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Moves - Volume 4

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  • 520ad played

    GoW sent chemistry-unaccepted and I added printing press and accepted the deal.

    The turn was played per my orders, but I did change several things. First Renewal only get 5spt because of corruption, not six. Hope's WF stayed the same because of corruption also. I rushed the library in Panama Vox (only 24 gold) to be able to use the hill a little quicker. And the main thing was the slider was bumped to 70%

    We have 341 gold with -12 gpt and democracy in 18 turns. We're starting to develop our research engine.



    • 530ad orders

      These orders have been verified.

      - Hope completes Worker A. Start Worker B. Down to size 4. WF on fish, 2 mined grassland, and mined hill.

      - Panama Vox finishes library. Start harbor.

      - Worker A moves 6-6-9 to Renewal.

      - Workers #1, 2 and 8-10 plant forest.

      - Workers #4 and 5 move 8-9-8.

      - Worker #6 moves 8 to mountain tile

      - V.C.S. Exploration moves into Irony

      - Verify that GoW accepted the chemistry deal
      Last edited by Rhothaerill; February 2, 2004, 22:08.


      • Hey Beta, the turn is here. I probably won't be able to play it until at least 10pm eastern time so if you want to play it go ahead. The orders haven't been verified yet, but I think they should be okay.


        • Okay I got home earlier than I thought. I'm playing the turn now.


          • 530ad Turn Played

            The turn was played per my orders. We did indeed receive chemisty, though everyone else has it but Roleplay. We will finish the university next turn and need to decide whether we're going to start our military or build a bank.

            We have 329 gold with -15gpt and democracy in 17 turns.



            • 540ad Turn Orders

              These orders have been verified

              - New Voice completes University. Start either a bank or a horseman

              - Hope's culture radius expands. Verify that WF is still on fish, 2 grasslands and 1 hill.

              - Worker A joins Renewal to make size 4.

              - Worker #11 moves 8 and joins Renewal to make size 5. WF to mined grass, mined bonus grass, one coast and 2 mined hills (we'll lose 2 gpt from taking it off the mountain, but we'd otherwise have to use a second coast tile...this gets the marketplace finished several turns sooner).

              - Workers #1, 2 and 8-10 chop forest. Chop should allocate to Phoenix.

              - Workers #4 and 5 move 9-9-9.

              - Worker #6 roads mountain tile

              - V.C.S. Discovery moves 3 and fortifies.


              • Re: 530ad Turn Played

                Originally posted by Rhothaerill
                The turn was played per my orders. We did indeed receive chemisty, though everyone else has it but Roleplay. We will finish the university next turn and need to decide whether we're going to start our military or build a bank.

                We have 329 gold with -15gpt and democracy in 17 turns.

                Thanks Rhoth! You were home well before me. I had another community meeting tonight.

                I will give some thought regarding bank or military. I guess sooner or later we are going to have to decide. After reading the AAR report on the Bobian war, I don't think we can take anything for granted - perhaps other than Lego's friendship.

                Probably time to start a new thread on where we go from here with our game strategy. Will give this some thought. But right now I am too tired. Bed time.
                Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                • Sleep well.

                  Yes, we will need a new game strategy to work out. We need to think about whether we want to be building a military or focusing on economy and counting on Lego to protect us. A concerted effort by any civ other than RP would break us right now, even if we get a military going soon so perhaps concentrating on our economy is the best way we can help Lego. On the other hand one of the other civs could use as a dropoff point to get to Lego. Who knows. It's something we'll need to decide how to proceed with.

                  I also need to work on the turn orders threads in the future planning as they have changed a little bit in recen turns. Plus I have added VW11 to Renewal for this coming turn rather than have him wait around a few turns to join Phoenix. It's a stronger move overall, but it affects a few of the turn orders.


                  • 540ad Played

                    The turns are moving quickly. The turn was played per my orders. Thanks to the university and increasing Renewal we've picked up a full turn on our research. We will also increase Seabiscuit's pop next turn for even more gold.

                    We have 314 gold with -15gpt and democracy in 15 turns.



                    • 550ad Orders

                      These orders have been verified

                      - Hope completes Worker B. Start Worker C. Down to size 3. WF on fish, mined grassland, and mined hill.

                      - Worker B moves 6-6-9 to Renewal.

                      - Workers #1, 2, and 8-11 move 2-2-6

                      - Workers #4 and 5 move 6 and join Seabiscuit bringing it up to size 5. WF to two hill tiles and three coast for no growth and 6spt.


                      • The turn is here. I'll play it in about 15 minutes.


                        • Thanks Rhoth. Good night.

                          Sorry - my pm box was full. Cleaning it up.
                          Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                          • 550ad Played

                            Per my orders. We have 299 gold -13gpt and democracy in 14 turns.



                            • 560ad Turn Orders

                              - Worker B joins Renewal to make size 6. WF to mined grass, three coast tiles and 2 mined hills. (Hope gets the bonus grass this turn)

                              - WF in Hope to fish, mined bonus grassland, and mined hill.

                              - Workers #1, 2 and 8 move 9-8-9

                              - Workers #9 and 10 move 9-8 and skip turn.


                              • 560AD turn played

                                As per the orders.

                                Note that Panama Vox expanded its borders.

                                Gold at 286 and -11gpt. Democracy now down to 12 turns.
                                Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.

