I have had some negotiations with Vondrak in one my PBEM games.
When he realised I was from the GOW, we started to discuss this game.
I will edit this post and insert my emails here.
P.S. I still dont want your job Panzer.
I have not responded back to him yet.
You will note that I have hinted that ND will be attacked. If this gets back to RP or Lux, it will help with our war plans.
The Galley thing would be good....But they may get MM well before us, and now that I have hinted on the double suicide galley option, they may take this suggestion to other teams.
When he realised I was from the GOW, we started to discuss this game.
I will edit this post and insert my emails here.
P.S. I still dont want your job Panzer.
>> >> > Ahhhh...
>> >>
>> >> > The Penny has dropped.
>> >> > I understand so many things now.
>> >> > All that trade posting on our GOW trade forum finally makes sense.
>> >>
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Glad I could help.
>> >> Anything you might wish to share about your GoW trade forum?
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> > The Penny has dropped.
>> >> > I understand so many things now.
>> >> > All that trade posting on our GOW trade forum finally makes sense.
>> >>
>> >> >

>> >>
>> >>

>> >> Glad I could help.
>> >> Anything you might wish to share about your GoW trade forum?

>> >>
>> > As for info on our boards...................
>> > I will share if you will share.
>> > Rumor has it that Lego has a whole continent...
>> The rumour is correct in that we haven't met anyone else yet, despite
>> some serious efforts, and are stuck alone (currently, we have nowhere
>> we would believe could be a landbridge or at least a shallow water
>> passage to others). So far, we do have room to expand, being a bit
>> lucky with no opposition but LOADS of barbarians, but fear falling
>> behind tech-wise (currently researching Map Making in order to try
>> getting across water to someone else ASAP... but as it seems we are
>> unlikely to be able to build the Great Lighthouse and galleys might
>> not be enough to reach another team). Also, there is much jungle and
>> desert here... good city sites are not plentiful... :-( Hopefully, we
>> are industrious and clearing jungle takes "only" a lot of time, but
>> not forever.
>> > While ours has erupted into political bum fight.
>> > How the hell this game squeezed 4 civs on our continent is amazing.
>> > And 3 of those four squeezed even further to share the top half.
>> >A lot of discussion about war......ND is the largest (they popped a free
>> >settler) and because of this, looks like they will be the unlucky nation to
>> >be wiped out of the game first.
>> >At least this will give them more time to concentrate on the Intersite Demo
>> >Game
>> >
>> Is the continent so small? Judging from the minimaps gained through
>> exchanges, I thought it was a very big one, with room enough for at
>> least three civs...?
>> Anyway, wish you good luck!
>> Looking forward to talking to you in the future.
>> Cheers,
>> Radek
>> > I will share if you will share.
>> > Rumor has it that Lego has a whole continent...
>> The rumour is correct in that we haven't met anyone else yet, despite
>> some serious efforts, and are stuck alone (currently, we have nowhere
>> we would believe could be a landbridge or at least a shallow water
>> passage to others). So far, we do have room to expand, being a bit
>> lucky with no opposition but LOADS of barbarians, but fear falling
>> behind tech-wise (currently researching Map Making in order to try
>> getting across water to someone else ASAP... but as it seems we are
>> unlikely to be able to build the Great Lighthouse and galleys might
>> not be enough to reach another team). Also, there is much jungle and
>> desert here... good city sites are not plentiful... :-( Hopefully, we
>> are industrious and clearing jungle takes "only" a lot of time, but
>> not forever.
>> > While ours has erupted into political bum fight.
>> > How the hell this game squeezed 4 civs on our continent is amazing.
>> > And 3 of those four squeezed even further to share the top half.
>> >A lot of discussion about war......ND is the largest (they popped a free
>> >settler) and because of this, looks like they will be the unlucky nation to
>> >be wiped out of the game first.
>> >At least this will give them more time to concentrate on the Intersite Demo
>> >Game
>> >

>> Is the continent so small? Judging from the minimaps gained through
>> exchanges, I thought it was a very big one, with room enough for at
>> least three civs...?
>> Anyway, wish you good luck!
>> Looking forward to talking to you in the future.
>> Cheers,
>> Radek
> There is not enough room for 3 teams in the North of our continent.
> It is the only place to find good land, and we are all expanding in
> the same direction.
I see. I assume that RPers down in the southern part of your landmass
are sorta left out of this turmoil, having room enough for them? Our
ambassador talks to them quite often, but they seem to be willing to
talk more about other teams than about themselves...
> I know my team would be interested in sending a suicide galley.
> If we align them propery, we may be able to meet.
> Something to think about.....
Yep, I have looked at the minimaps and your (south)western coast seems
to be close to our northeastern coast - like one or two lucky galley
hops. I will tell others and once we are actually able to try
contacting you (still a long way to Map Making), I will get back
either to you or tell ZargonX, our ambassador, to make GoW a proposal.
> It is the only place to find good land, and we are all expanding in
> the same direction.
I see. I assume that RPers down in the southern part of your landmass
are sorta left out of this turmoil, having room enough for them? Our
ambassador talks to them quite often, but they seem to be willing to
talk more about other teams than about themselves...
> I know my team would be interested in sending a suicide galley.
> If we align them propery, we may be able to meet.
> Something to think about.....
Yep, I have looked at the minimaps and your (south)western coast seems
to be close to our northeastern coast - like one or two lucky galley
hops. I will tell others and once we are actually able to try
contacting you (still a long way to Map Making), I will get back
either to you or tell ZargonX, our ambassador, to make GoW a proposal.
I have not responded back to him yet.
You will note that I have hinted that ND will be attacked. If this gets back to RP or Lux, it will help with our war plans.
The Galley thing would be good....But they may get MM well before us, and now that I have hinted on the double suicide galley option, they may take this suggestion to other teams.