If the save is here go ahead and play it if you want to Beta. I won't be home for another five hours most likely.
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Moves - Volume 4
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480bc turn played
..as per the previous orders. No exceptions, save one.
RP offered the 4gpt, and I returned it accpeted. We can wait till PP is done or do it now. Togas was not clear.
Also of note - we have stronger military than Spain. Not sure if they dismantled it, or whether it was part of the peace deal, or it was dismantled for them.
Galley searches unsuccesful. Pretty barren stretch of sea.
Great orders Rhoth.
Save sent to the Legolanders.
And btw - I was wondering if we wanted to rename Eternity to Panama Blox as a form of tourism advertsing for the Legolanders. Would work well in a Cadogan article. Or we leave the city as Eternity and rename the downtown core and Beach area Panama Blox. I have story brewing.Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.
Good idea Beta! I for one have no problems with Eternity being renamed to Panama Blox.
"One day if I do go to heaven, I'm going to do what every San Franciscan does who goes to heaven - I'll look around and say, 'It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco.'" - Herb Caen, 1996
"If God, as they say, is homophobic, I wouldn't worship that God." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu
I have no problem with either one Beta.I'll try and have new orders up for general consumption by tomorrow. I have a few computer issues right now. I just bought a brand new top-o'-the-line computer, but I need to get a tech out here to get internet installed on it so I have to go back and forth between computers for the next few days.
Turn 490ad Orders
These orders have been verified
- Memory grows to size 3. WF to whale, 1 coast, and mined gold hill for 2fpt growth and 4spt.
- Phoenix finishes harbor. Start marketplace. WF to two coast tiles for 2fpt growth.
- Workers #1,2 and 6 mine hill tile they just roaded.
- Workers #3-5 road hill tile.
- Workers #8-10 mine hill tile they just roaded.
- Worker #11 roads mountain tile.
- V.C.S. Exploration moves 4-8-6
- V.C.S. Discovery moves 7-4-2Last edited by Rhothaerill; January 24, 2004, 04:52.
Turn 490ad played
The turn was played per my orders. No surprises and nothing discovered by the caravels.
We have 335 gold with 43gpt and we get Printing Press next turn!!Time to start up the research engine.
VoxtaviaLast edited by Rhothaerill; January 24, 2004, 05:17.
Turn 500ad Orders
These orders have been verified
- Finish Printing Press. Start research on Democracy. Science slider to ramp up to highest possible research without running a deficit.
- Send Printing Press to Lego-accepted.
- Send Printing Press to Gathering Storm-accepted.
- Send Printing Press to Roleplay-accepted.
- Panama Vox WF to mined hill.
- Workers #3-5 mine hill tile they just roaded.
- V.C.S. Exploration moves 4-6-6
- V.C.S. Discovery moves 4-4-6Last edited by Rhothaerill; January 26, 2004, 01:37.
500ad played
The turn was played as per my orders, except for a few things. One of those is that I started a deficit spending toward democracy. Since we have plenty of gold banked and not a whole lot to spend it on right now, some deficit spending is in order, and it won't be a deficit for too long as we have a few more libraries and a university coming online soon. Also I sent printing press to GoW-unaccepted to kick them in the butt to get back to us about a deal. I'm also going to send a PM.
I am planning on sending the caravels back to port to wait for navigation. There is nothing more we can do with them until we have the ability to traverse ocean tiles.
We have 378 gold with -6gpt and democracy in 26 turns.
510ad Orders
These moves have been verified
- Hope completes library. Start worker.
- Renewal WF to mined hill and bonus grass
- Workers #1, 2 and 6 move 8-8-8.
- Workers #8-10 move 8 to remaining plains tile.
- V.C.S. Exploration head back to port to await upgrade.
- V.C.S. Discovery moves 7-9-2Last edited by Rhothaerill; January 26, 2004, 22:52.
Hi Rhoth - looking at the save - Discovery can move 7-9-2 or something like that to reveal some more tiles.
Bang on with the slider. The next notch up was 22 turns at -16gpt or something like that.
Btw - keep an eye on Renewal's wf. Moving one to gold mountain shaves two turns off the research time at the expense of the food.
Hope wf from hills to grassland?? Library is coming up next turn anyway, so no big deal.
Hmm - and that's about it.Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.
Agreed on 7-9-2. I changed the WF on Renewal as well to a hill and bonus grass as after this next turn there is only one food needed for growth. After it grows to size 3 then we can work the mountain tile for lots of gold. I had already planned for that to take place as soon as we hit size 3.
Unfortunately there was nothing I could do about Hope. Even if we had changed it we'd waste food next turn. So I just left it since there was no gold change either way.
As to GoW, if you can get any response out of them be my guest. Neither MZ nor UnO have responded to my PM and both have read it. We'll see if they offered anything in game and just neglected to tell us since the save should hopefully be here soon. The turns are moving along very quickly now that all the wars are over.
510ad played
The turn was played per the slightly revised orders. Nothing much happened. No offer from GoW so if you want to "lean" on them a bit that sounds good Beta.
We have 372 gold with -7gpt and democracy in 24 turns (which will go down appreciably as our cities grow soon).
520ad Turn Orders
These orders have [been verified
- Renewal grows to size 3. WF to mined grass, mined bonus grass, and gold mountain for no growth and 6spt.
- Hope grows to size 5. WF on fish, 3 mined grassland and one coast. Please verify to make sure the worker has enough shields to build next turn. The hill will give too many shields and going to the coast for a turn will pick up one extra commerce.
- Seabiscuit grows to size 3. WF to two hill tiles and one coast tile.
- Workers #1 and 2 move 4-8-8 to plains tile.
- Worker #3 moves 9-8 and joins Panama Vox bringing it up to size 2. WF to mined hill and coast.
- Workers #4 and 5 move 9-8-8.
- Worker #6 moves 9-8-8.
- Worker #7 roads iron tile.
- Workers #8 and #9 road plains tile.
- Worker #10 skips turn (to remain in sync with 8 and 9).
- V.C.S. Discovery moves 2-2-6 (Exploration is in port, if you want to move him somewhere please say so, but I was just going to have them wait for upgrade)Last edited by Rhothaerill; January 30, 2004, 04:23.
Hey Beta, you probably already know this since you're in PBEMs with Vondrack, but he's having email troubles and asked that we send the save to another address along with the main one.
Hi, Jared!
Due to the virus flood, our corporate mailserver is overloaded and I
am getting all my emails with a horrible delay, if at all. When you
send the PtWDG save, send a copy to vondrack@karneval.cz, too, please.