Regarding their offer of 500 gold, with that and some of our gold we could rush marketplaces in 2 of the 3 cities we switched over to universities when we thought we were doing straight research. Now we'll need the added bonuses to gold again so we'll need to get those markets going.
No announcement yet.
Lego FA thread 1
We may need to run the projections out a bit - but where we have cities jammed up at pop level 6, would it not be better to rush aqueducts. Growth equals gold and research capability.
You might have to run a model out 30 or 40 or 50 turns to see what the medium and long term advantages and disadvantages are.
I can tackle this if you like Rhoth. But I know you love stuff like this. Let me know.Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.
Sent to Lego with the 760ad save
You're up. Thanks for steam power. :-D As I'm sure you already know we
have a source of coal so we'll be starting our rail network right away. It
won't be up and running quite as quickly as yours since we have a lot of
mountains and hills to rail, but we should have a good start on it soon.
Also, you had mentioned a while back about the possibility of sending gold
our way if we could use it. We're in the process of trying to finish up
marketplaces and universities in all our major cities before aqueducts (and
hopefully electricity from GS). If that offer still stands then we'd like
to take you up on it to finish up the last few major commerce boosting
Also, on the diplomatic front, the only finalized nationalism trade so far
has been ND and we received three more future luxury options and gold which
was immediately used to rush universities. We're still waiting to hear back
from GoW and GS. GoW thought the idea of nationalism for medicine and a
luxury option was fine but MZ has been busy so I haven't heard back yet. GS
is still debating a nationalism and democracy for electricity and luxuries
Response from Vondrack
Hi, Jared!
The offer still stands - how much gold would you need? Let me know ASAP, I am just playing the turn - if it is within the limits agreed upon in our forum, I could send the gold this turn.
Hi Radek,
You had mentioned 500 originally and that would be fine for us. We could use it to rush a marketplace and gear up to rush a second soon.
I noticed Vondrack was online so I went ahead and sent this to him to get their opinion. Sorry Beta, I hope I didn't step on your toes.
Hi Vondrack. I try not to impose on Beta's job as Lego ambassador, but the turn is moving quickly and I'd like to get your opinion on this deal that ND is offering. Obviously we can't go for sanitation at the moment and I told Zayxus that.
I'm of course leaning toward doing this since it would not only give us gold for sending them tech, but I just wanted to get Lego's thoughts on the matter.
The original proposal:
Neu Demogyptica offers Vox a deal about a technology.
ND would like to offer 150 Gold / Turn for the adequate number of turns, for example 16 turns for Sanitation. I'm looking forward for your answer.
What about a deal, where Legoland researches along the main Technologies and Vox or ND research for the other Technologies like Sanitation?
Best regards
I sent a PM back to him stating that Vox would discuss it. Today he sent another response.
Hello Rhothaerill!
Turn 780 is rather near to ND; and I would like to support the research of Vox as soon as possible.
What about, if I send you next turn 150 Gold in trust for a deal of research; and you may send it back, if you decided in another way?
Or should I keep the save until tomorrow evening to let Vox have more time to decide?
Best regards
To that I sent back to not hold up the save, just send us the money and if we can't work things out we'll return it.
Initial response from Vondrack
Hi, Jarred!
Honestly, I am shocked by how much they offer... the deal indeed looks extremely attractive, as they basically offer the full price of Sanitation...
Well, without going into too much details: we offered ND sort of a research/luxury pact - like they'd supply us with luxes & gold (MUCH less than what they offer you, though) and we'd keep them in the tech race by trading them all mandatory industrial techs we would research ourselves. So far, it seems the deal will go through, as Zayxus sounded very agreeable when I presented it in a chat last Thursday.
So... ND buying even more techs from you would fit well into the grand scheme - the less gold they have to buy stuff from GoW/GS, the less business they do together and the more ND is attracted to "us" (meant Vox/Lego). That definitely sounds attractive, as our primary goal for this era is to keep the world divided, preventing a gang-up on us, hopefully further increasing our lead.
OTOH, Sanitation is a bit troublesome starting point... first, you've already invested quite a lot of beakers/gold into Communism... second, you don't have Medicine yet, do you?... and third, we have already approached GoW with a proposal to trade The Corporation for Sanitation. Nothing binding yet and we haven't got any response from them yet, but still... if they say yes, it would look strange and unfriendly if we suddenly changed our minds.
So, my suggestion would probably be to respond very favourably as far as the general idea is concerned - yes, you will be happy to trade them techs for gold, but you need to finish your current research project first, as you already have a deal signed for it (yeah... more or less, you have ). Once you're done, you can revisit the idea and make a deal on a specific technology, perhaps even Sanitation (though I still think Sanitation would be better acquired from GoW).
Generally, I'd say that an arrangement like this would be extremely beneficial to you. I can imagine you could use an unlimited amount of ND gold... and as I said, it would fit nicely with our high-level strategy for the industrial era.
So, I think I'm going to leave this up to you. If you think the gold would be worth it, I don't think we would mind too much you scrapping the Communism research and starting Sanitation (assuming you'd actually be able to). We suggested Communism to you pretty much out of necessity - it was the only uncontested option...
Hm... not sure if any of this babbling helps. Besides, it's just my personal recommendation, nothing official (I am going to post your PM in our forum, though).
Take care,
Radek aka vondrack
And the response from the update.
Hm, sounds like Zayxus does not really know what it is he wants.
But anyway - I PMed you with my opinion few minutes ago. It stands. And I will add more in case someone in our forum comes up with something ispiring.
BTW - how many turns to Communism?
That was my thought as well. I PMed him a response to keep us in mind if they do decide to pay us for the research.
I read your opinions about the deal. They are pretty much what I had thought too, I just wanted to run it by Lego to make sure they weren't trying anything funny. Not that sending us 150gpt is 'anything funny' If they come back and want to deal then I will work something out with them. I certainly wouldn't mind taking their gold for something we are researching anyway.
As to switching to sanitation it is currently not something we can do as we still haven't received response from GoW yet about the nationalism for medicine trade (you aren't the only ones not to hear from them). I sent a 'friendly reminder' over the weekend and it still hasn't been read.
We currently have 21 turns to finish communism.
I had sent an email with the save about our deal with GS. Here is Vondrack's response (and it includes what I sent).
Hi, Jarred!
> You're up. We've worked out a deal to get electricity from GS for
> nationalism by agreeing to a 30 turn NDA instead of the normal 20.
> Party at the irrigation district next turn.
That's an excellent piece of news! We shall hopefully strike a deal
with GS pretty soon, too (Electricity for Industrialization and some
gold). We did not push it and waited for them to come to us with the
deal proposal... which eventually happened.
Anyway - glad to hear you are now able to irrigate. You needed it much
more than we did. Though we needed the tech to get close enough to the
Replaceable Parts...
Radek aka vondrack
Note from Vondrack
Hello, Jarred!
We are out of our GA and do not plan to build any more muskets for upgrades, so we'd appreciate getting your Nationalism, so that we can start upgrading. Also - your WM would be nice... hopefully lifting the shroud in the Northern Seas.
As we successfully traded Industrialization to ND, GoW, and GS, its research cost ceased to be an issue and I sent it your way as 'accepted' this turn.
Best regards,
Sent to Lego with the save.
You're up. We have almost completed a deal with Roleplay to send them nationalism for cash, however they have requested our world map as well. Part of the New Voice treaty was that we cannot send our world map to anyone without the prior approval of Lego so I need to ask whether we have your approval or not. I attached a screenshot of what we do know of your area so that you know what we'd be giving them.
Email from Vondrack. Lego has no problems with us sending our WM so my opinion is that we just send it. When I get home tonight I'll work out the beaker output and send it to Lego...unless you want to do it Beta. I've kind of usurped your role as Lego ambassador and I feel bad about it.
Hi, Jared!
We see no problem with you trading your WM to RP (or to anyone else,
for that matter). You may remember it was Vox inserting the clause on
the map trading, we did not feel strongly about it (as it's primarily
a matter of your security, not ours... even though your security is
our problem, too. From the screenshot you sent, it seems you know
as much or even a little bit less than what is generally known, so go
ahead and trade the map to RP, if they desire so (they have been
obsessesed with getting maps of Legos since the beginning of times.
How many turns to Communism? What is your current beaker output (and
what is your maximum beaker output and gold deficit at 100% research)?
Anything you might need from us?
Best regards,
Radek aka vondrack
Email to Vondrack
Hi Vondrack,
Per your request...
We are currently researching communism at 50% science with a +6gpt surplus. We will receive it in 13 turns.
At 0% research we currently gain 85gpt, though that will rise in a few more turns when some of the lesser cities complete marketplaces.
At 100% research we have 213 beakers per turn with a loss of -67gpt and it speeds up research to 7 more turns.
By the way, we're also starting work on our navy now. About 10-15 turns and we'll have several warboats in the water. :-D