Originally posted by Aidun
Just tell here how many units of what kind you want in your army when we attack ND. You are free to determine the amount of turns you need for this. I advise you howver not to make this amount of turns too large: the situation is one of a potential war and in such a situation it is better to be well prepared asap.
Just tell here how many units of what kind you want in your army when we attack ND. You are free to determine the amount of turns you need for this. I advise you howver not to make this amount of turns too large: the situation is one of a potential war and in such a situation it is better to be well prepared asap.
After some calculations, here are my plans to take the Neu Dem Capital.
In 30 turns away, we will have
10-12 vet Swordmen (but minimum 8, it depends on how many warriors were upgraded. See the related thread)
2 vet Spearmen
2 reg Spearmen
on the road West of Santiago (hidden for the ND eyes)
6 vet Horsemen just arrived on the tile west to the ND iron mountain.
We will have 2 vet Swordmen on the road Between Madrid and Saragossa. Madrid (prod. every 3 turns) and Pamplona (prod. every 6 turns) queues set on swordmen.
Turn 29 : we investigate Marlowa and Neu Theben
Turn 30 : we declare war to ND
Turn 31 : The horsemen on the Iron Mountains (ND will move their troops to counterattack and figth these Horsemen)
Turn 32 : The Horsemen fight/pillage/move and distract the ND troops
Turn 33 : The Swordmen/Spearmen combo Stack move north to Marlowa. Only at this moment ND sees these troops. It's to late to react...
Turn 35 : they fight against Marlowa and take the city
Turn 36 or 37 : they are on the Neu theben gates (it depends on if there is or not a Marlowa-Neu Theben road )
Turn 37 or 38 : Neu Theben will be ours.
I know that the gods have inspired me for such a succesful attack. I saw it in a vision.

And now, Señor Aidun Cian, please, come with me to the Tabern, we have some squid to eat....

Don Pelayo Astronicus