GF - Has the Lux deal been done ?
If not, here is some ideas....
Lux offered Felix this round 1600bc...I see that in the sav.
If we accept, and they accept, then Lux is down to their last city/capital.
ND will destroy this before we can get our settler into position, and Lux would be dead ?
What happens if Lux holds onto both cities ?
Their palace will bounce to Felix if ND takes their capital.
We have time to get our settler into place.
We gift our city to Lux
Lux removes their spearman guarding Felix, and we take Felix by invasion.
(Capitals dont autoraze even if they are pop1 right ?)
If capitals do raze ? then there is no way they can gift Felix to us ?
What is Lux doing with their units?
That worker should be sent to their capital and gifted to us for safe keeping.
We can gift it back afterwoods.
Same with their us everything so they give nothing to ND.
If we take Felix..or if is gifted to us...what do they do with the defending spearman?
I suggest we let them keep it, and they can move it through our territory to their new home.
This way they can send it with their settler on the galley..(or their worker if they would prefer)
What will Lux do while they wait for Map-Making ?
We could require them to build warriors that we can use for great Leader hunting.
Or, we can insist they build a barracks or walls or something that wont be destroyed when we take the city back.
Remember..when they get their settler on the galley, they cant gift the city back, so we will need to invade it.
Or, do we tell them to build a wonder as a prebuild for a galley ?
I really want them off our continent ASAP.
And finally what I really want......
I want to see Lux put their settler onto a regular galley.
Shove off, and we take the city.
Then I want to see a barbarian gally appear, and sink their boat.
Lux survives a war against ND, GOW, but the barbarians finally defeat them
If not, here is some ideas....
Lux offered Felix this round 1600bc...I see that in the sav.
If we accept, and they accept, then Lux is down to their last city/capital.
ND will destroy this before we can get our settler into position, and Lux would be dead ?
What happens if Lux holds onto both cities ?
Their palace will bounce to Felix if ND takes their capital.
We have time to get our settler into place.
We gift our city to Lux
Lux removes their spearman guarding Felix, and we take Felix by invasion.
(Capitals dont autoraze even if they are pop1 right ?)
If capitals do raze ? then there is no way they can gift Felix to us ?
What is Lux doing with their units?
That worker should be sent to their capital and gifted to us for safe keeping.
We can gift it back afterwoods.
Same with their us everything so they give nothing to ND.
If we take Felix..or if is gifted to us...what do they do with the defending spearman?
I suggest we let them keep it, and they can move it through our territory to their new home.
This way they can send it with their settler on the galley..(or their worker if they would prefer)
What will Lux do while they wait for Map-Making ?
We could require them to build warriors that we can use for great Leader hunting.
Or, we can insist they build a barracks or walls or something that wont be destroyed when we take the city back.
Remember..when they get their settler on the galley, they cant gift the city back, so we will need to invade it.
Or, do we tell them to build a wonder as a prebuild for a galley ?
I really want them off our continent ASAP.
And finally what I really want......
I want to see Lux put their settler onto a regular galley.
Shove off, and we take the city.
Then I want to see a barbarian gally appear, and sink their boat.
Lux survives a war against ND, GOW, but the barbarians finally defeat them