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Turn One

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  • #46
    I had planned on the Pyramids and the Great Library as I feel we can build both and still lead in military and domestic expansion.

    Besides it would be really cool if the Warmongers built the first Wonder just to spite all those Builder wimps.

    Why the Pyramids?
    Free granieries in EVERY city and it NEVER expires.
    Anything that gives you a free something is a good thing to have. The graneries speed up the time our cities grow, the bigger our cities the more tiles they work, the more tiles they work the more shields they produce, the more shields they produce, the MORE UNITS THEY BUILD.

    And it means the other civs don't have it.

    Why the Great Library
    We get a tech anytime two other civs have it. This means we can shift our slider to 100% tax and stockpile the money. I want to build a lot of money and connect to horses as soon as possible so that we can shift our unit prodution to almost 100% chariots/horsemen so that when we get Chivalry we can take all that stockpiled money and instantly upgrade all those units to our UU the Rider. Hopefully, we will have completed Sun Tsu by then and the bloodbath will begin. (where's the evil guy's Santa hat?)

    Seriously, we should be able to complete TWO Wonders with ease (on Regent level against the AI I usually get 4-5 of the Ancient Wonders) and those are the most useful to us in my opinion.


    • #47
      Wow... maybe we should change our name to "Legowar".

      I never expected this turn in events.

      If we can set up worker/settler factory forts (say two or three) start to go for Pyrimids. Can't beat the usefulness of all those graneries. If someone beats us to it..... , then switch to GL.
      Founder of The Glory of War, CHAMPIONS OF APOLYTON!!!
      '92 & '96 Perot, '00 & '04 Bush, '08 & '12 Obama, '16 Clinton, '20 Biden, '24 Harris


      • #48
        Originally posted by donegeal
        ... If someone beats us to it..... , then switch to GL.
        If someone beat us... Take the wonder from the bastards!
        Last edited by Aro; December 5, 2002, 16:18.
        RIAA sucks
        The Optimistas
        I'm a political cartoonist


        • #49
          Originally posted by donegeal
          Wow... maybe we should change our name to "Legowar".

          I never expected this turn in events.

          If we can set up worker/settler factory forts (say two or three) start to go for Pyrimids. Can't beat the usefulness of all those graneries. If someone beats us to it..... , then switch to GL.
          I was thinking if we completed the first two Wonders of the game (and I think that is a real possibility) we can say in the Public Forum that our name is now Glory of Wonders and say we've adopted a builder strategy based on our starting position. Not informing them of the massive military we've been building.......

          General plan for capitol:
          Builds 2-3 warriors then settler (1 warrior stays in city)
          Builds temple (if available), possibly a warrior, then settler
          Builds the Pyramids.

          By the time it switches to Pyramids it will have generated 2 settlers and those two camps will be taking over its settler/unit production.

          Second permanent city usually starts to work on Palace to stockpile shields for the Great Library. By bulding a Palace it won't show up on the Wonder screen and the other teams won't know we forged so far ahead towards our second Wonder when they trade us Literacy.

          I can almost guarantee the other teams aren' t even thinking about Wonders right now.

          Between the capitol's city radius and the area of the 3 camp sites there are 12 tiles that will generate 2 food and 2 shields each. I believe 8 of them will also generate 2 commerce each. That is a VERY productive starting area.
          Last edited by GhengisFarbâ„¢; December 5, 2002, 11:29.


          • #50
            Great plan, Ghengis. What does this mean in turns, 16~20, before we start the Pyramids? If so, and if we find horses near us, we can produce one chariot or two, and then delegate this to the forts, without prejudice the production of settlers and workers.

            Originally edited by realpolitic
            I wouldn't invest in ancient wonders - alot of this game is going to be determined by swords, horses, and riders.
            Last edited by Aro; December 5, 2002, 17:06.
            RIAA sucks
            The Optimistas
            I'm a political cartoonist


            • #51
              My choice is the wheel -- we can purchase bronze, but horseback riding will take longer until it's available.

              I just caculated that a granary takes about 35 turns to return its 60 shields by annexing lands that are 2 food, 1 shield, converting any pop above town size to workers - I think we can do better by building military.

              Pyramids are terrible - it costs as much a 7 granries, it gets nothing until you've spent 400 shields, by the time you've built it, you have decent sized core cities.

              The Oracle doesn't last long, and instead of temples, we can maximize our production using the luxury slider: swordsmen, horsemen, and riders should give us plenty of territory.

              The Great Library - maybe, it costs 13 swordsman or horsemen, plus the risk of someone beating us to it. Tech may be hard to get, but once we can build swordsmen & horsemen, the value of conquests may yield enough cities to ofset the tech loss. If you figure our chance of getting it is 1/3 then it's real cost is about 900 shields- that is in one case we get it for 400 shields, but 2 other cases we've spent about 250 shields and gotten nothing, so in these 3 instances we've spent 900 shields and only gotten it in the first case.

              BUT THERE IS ONE THING -- Assuming that the computer will tell the other civs we're in contact with that we've "contacted" that we're starting a wonder, we misdirect the other civs by starting a wonder early, then after a turn change our production, and hope that we've paniced them into starting a wonder ealy, making them more vulnerable.
              Last edited by realpolitic; December 5, 2002, 16:44.


              • #52

                it was my understanding that there isn't any AI civs in this game, and since there are 7 human civs there could be at most only a single AI, so if we do buy any techs it will be from other human civs

                i am very cautious of building any wonders for the time being, in my opinion we need to concentrate on building cities and scouts, then build granaries in settler/worker factories and our capital plus we need some barracks in cities churning out military units. we are the only militaristic civ in the game, so we will have the easiest time building barracks, which means we should have the most veteran units, and also we are twice as likely to get promotions, so we should have the most elites as well

                also i think that other civs are going to beat us to wonders, simply because our research is focused on getting us powerful offense weapons, as it should be for a team focused on victory through force of aro pointed out, we won't discover the techs we need to build any of the wonders many of us are coveting for quite some time, and i think instead of using a city to save shields for a wonder, that we should use it to build items that will help us in the present instead of the future

                the colossus, great libary, and pyramids are the only ancient wonders of any real value in this game since the happiness wonders aren't really needed that much on monarch...a single warrior with our wines will allow our cities to grow to size 4 without any happiness problems, so i don't think we should pursue wonders at this time


                • #53
                  NO WONDERS
                  Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
                  King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
                  May God Bless.


                  • #54
                    Wait a minute... even warmongers like us could use some wonders. Sun Tzu is good, Leonardo's Workshop is better. Pyramids will be a great wonder, if we want to found more than seven cities... Our queue seems to be very reasonable, balanced and correct. We have defense, attack (at the moment, warriors) and prodution (workers), some improvement...
                    Guys, we'll need some civilization to play Civ3... and Generals need big nations to produce and manage big armies. I'm not thinking like a (aargh) builder , but how can we produce massively armies without growth?
                    Realpolitic: Did you like my visit? Seems not...
                    RIAA sucks
                    The Optimistas
                    I'm a political cartoonist


                    • #55
                      Ok, FEW WONDERS
                      Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
                      King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
                      May God Bless.


                      • #56
                        The cost of buildin settlers

                        Originally posted by GhengisFarb

                        Queu is to build warriors until the city can complete a settler at size 3.
                        We should wait with building settlers so they maximize production. That means wait until a city produces at 6 or 8 shields. When it's 3,4 or 7 shields we should normally produce archers, and when it's 2 or 5 produce warriors. Every city we found uses shields that could otherwise be used to build arms, and will take 20 shields to build a barracks before it becomes productive, and requires protection. If we use a horseman instead of a settler to get a city, we don't use up the 2 pop.


                        • #57
                          We should wait with building settlers so they maximize production. That means wait until a city produces at 6 or 8 shields. When it's 3,4 or 7 shields we should normally produce archers, and when it's 2 or 5 produce warriors. Every city we found uses shields that could otherwise be used to build arms, and will take 20 shields to build a barracks before it becomes productive, and requires protection
                          realpolitic could you please explain this again, like do you mean when a cities produces 2 or 5 shields per turn or do you mean like 2 or 5 rows

                          it takes 30 shields to build a settler, the thing is, settler production is limited in civ3 by pop not shields early on, since we know how long it takes to build each tile improvement, we can plan our turns so that we can produce a settler exactly as we grow to size 3, all we have to do is figure that out before hand, i just need to know what the base square produces since it's on a mountain

                          while i agree that mindlessly using ICS tactics isn't a good strategy, having a good number of cities is something we must do

                          what i'm wondering is this, what exactly are you suggesting for our capital's build queue? do you disagree with our current 1-2 warriors then a settler?


                          • #58
                            I HATE Archers. They are only useful for the time it takes them to find a barbarian encampment and then their pointless. Warriors are cheap otherwise I wouldn't build them either, but horsemen upgrade to cavalry.

                            We can't just build units or we'll be fighting Riflemen with Horsemen and that will take a lot of Horsemen.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by GhengisFarb

                              We can't just build units or we'll be fighting Riflemen with Horsemen and that will take a lot of Horsemen.
                              RIAA sucks
                              The Optimistas
                              I'm a political cartoonist


                              • #60
                                Well, well... I need two more posts to be a king. In fact, I’ll need only one, considering this post. Is this spam?
                                Seriously: the GhengisFarb’s plan is a very good one, without harm our status of warmongers.
                                RIAA sucks
                                The Optimistas
                                I'm a political cartoonist

