1. Spain
At the end of 2850BC, our score was : 55, or before averaging 1265.
At the end of 2900BC, our score was : 53, or before averaging 1166.
Difference = 99, which divided by the complexity level (3) gives 33.
This difference is the amount accruing our total every turn.
Control :
- Madrid 21 tiles + 2 pop = 23 points
- Pamplona 9 tiles + 1 pop = 10 points
- TOTAL = 33 points
2. What about the other civs ?
Compared to our 33 points, others rank as follows :
Lego = 33
Vox = 32
GS = 31
ND = 27
GoW = 25
Lux = 24
3. Questions and comments
Although this analysis has to be validated and checked, the figures for the last three civs are really surprising. The absolute minimum at this stage should be 32; are they all pop rushing military units?
The GS figure is strange also. Could they be developing a big city before rexing L.M. ?
It seems that we could detect at least the settling of new cities by all others.
It is pretty sure that the others are doing the same kind of analysis, but in case one or two would not, it is not useful to publicize it.
At the end of 2850BC, our score was : 55, or before averaging 1265.
At the end of 2900BC, our score was : 53, or before averaging 1166.
Difference = 99, which divided by the complexity level (3) gives 33.
This difference is the amount accruing our total every turn.
Control :
- Madrid 21 tiles + 2 pop = 23 points
- Pamplona 9 tiles + 1 pop = 10 points
- TOTAL = 33 points
2. What about the other civs ?
Compared to our 33 points, others rank as follows :
Lego = 33
Vox = 32
GS = 31
ND = 27
GoW = 25
Lux = 24
3. Questions and comments
Although this analysis has to be validated and checked, the figures for the last three civs are really surprising. The absolute minimum at this stage should be 32; are they all pop rushing military units?
The GS figure is strange also. Could they be developing a big city before rexing L.M. ?
It seems that we could detect at least the settling of new cities by all others.
It is pretty sure that the others are doing the same kind of analysis, but in case one or two would not, it is not useful to publicize it.