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Moves - Volume 4

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  • Yup - they have agreed to fund the deficit.

    And some upgrades. And we may be able to get them to fund an upgrade or two.

    (I wonder if we could get them to start funding space ship parts..... )
    Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


    • Too bad we just finished a few marketplaces. Oh well. I'll change the other three over to Universities.

      The only thing we'll have to watch out for is when our cities start growing and a few of them don't have markets to increase any luxuries we may receive.


      • that won't be for a while though

        are we doing well enough that it is worth it for us to research?

        that is a really good job

        Jon Miller
        Jon Miller-
        GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


        • Originally posted by Jon Miller
          that won't be for a while though

          are we doing well enough that it is worth it for us to research?

          that is a really good job

          Jon Miller
          We were able to research democracy, which is a 68 point tech in 17 turns. Not too bad for an island civ with no rivers. The next tech will be slightly slower as it has a higher tech point cost, but on the bright side it will likely be a tech no one is shooting for so we can get it first and trade it around for further concessions.


          • Originally posted by Rhothaerill
            Too bad we just finished a few marketplaces. Oh well. I'll change the other three over to Universities.

            The only thing we'll have to watch out for is when our cities start growing and a few of them don't have markets to increase any luxuries we may receive.
            Hadn't thought of that. Hmmm... Still say we go with Universities.

            Jon - yes - we are doing Ok for the land we have.
            Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


            • 700ad Turn Played

              Per orders. We still have wines so that is not a problem and RP re-sent the 5gpt. Also Togas sent a note regarding purchasing horses again so I will send him a note asking what he wants to pay.

              We came across a Lego picket so in the email to Lego I informed Vondrack we'd be turning that picket back since we know they don't want exploration near their shores.



              • Re: 700ad Turn Played

                Originally posted by Rhothaerill
                We came across a Lego picket so in the email to Lego I informed Vondrack we'd be turning that picket back since we know they don't want exploration near their shores.
                Huh, what am I missing here, I thought the Lego guys were our friends?

                Did you mean a picket from one of the Bob nations? Im confused
                *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                • Re: Re: 700ad Turn Played

                  Originally posted by conmcb25

                  Huh, what am I missing here, I thought the Lego guys were our friends?

                  Did you mean a picket from one of the Bob nations? Im confused
                  We are friends, but Lego is very protective of their map and we agreed not to explore more of their area than we already know.

                  Basically they just don't want to have the chance of anyone getting too much of their map so that if they are attacked then no one will actually know where their cities are, what terrain they have, etc.


                  • 710ad Turn Orders

                    - Respond to RP's 5gpt offer with horses per the Roleplay thread
                    - Hope builds harbor; Starts worker
                    - Irony builds university; Starts catapult
                    - Phoenix builds university; Starts catapult
                    - Resurrection builds university; Starts catapult
                    - Build queue in Memory changed to catapult
                    - Build queue in Seabiscuit changed to catapult
                    - VW#3 roads mountain
                    - VW#5 moves 9-9-9 onto mountain
                    - Pikeman in New Voice moves 6-6 onto mountain (heading for Resurrection)
                    - 2 spearmen moves 8 into New Voice and upgrade to pikemen for 20 gold apiece.
                    - V.C.S. Discover moves 7-4-4
                    - V.C.S. Exploration moves 2-6-6
                    - V.C.S. Intrepid moves 9-8-8
                    - V.C.S. Fearless moves 9-9-8
                    Last edited by Rhothaerill; March 17, 2004, 22:33.


                    • There is also one other option we have if we want to do it. Lego has requested we defend our cities more vigorously then we currently have with a couple muskets and a couple cannons in each. Right now we cannot build either one as we do not have saltpeter. I'd prefer we build catapults and upgrade to cannons after a while which leads to the point that I noticed that Seabiscuit and Memory both have the option still to switch off aqueducts and build a quick catapult before starting a new aqueduct. The three cities that just built universities also have the option to build a catapult first before an aqueduct.



                      • Also, one more thing I just thought of...if we receive nationalism for our free tech then we will not be able to build 30-shield pikemen and upgrade, we will have to build riflemen straight out. One more reason to hope we receive steam power.


                        • Originally posted by Rhothaerill
                          There is also one other option we have if we want to do it. Lego has requested we defend our cities more vigorously then we currently have with a couple muskets and a couple cannons in each. Right now we cannot build either one as we do not have saltpeter. I'd prefer we build catapults and upgrade to cannons after a while which leads to the point that I noticed that Seabiscuit and Memory both have the option still to switch off aqueducts and build a quick catapult before starting a new aqueduct. The three cities that just built universities also have the option to build a catapult first before an aqueduct.

                          Anyone have any thoughts about this yet?


                          • Well I dont know Rhoth.

                            How long will city growth bedelayed if we go with cats vice aqueducts?

                            Do we still have a standing offer from Lego for SP?

                            And if we have to defend our cities more vigorously, then I suggest we build the obsolete units first and then upgrade, which is what I believe you are suggesting.

                            Did we sell the Horsies to Togas yet? It would be nice to have that cash
                            *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                            • Our cities can build a catapult in 4 turns. New Voice could build them in 2 turns, but I want to use NV for the pikes since that is the only city with a barracks. Cats can be built without the need for barracks. The main reason I want to know now is that we won't be able to build any for another 20 turns if we don't do it now. I'm fine with waiting but I wanted to see what others thought.

                              Lego has offered full protection for us, but until we have a rail network fully up then it would take them awhile to get to where we'd need them. Once we have a rail network then one quick RoP and they can get anywhere in our core to defend us.

                              Regarding horses to RP I have not heard back from Togas about what they are willing to offer. If I see him in chat tonight I'll try to corner him.


                              • well id four turns is all it will take then it wont disrupt growth too much if at all.

                                I say go for it.

                                I just want to make sure we have a ready cash supply available when the time comes to upgrade.

                                So yes lets get some money for Horsies
                                *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta

