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Foreign Affairs Consulate: Legoland
Chatting with Vondrack by email.
In our misfits PBEM...
Vonrack plays the Russians, and he was wondering why my 8 Korean Swordsmen was advancing on his border, and if I knew why 7 Indian horsemen also appeared, and if it had anything to do with the Mongol swords & horsemen we was at war with in the south.
Vondrack is about to be on the wrong end of a pile on
Any way .. the emails ended with him commenting about a recent chat Lego had with GS.
I moaned that even with funding from Lego so that we break even, we do not generate money for rushing Riders.
No worries, we understand the position very good. We are actually in a very similar position - we, too, need money for upgrades, as more than half of our mounted forces is still just horsemen.
Just a quick update... we (I) had our regular chat with GS yesterday night. DeepO, nye, Shiber, Aeson (and me). They were bending over backwards to keep us out of the conflict. I made it very clear that if they got involved in a major way, taking more territory, we would "seriously consider getting militarily involved" - even though I told them in such a way that they would hopefully consider that just diplomatic sabre rattling, giving us some more time to prepare. They did get the message, I believe. They know that if they go on with a full scale war, they will have to fight us. Though - they do not seem to be afraid of our troops so much as they are scared of losing the last valuable tech trading partner. They know they would not be able to cope with the rest of the world if (ummm... after, that is... but they do not know yetwe stop trading techs with them.
But I figure, they will go for it anyway, since they can hardly do anything else. If they don't try, they will lose their chance to win the game. With us & Vox having Legos, you & ND splitting Bob, they would be out of race. They know it.
Do your best to hold at least 10-15 turns, guys. We can't get any substantial forces to Bob sooner. Our first two caravels will be sailing out in 6 turns, I think, carrying probably three knights each (one elite and five vets). Another should follow them 1 or 2 turns later. But we have to finish some preparatory builds (two aqueducts) before being able to start spitting knights one after another.
The next 15 turns will be crucial. If you can hold, we will then be able to supply your with a steady flow of reinforcements."No Comment"
That's very good knews although I still think we have to convince them not to give Astrology to GS. I would have to think of GS armed with caravels....A true ally stabs you in the front.
Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)
Just a quick PM from Vondrack:
Hello, Panzer!
Just to briefly let you know that we shall be posting a public announcement about our support of the new Voxian settlements on Legos Minor. It is something that has been planned for and promised to Vox a long time ago and basically says nothing else but that they are under our protection (which, ATM, means very little, as nobody is threatening them) and that anybody messing with them will have to mess with us, too. Who knows, if we are lucky, we may confuse the GS strategists a little bit regarding Lego current 'urgent' business and short-term goals.
You can safely ignore the announcement, it is not meant to threaten GoW in any way, as we very well know your eyes are focused elsewhere...
Wish you good luck for this turn!
vondrackProud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
May God Bless.
It might not hurt not 'ignore' this but to ridicule it...One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
You're wierd. - Krill
An UnOrthOdOx Hobby
Impromptu chat with Rentose:
Rentose: Hi!
SirUlias: Hi
Rentose: How's it going?
SirUlias: Not good.
Rentose: oh?
SirUlias: My wife's car is a pile of crap
Rentose: she ok?
SirUlias: Yeah, it's just dead and I'm working on it.
Rentose: oh sorry misunderstood the message - when you said crap I assumed that she had been in an accident or something
Rentose: still dead car isn't good either
SirUlias: These new cars are just not meant to repairs.
Rentose: what brand?
SirUlias: A simple alternater is all it is, but you can't get to the damn thing without removing half the engine.
SirUlias: It's a Mercury, but all are cramming the engines too tight into place these days, no room to work on them.
Rentose: yeah, my cousin is a master mechanic but he works on GMs mostly
SirUlias: Cars in general just suck to repair. No room to fit these fat arms and hands into them. Most require a lift to work on them at all's a pain.
SirUlias: If you're a horror movie fan (as you've probably seen I am by my movie of the week's on MZO) Fox Movie Channel is comming up with some very good, obscure gems.
Rentose: some horrors I like , others gross me out...
Rentose: but thanks for the notice
SirUlias: Gross, as in slashers? They are not true horror movies, IMO.
Rentose: the movie that gave me the most nightmares was I think a John Carpenter movie
Rentose: can't remember the title, but it took place in a church and starred Jamieson Parker from that Simon and Simon series
Rentose: though the Fly 1986 version also was digusting - but those two probably aren't true horror movies
SirUlias: Ah, the Fly. Sad thing is the original is just as good, minus all that gore.
I am hitting on some good ones in my movie of the week, though. Just sitting down to watch the 1941 WolfMan with my 5 yr old (yes, I'm a bad father). Next week I'm highlighting Alfred Hitchcock movies. I am more into them as an art form. Fanatical about it like some are Anime.
Rentose: yeah Hitchcock was a master of suspense
SirUlias: The Birds was my first horror movie I remember. quickly became an obsession after that.
Rentose: Yeah, I have seen most of it - that and Psycho, I keep missing and want to see I think it is called North by Northwest with Cary Grant
Rentose: but don't quote my on either the movie title or the actor as I am getting a little sleepy
SirUlias: I'm horrid with actor names, so I wouldn't know, but that is indeed a good movie.
Wait till Dark, though, is probably my favorite.
About a blind woman who witnesses a murder, but the murderer does not know she is blind...
I know what you did last summer is based on a Hitchcock movie as well, but I am forgetting the title. FAR better job of it (of course).
Rentose: I always have fun looking for the Hitchcockian cameos
SirUlias: Yes, it's always fun. I personally find it funny how both Stephen King and M. Knight Shamalan (spelling? did Signs, and Sixth Sense) have take to that as well, but with VERY obvious roles.
Rentose: I remember watching a documentary saying that people wondered where was Hitchcock's cameo on a movie that entirely took place in a shipwrecked boat on the sea - and his inventive way of doing it
Rentose: by placing himself in a newspaper ad one of the characters was reading
Rentose: hmm I never realized that you were on the Tabemono team in PTWDG2
SirUlias: I'm not active much there.
Rentose: ah we were just playing the latest turn
SirUlias: Sorry, diplo stuff.
Rentose: np
SirUlias: What happened? Are you on Tabemono?
Rentose: yes, I am on Tabemono
SirUlias: Oh, and GS is suddenly wanting to talk...
Rentose: no surprise there
SirUlias: Tell me if you can...they are claiming to have Lego support on a subject. Has legoland made any deals with GS of late reguarding conflict on Bob?
Rentose: not of late no
Rentose: they do seem worried about ND though
SirUlias: I find them humorous, personally. It was all worked out until they got involved.
SirUlias: ND is only a nation to be concerned of because GS got involved.
Rentose: are you guys worried about ND ?
SirUlias: We are a bit split on that. I most certainly am because we do not get paid until this business is over.
Rentose: I can tell you that GS contacted us wanting us to join with them vs ND
Rentose: nothing about GoW
SirUlias: And will you?
Rentose: we still support the alliance, get rid of RP and GS off of Bob - unless ND gives ou problems re "payment"
Rentose: I admit that I am worried that ND might backstab you
SirUlias: Well, they wouldn't have been ABLE to if GS had stayed at home. Now we have had to commit more than we wanted to, though. Im still upset about the whole affair.
Rentose: this hasn't been brought up in Lego (my wild thinking now), but do you think that GoW and Lego could temporarily ally with GS and take out ND? then go after GS?
SirUlias: I'll tell you GS is asking us to 'switch sides' right now.
Rentose: yeah we know about that
SirUlias: I'll tell you what we are telling them right now.
We are under contract to remove RP from Bob. We must fulfill that contract. After that, we will be free to discuss...other employment. Now, HOW they leave is also none of our concern.
Rentose: Ultimately I want an Apolyton civ to win the game of course , not ND
SirUlias: That seems to be a fairly common perception.
Rentose: If GS was wiped out , ND would probably go for (and get) the southern part of Stormia, which is by far the best part...
SirUlias: GoW is a very 'cross that bridge when we get there' team. A ND attack on Estonia would, by default, leave fewer defenders in the north, for example...
SirUlias: Basically, we won't rule out an alliance to remove ND. But, what's in it for us? We are already promised a fair share of Bob. Why should we change now?
SirUlias: Also, we must clear our current contract before considering that.
Rentose: Agreed if ND keeps their promise - but I am little wary of that
Rentose: if they don't - ND will control 66-75% of Bob
Rentose: admittedly though my perceptions are based on what I am seeing in the ISDG game - where it appears that GWT is subtlely helping our enemy GCA (especially with that Literature trade)
Rentose: while building up a mega army to take out CGN
SirUlias: Well, RP leaving Bob is the key to our considering other options. If you guys want to remove ND, we need to fullfill our obligations before we can commit to that. We would also need some compensation, since we would be risking the most. By far.
Rentose: It is just a crazy line of thought of mine
SirUlias: It's exactly what GS is asking, though.
Rentose: but I would imagine that if it would happen, GS and Lego would have to split most of the former RP area while GoW would get all of the original ND area plus some of RP.
SirUlias: I don't see a problem with that, personally.
Rentose: GoW's big problem is the lack of diverse terrain for future strategic resources
Rentose: for that N-S development is better than E-W
SirUlias: one minute, putting kids to bed
Rentose: k
SirUlias: Alright, but I need to leave soon.
Rentose: me too
Rentose: 11:44 in reality, even if the clock will soon say 10:44
SirUlias: Isn't that the other way around?
SirUlias: Fall back...
Rentose: no fall back tonight
SirUlias:'s an hour earlier than what the clock says...
Rentose: yes , it is 11:44 but when I move the clocks back it will be 10:44
SirUlias: Ok, I misunderstood what you typedOne who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
You're wierd. - Krill
An UnOrthOdOx Hobby
Rentose: if the game goes on for much longer, oil will be mostly found in desert and rubber in forests and jungle - and truthfully GoW doesn't have much of either
SirUlias: Not at present.
Rentose: well hopefully the realignment will give you some of both of those terrains
SirUlias: Our deal...had interesting borders.
Our team is a, but I THINK we would be willing to assist for less interesting boarders (and more land anyway) once RP is dealt with. GS seems to want them to survive, though, which might throw in some interesting ideas they have for how Bob should be split.
Rentose: yeah well if we are right the former Vox area is extremely corrupt for GS as their FP is in the south
Rentose: they may be willing to pull a Voxodus for RP and settle them in the Vox area in exchange for land on Bob closer to the GS core
SirUlias: If I had my own personal way, I would see to restoring Vox to their homeland.
Rentose: except for fresh water Vox is doing fairly good right now
SirUlias: There's an Idea.
Have GS gift Vox back their homeland, and gift RP where Vox is...
Rentose: hehe no thanks we don't trust RP at all
SirUlias: And GS don't trust Vox at all.;-)
SirUlias: Won't happen, I know, I just would like to restore Vox as a personal goal. If it were just a PBEM, I would persue it.
Rentose: hehe, nice thought though I will pass it on to Vox
Rentose: hehe, nice thought though I will pass it on to Vox
Rentose: GS has tried to get everyone involved in the war - including Vox
Rentose: they wanted Vox to attack Little Bob - we told Vox no (and they didn't want to anyhow)One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
You're wierd. - Krill
An UnOrthOdOx Hobby
His handle here is Sharpe. That's what I get for posting in the middle of the night.One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
You're wierd. - Krill
An UnOrthOdOx Hobby
Greetings Beta,
I am pleased to inform you that my duties in GoW have recently expanded to Consul of Foreign Affairs, and cordially ask that any PM's be copied to myself as a result. I look forward to a profitable future for the both of our fine nations, and to many deals of mutual benefit.
UnOrthOdOxOne who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
You're wierd. - Krill
An UnOrthOdOx Hobby
Sorry, copied wrong one here.
Sent to Zargon, and asked what their govt situation was and who I should officially contact. Will try to find my copy in a minute.One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
You're wierd. - Krill
An UnOrthOdOx Hobby
Hello, UnOrthOdOx!
As promised to Aggie yesterday in the chat, I am hereby sending an official tech trade proposal on behalf of Legoland. Aggie seemed to like it - we hope you and other glorious warmongers are going to like it, too.
Legoland-GoW Banking+Astronomy/Chemistry+Metallurgy trade agreement
1) Legoland agrees to provide GoW with Banking, Astronomy, and a balance in gold. GoW agrees to not resell/trade/gift these techs to any other party for 20 turns from receiving them.
2) GoW agrees to provide Legoland with Chemistry and Metallurgy (which shall be its next research goal after completing the research of Chemistry). Legoland agrees to not resell/trade/gift Chemistry to any other party for 20 turns after receiving it. Legoland agrees to not resell/trade/gift Metallurgy to any other party for 20 turns after receiving it.
3) The trade shall happen as follows: once GoW discovers Chemistry, it shall be offered as 'unaccepted' to Legoland. Legoland shall counter with Banking, Astronomy, and 100 gold, 'accepting' the deal on its part. GoW shall then finalize the first part if the trade by 'accepting' it. Immediately after GoW discovers Metallurgy, it shall be offered as 'unaccepted' to Legoland. Legoland shall counter with 100 gold and 'accept' the deal on its part. GoW shall then finalize the whole deal by 'accepting' it, too.
P.S.: copy sent to Aggie.
One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
You're wierd. - Krill
An UnOrthOdOx Hobby
PM from unauthorized H_E:
From Lego.
Also tell MZ to empty his PM box and authorise me already
vondrack wrote on 14-03-2004 09:11:
Hi, Warwick!
I have been trying to PM Master Zen, but his PMbox is full. Could you pass the following message to him - or, actually, to GoW as a team?
Hello, MZ!
Here comes the draft I promised on Thursday (sorry, did not get to it on Friday as planned):
Legoland-GoW Industrialization/US trade agreement
1) Legoland agrees to provide GoW with Industrialization no later than in 800AD (Turn 196). GoW agrees to not resell/trade/gift Industrialization to any other party.
2) Legoland agrees to not build Universal Suffrage as long as GoW remains in the game (though using Universal Suffrage as a prebuild for a different construction project is allowed).
3) GoW agrees to provide Legoland with Medicine no later than in 800AD. Legoland agrees to not resell/trade/gift Medicine to any other party.
4) GoW agrees to provide Legoland with a sum of 100g to balance the beaker cost difference between Industrialization and Medicine.
5) The trade shall happen as follows: in 790AD (Turn 195), Legoland shall send Industrialization to GoW as 'accepted'. GoW shall receive it in 800AD (Turn 196) and immediately send Medicine and 100g back to Legoland as 'accepted'.
6) This trade agreement is null and void if Vox Controli receive Medicine as their free scientific tech in 720AD.
The final voiding clause sounds harsher than we would like it to sound; the thing is that if Vox get Medicine as their free scientific tech, we shall get it as a payment for Magnetism and Theory of Gravity. Obviously, we would be getting no value out of the trade with you then, so we'd want to renegotiate it.
We tried to think of an alternative solution, but knowing little about your economy and plans, we came to the conclusion we would leave that up to you. So, feel free to replace the voiding clause with a clause specifying an alternative deal...
Also... you can consider this draft sort of a "letter of intent". We do not mind waiting for the Voxian free tech to be known, signing the trade agreement only then. If they do get Medicine, we rework the deal to account for that, if they don't, we simply sign the pre-negotiated stuff.
Best regards,
vondrack, on behalf of LegolandLast edited by Panzer32; March 13, 2004, 22:03.Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
May God Bless.