Suggested letter to GS. Please comment asap. This should go very soon. Thanks.
Dear Zeit of Gathering Storm.
Greetings. Jon is busy with something called real-life right now, and our scientists aren't quite sure what that is. He has asked that I contact you regarding three items.
1. An Update:
We have been working hard on the diplomatic front, as many had suggested we should have done the last time, trying to reach a peaceful agreement with at least GoW, to allow us to settle a limited corner of Bob, and re-claim our city. We initially met with some success, but it may have come off the rails this evening after a lengthy discussion with GoW. It is not clear to us if they are getting pressured by NeuD on this - nor how solid the alliances are or are not between the Bobians. However, we now feel we will probably need to use force to back up our claim.
2. A Request:
I had asked Shiber earlier if members of GS would be willing to provide some tactical advice when we return to the continent. Short of lending us Theseus or Arrian or DeepO, we could at least explain the terrain and our battle plan, and the strategy forum could analyze it for us. Konquest02 is a recent addition to Vox Controli - so I'm sure they speak the same language.
3. An Offer
As a prepatory move to us going back to Bob - we obtained a number of turns back - at considerable expense - a complete map of Bob, with cities and roads. It is current to about 6 turns ago. And on the other hand, we also need cash to finance our return to Bob (we do not call it an invasion as no one owns the land as of yet).
So - we would like to offer the map of Bob in exchange for:
1. 200 gold, and we repay 120 gold in 24 turns.
2. 160 gold.
The first represents a lower price, and a loan to be repaid in full, without interest, in 24 turns. The second is a straight cash deal.
Can you please get back to me on items 2 and 3. As we are getting close to launching galleys - we would like to hear sooner than later if at all possible.
And by the way, like what you have done with the neighborhood. How are the beaches and bars at Monsoon?
Thank-you, and regards .... Beta.
Dear Zeit of Gathering Storm.
Greetings. Jon is busy with something called real-life right now, and our scientists aren't quite sure what that is. He has asked that I contact you regarding three items.
1. An Update:
We have been working hard on the diplomatic front, as many had suggested we should have done the last time, trying to reach a peaceful agreement with at least GoW, to allow us to settle a limited corner of Bob, and re-claim our city. We initially met with some success, but it may have come off the rails this evening after a lengthy discussion with GoW. It is not clear to us if they are getting pressured by NeuD on this - nor how solid the alliances are or are not between the Bobians. However, we now feel we will probably need to use force to back up our claim.
2. A Request:
I had asked Shiber earlier if members of GS would be willing to provide some tactical advice when we return to the continent. Short of lending us Theseus or Arrian or DeepO, we could at least explain the terrain and our battle plan, and the strategy forum could analyze it for us. Konquest02 is a recent addition to Vox Controli - so I'm sure they speak the same language.

3. An Offer
As a prepatory move to us going back to Bob - we obtained a number of turns back - at considerable expense - a complete map of Bob, with cities and roads. It is current to about 6 turns ago. And on the other hand, we also need cash to finance our return to Bob (we do not call it an invasion as no one owns the land as of yet).
So - we would like to offer the map of Bob in exchange for:
1. 200 gold, and we repay 120 gold in 24 turns.
2. 160 gold.
The first represents a lower price, and a loan to be repaid in full, without interest, in 24 turns. The second is a straight cash deal.
Can you please get back to me on items 2 and 3. As we are getting close to launching galleys - we would like to hear sooner than later if at all possible.
And by the way, like what you have done with the neighborhood. How are the beaches and bars at Monsoon?
Thank-you, and regards .... Beta.