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Foreign Affairs Consulate: Legoland

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  • Foreign Affairs Consulate: Legoland

    I have had some negotiations with Vondrak in one my PBEM games.

    When he realised I was from the GOW, we started to discuss this game.

    I will edit this post and insert my emails here.

    P.S. I still dont want your job Panzer.

    >> >> > Ahhhh...
    >> >>
    >> >> > The Penny has dropped.
    >> >> > I understand so many things now.
    >> >> > All that trade posting on our GOW trade forum finally makes sense.
    >> >>
    >> >> >
    >> >>
    >> >>
    >> >> Glad I could help.
    >> >> Anything you might wish to share about your GoW trade forum? )
    >> >>

    >> > As for info on our boards...................
    >> > I will share if you will share.
    >> > Rumor has it that Lego has a whole continent...
    >> The rumour is correct in that we haven't met anyone else yet, despite
    >> some serious efforts, and are stuck alone (currently, we have nowhere
    >> we would believe could be a landbridge or at least a shallow water
    >> passage to others). So far, we do have room to expand, being a bit
    >> lucky with no opposition but LOADS of barbarians, but fear falling
    >> behind tech-wise (currently researching Map Making in order to try
    >> getting across water to someone else ASAP... but as it seems we are
    >> unlikely to be able to build the Great Lighthouse and galleys might
    >> not be enough to reach another team). Also, there is much jungle and
    >> desert here... good city sites are not plentiful... :-( Hopefully, we
    >> are industrious and clearing jungle takes "only" a lot of time, but
    >> not forever.

    >> > While ours has erupted into political bum fight.
    >> > How the hell this game squeezed 4 civs on our continent is amazing.
    >> > And 3 of those four squeezed even further to share the top half.
    >> >A lot of discussion about war......ND is the largest (they popped a free
    >> >settler) and because of this, looks like they will be the unlucky nation to
    >> >be wiped out of the game first.
    >> >At least this will give them more time to concentrate on the Intersite Demo
    >> >Game
    >> >

    >> Is the continent so small? Judging from the minimaps gained through
    >> exchanges, I thought it was a very big one, with room enough for at
    >> least three civs...?
    >> Anyway, wish you good luck!
    >> Looking forward to talking to you in the future.
    >> Cheers,
    >> Radek
    > There is not enough room for 3 teams in the North of our continent.
    > It is the only place to find good land, and we are all expanding in
    > the same direction.

    I see. I assume that RPers down in the southern part of your landmass
    are sorta left out of this turmoil, having room enough for them? Our
    ambassador talks to them quite often, but they seem to be willing to
    talk more about other teams than about themselves...

    > I know my team would be interested in sending a suicide galley.
    > If we align them propery, we may be able to meet.

    > Something to think about.....

    Yep, I have looked at the minimaps and your (south)western coast seems
    to be close to our northeastern coast - like one or two lucky galley
    hops. I will tell others and once we are actually able to try
    contacting you (still a long way to Map Making), I will get back
    either to you or tell ZargonX, our ambassador, to make GoW a proposal.


    I have not responded back to him yet.

    You will note that I have hinted that ND will be attacked. If this gets back to RP or Lux, it will help with our war plans.

    The Galley thing would be good....But they may get MM well before us, and now that I have hinted on the double suicide galley option, they may take this suggestion to other teams.

    Last edited by Hot_Enamel; February 7, 2003, 19:08.
    "No Comment"

  • #2
    I chatted with Vondrack last night, and shared some information.

    They have 1 galley, and are a couple of turns away from a second galley.
    They believe their continent is more that 10 ocean tiles from our continent, so a suicide galley would have to survive a couple of turns. They do not have any plans to send any at this stage.
    He is not even sure if a suicide galley from each continent would meet in the middle.

    I moaned about ND, and maintained the illusion that we do not get along.
    He also mentioned that RP felt they were under threat from ND....They have been getting a lot of communication from RP.

    They have plenty of cash from fighting barbarians.

    Nothing really important was discussed, other than I will let his scout live in our Misfits PBEM game if he sells me Mysticism at a discount price.
    "No Comment"


    • #3
      We should offer to split the money we make from selling contact with them to the other civs if they will come over and make contact with us first.

      Also, how about we offer to completely catch them up in techs for 100 gold. They in turn agree to research Construction and give it to us the turn they complete it.

      (We then trade Construction to Lux for Monotheism (they get Mono free))


      • #4
        If need be, we should throw in 150 gold + Construction for Mono.


        • #5
          Originally posted by realpolitic
          If need be, we should throw in 150 gold + Construction for Mono.
          Why, when Lux is offering to trade us Mono for Construction?

          We need to quit giving away gold. It will cost us 80 gold each to upgrade our Horsemen. We need to horde all the gold we can.


          • #6
            GF has been wheeling and dealing again

            I got this message in a PBEM game I have with Vondrack

            BTW, following GhenghisFarb's persuasive PM stating you could see our
            continent in the PtWDG (which we considered 99% impossible), we went
            through all of our past savegames and found out one we apparently did
            not pay attention enough to - many many turns ago, there was a corner
            of a shrouded tile with a very little bit of lighter, perhaps coastal
            waters in it, which we oversought at that time). We are quite certain
            (99% that it is not Bob, most probably just a small island mid-way,
            but we are sailing there to find out. Our galley will be there in no
            time (1-2 turns) and we will get back to you once we know more. It now
            seems likely we could make contact with you shortly.

            GF, I dont want to mention any deals in case I contradict anything you have said.

            Are you looking after Lego ?
            There is a lot of money to be made from them.

            "No Comment"


            • #7
              Here's the offer from Vondrak:

              Following our chat, here goes Legoland's trade proposal:

              1) Legoland will sell Currency to GoW for 60 gold no later than on Turn 84. GoW will agree to not resell Currency to anybody else for 20 turns.

              2a) Legoland will sell Construction and Republic to GoW for 190 gold on the turn Republic is available for trading. GoW will agree to not resell these techs to anybody else for 20 turns.

              2b) Legoland will sell Construction to GoW for 190 gold one turn before Republic becomes available for trading. Legoland will gift Republic to GoW on the next turn for free. GoW will agree to not resell these two techs to anybody else for 20 turns.

              Choose whichever of 2a/2b suits you better.

              Radek aka vondrack
              President of Legoland


              • #8
                Sorry guys. I am not able to devote as much time as I thought I would to this game. I am going to have to resign from being the Ambassador to Legoland. I am truly sorry for this.
                Founder of The Glory of War, CHAMPIONS OF APOLYTON!!!
                '92 & '96 Perot, '00 & '04 Bush, '08 & '12 Obama, '16 Clinton, '20 Biden, '24 Harris


                • #9
                  Originally posted by donegeal
                  Sorry guys. I am not able to devote as much time as I thought I would to this game. I am going to have to resign from being the Ambassador to Legoland. I am truly sorry for this.
                  What happened?

                  I agreed to Legoland's offer (ND will split the cost with us).

                  From Vondrak:

                  Hello, GhengisFarb!

                  I will post your message in our forum. Though we will need to discuss for a wee while, letting you trade Curr and Constr to ND sounds like an option, if you sweeten the deal just a little bit... What about throwing in the contact to Voxes for free? We still lack that one - it's actually the last one we lack... We were supposed to get it anyway according to the 1300BC treaty, but it hasn't been a big deal so far, so we haven't pushed it... If we can get rid of it in this way....

                  However, we will not be able to allow you to trade Republic to ND, that I am sure of - sorry for that. As that tech is not "ours" (in the sense that we will not have it researched it by ourselves), we can do very little about it. Hope it will not be a major problem.

                  I will get back to you ASAP.

                  In chat he agreed to allow us to trade Construction, but said he did not have the right to tell us we could trade Republic as Lego did not research it. In my opinion that means they also do not have the right to say we can't trade it.


                  • #10
                    good point.

                    Republic and Construction for 95 gold is NOT BAD at all.
                    One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                    You're wierd. - Krill

                    An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                    • #11
                      Does anyone else want to become the ambassador to Legoland?

                      Who gave Lego Republic? RP, I think. They do not want to give anything to ND, and they have a probable alliance with Legoland.
                      Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
                      King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
                      May God Bless.


                      • #12
                        Perhaps next week, assuming the SPDG actually wins the vote. Next month if we don't.
                        One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                        You're wierd. - Krill

                        An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by GhengisFarb

                          Why, when Lux is offering to trade us Mono for Construction?

                          We need to quit giving away gold. It will cost us 80 gold each to upgrade our Horsemen. We need to horde all the gold we can.
                          Absolutely, from your post, it sounded like we had put the offer on the table, and hadn't recieved a response. Mono for Construction is a great deal!

                          Unfortunately, with the nowhore clauses, I'm concerned Lego will go 100% Science to Miltary Tradition.


                          • #14
                            From Vondrak:
                            OK, here is the final treaty proposal - sorry for not sending it earlier... I hoped to have one more chat with you prior to sending it. But as what I want to discuss is basically independent from the treaty, here you are:

                            GoW-Lego Currency/Construction/Republic trade treaty of 1100BC

                            Legoland agrees to make the following deal with Glory of War:

                            1) Glory of War will provide Legoland with a free contact to Vox Controli immediately after ratifying this treaty.

                            2) Legoland will sell Currency to Glory of War for 60 gold no later than on Turn 84. GoW will be free to trade this technology to Neu Demogyptica, but nobody else.

                            3) Legoland will sell Construction and Republic to Glory of War for 190 gold on the turn Republic is available for trading. Glory of War agrees to not resell these techs to anybody else for 20 turns.

                            Radek aka vondrack
                            The President of Legoland
                            In addition we are jointly working on deal to aquire Montheism from Vox.


                            • #15
                              so, is that treaty ratified by us? If this is the case, we can lock in a deal with Vox for monotheism, us giving them construction in 20 turns.
                              Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
                              King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
                              May God Bless.

