Originally posted by jdjdjd
As for one voice, I do not care how other ambassadors handle their offices, but I say for all to know - you are not too divulge anything to non-Spaniards about my private and confidential correspondence to Lux Invicta without my expressed written consent, or unless Togas so orders it.
As for one voice, I do not care how other ambassadors handle their offices, but I say for all to know - you are not too divulge anything to non-Spaniards about my private and confidential correspondence to Lux Invicta without my expressed written consent, or unless Togas so orders it.
It sounds like we will soon have contact with 2 more civs which means even more personalities added to our diplomatic soup.
I have to admit that the development of our diplomacy, treaties, and planning is almost more fun that the actual civ game.
