Yup iron is important. But GS does not know where it is. If we make a bee line for a southern city - GS may get suspicious. Although - not much they can do about it.
I see a couple of possible scenarios.
Next city - chokepoint - (which completes the road by the way) (and is what GS expects us to do). I think we should stick to this. It gets us another city soon - and although it won't be a stellar producer early, it has strategic value.
Then - after that - well - we go for iron on the east coast - I vote for Witt's choice - it only takes one city. And lets face it - in the early days - before the jungle is cleared - these are not going to be stellar or high-growth cities.
We go for the fish/wheat site - as explained in the previous chat map discussion. Not the square right between them, but the one to the SE. This will result in a high growth city for settler and worker production. And in one expansion, will get the iron on the west coast. If the east coast site - Witt's - goes in next, it will look simply like controlled growth - and should net us both irons.
I like this option better. The what-fish is clearly the better site - and if we go for the other now - they will know what's up.
If we sacrifice growth now, and the most efficient expansion we can achieve - to grab the iron on the east coast - we will not have the civ growth or production to do much once we have it.
I am clearly opposed to your approach jon - as it will take a lot of tough roading, and gives two cities which will not be very productive, other than the second which will get iron.
So. I advocate - city #3 - chokepoint. City #4 fish wheat City # 5 - east coast iron as per Witt's red dot. I maybe can be convinced to flip cities #4 and 5. But I still think this is the better way.
The road network - is fairly efficient as well. Either way.
I think this will let us have our iron (both of them), and eat it too.
I see a couple of possible scenarios.
Next city - chokepoint - (which completes the road by the way) (and is what GS expects us to do). I think we should stick to this. It gets us another city soon - and although it won't be a stellar producer early, it has strategic value.
Then - after that - well - we go for iron on the east coast - I vote for Witt's choice - it only takes one city. And lets face it - in the early days - before the jungle is cleared - these are not going to be stellar or high-growth cities.
We go for the fish/wheat site - as explained in the previous chat map discussion. Not the square right between them, but the one to the SE. This will result in a high growth city for settler and worker production. And in one expansion, will get the iron on the west coast. If the east coast site - Witt's - goes in next, it will look simply like controlled growth - and should net us both irons.
I like this option better. The what-fish is clearly the better site - and if we go for the other now - they will know what's up.
If we sacrifice growth now, and the most efficient expansion we can achieve - to grab the iron on the east coast - we will not have the civ growth or production to do much once we have it.
I am clearly opposed to your approach jon - as it will take a lot of tough roading, and gives two cities which will not be very productive, other than the second which will get iron.
So. I advocate - city #3 - chokepoint. City #4 fish wheat City # 5 - east coast iron as per Witt's red dot. I maybe can be convinced to flip cities #4 and 5. But I still think this is the better way.
The road network - is fairly efficient as well. Either way.
I think this will let us have our iron (both of them), and eat it too.
