's "grab your balls, give a battle cry, and jump!"
                          "One day if I do go to heaven, I'm going to do what every San Franciscan does who goes to heaven - I'll look around and say, 'It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco.'" - Herb Caen, 1996
                          "If God, as they say, is homophobic, I wouldn't worship that God." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu


                          • #58
                            Ok, I guess I'm starting to "see the light." Take one vote from "No" and move it to "Yes" - Though I still have reservations, what choice do we really have?
                            "One day if I do go to heaven, I'm going to do what every San Franciscan does who goes to heaven - I'll look around and say, 'It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco.'" - Herb Caen, 1996
                            "If God, as they say, is homophobic, I wouldn't worship that God." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu


                            • #59
                              Good points all around. I have had to think hard but as I see it we must take our chance. "You can't lose what you don't put on the table.... But you can't win much either." Lets get to work!
                              "Do not honour the worthy, And the people will not compete. Do not value rare treasures, And people will not steal. Do not display what people want, And the people will not have their hearts confused. A sage governs this way: He empties peoples minds and fills their bellies. He weakens their wills and strengthens their bone. Keep the people always without knowledge and without desires, For then the clever will not dare act. Engage in no action and order will prevail."-Loazi "The Classic of The Way and Its Powers"


                              • #60
                                yes if we don't act now we will fall further behind.

                                but I worry about our lack of horses. I wonder if GS has horses.

