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  • Re: timezone:, Shiber, unless Haifa and Holon are on different timezones, i guess that won't be a problem.
    Actually- HotE lives in australia, so i guess this will be a problem, but like i use to say: If you really want something done, you don't let technicalities get in your way.

    I really want someone to be there, besides me, since i'm not such an expert in matters of tech dealings, and i'm sure you all have better ideas about the trading options and the like...

    Anyway, i'll keep you posted about it.
    Save the rainforests!
    Join the us today and say NO to CIV'ers chopping jungles


    • I don't quite follow. What does Holon have to do with this?
      Anyway, I'll see what I can do after you decide on the time of the chat. I can't promise anything, but I'll try to make it even if it clashes with my schedule.
      "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
      And the truth isn't what you want to see,
      Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
      - Phantom of the Opera


      • probably won't be able to participate in a chat due to timezone differences...
        I just thought that if it works for me, it would work for you as well, wrt the time, as i don't see me chatting and trying to mend relationships on 4 am...
        Save the rainforests!
        Join the us today and say NO to CIV'ers chopping jungles


        • To quote HotE's latest diplomail:

          Trust me when I say we value GS as a trading partner...we in fact value every team as a trading partner.
          Great. "You're special, just like everybody else".
          "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
          And the truth isn't what you want to see,
          Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
          - Phantom of the Opera


          • In regard to tension on Bob- unless GoW is just bluffing to get our sympathy, or playing very very cautiously- i bet they are in a pretty bad situation, and ND is literally waving the sword in their eyes, ND staring to the North towards their prime lands, and RP playing "neutral" and probably laughing all the way.

            GoW seems to be quite afraid from anyone taking sides against them in the upcoming war- understandable- but Vox? well, they probably think we'll help them. Any tip from GoW on a Voxian landing force (maybe that's why Vox is preparing Immortals?) would be most appreciated of course, will that be enough to decide it's time to kick their (Vox's) butts?

            What stand should we take in the upcoming war? GoW is having troubles with ND, and RP as well, but they are the only balancing factor left- with RP having plenty of land for themselves, if Gow is out of the game- both RP and ND will probably live in peace, turning focus outside the continent- ND could turn towards our close by continent, and RP to Lego's.
            Do you think we should offer GoW aid, in the event of war?
            Save the rainforests!
            Join the us today and say NO to CIV'ers chopping jungles


            • Originally posted by zeit
              Do you think we should offer GoW aid, in the event of war?
              With ND? Yes, but what we could do is almost nothing.

              If they filled us in as to what is going on, we could examine how we could help them diplomatically and in other ways.
              (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


              • If they have Iron- we could help with upgrade money, if the war comes late, when both have harbors, we can help with Iron.
                But other than that- there's little we could do, except actively join the fighting, what would not be viable for us in the short-mid term.
                Save the rainforests!
                Join the us today and say NO to CIV'ers chopping jungles


                • GhengisFarb's latest PM is obviously very concerning.

                  I don't believe a word of it of course, it seems like a rather transparent attempt to get us to declare war on Vox.

                  We should probably contact Vox anyway, just in case.

                  It might also be worthwhile sending Ghengis a simple PM telling him that if Jon and Betahound told him we have a monopoly of all resources then there were lying.
                  If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


                  • Originally posted by FrustratedPoet
                    GhengisFarb's latest PM is obviously very concerning.

                    I don't believe a word of it of course, it seems like a rather transparent attempt to get us to declare war on Vox.

                    We should probably contact Vox anyway, just in case.

                    It might also be worthwhile sending Ghengis a simple PM telling him that if Jon and Betahound told him we have a monopoly of all resources then there were lying.
                    Good points

                    Vox has one iron and some luxes (right?) Why would they need what we have? What we do have that they need is good land. Clearly GF gambled here and erred. One would think that the immortals would tip him off that they have iron, which is far more important for vox than horses.

                    Seems GoW is playing for the eventual Bobian war- If we take Vox out soon, then we would be quite the ally to whatever civ wins our favor. GoW is thinking, "we give them the tip now, then they will help us out later."

                    But nonetheless, I think we should eliminate Vox ASAP. Their latest misadventures could cost us.


                    • I won't take GF's note too seriously myself- and even if this was true- fact is that we've discussed almost anything with anyone: alliance with Vox on Bob, a combined attack with GS on Vox, tech partnership with Lego- and keeping the other's advancement at bay.
                      Another sign of GoW ill manner of conducting diplomacy- a blunt note like this is not going to cause much damage to our relationship, but may give us some insight on those who sent it.
                      Save the rainforests!
                      Join the us today and say NO to CIV'ers chopping jungles


                      • I wish we had one of those CIA profilers to give us a psychological of GF... It'd be an interesting job, I'd bet.

                        Some very good points made in here. I would add that it's possible (though far-fetched) that he sent this message hoping that we would reply, saying that Vox are lying, and detailing what luxes and resources they have to prove our point (which is the info GoW is really interested in). This seems like typical GF behavior to me.
                        I suggest not to mention in our reply exactly what resources Vox has, only that they are lying. Also, make our reply brief - we don't want to look like we're taking his note seriously.
                        "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                        And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                        Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                        - Phantom of the Opera


                        • Originally posted by Shiber
                          Also, make our reply brief - we don't want to look like we're taking his note seriously.
                          I agree.
                          If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


                          • GF's warning becomes even emptier as ND declares war on Vox. Unless this is some clever plan... but this is unlikely, since the Bobians don't excell in continental cooperation, to say the least.
                            Btw, I'm REALLY surprised that Vox decided to settle on Bob anyway. What were they thinking??
                            Btw 2, I hope they settled on the hill instead of on those plains. Otherwise "West Wittlich" is toast. With a city on a hill and some immortals and spearmen, they would have a fighting chance, at least until the second wave on ND troops arrives. However, I'm afraid that if I counted the turns correctly, they could not have settled on the hill on turn 79.
                            "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                            And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                            Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                            - Phantom of the Opera


                            • I hear the drumbeats...
                              The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                              Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                              • GF's note is empty, but may serve us well. Between GoW giving us this 'info' (it may very well be a lie, but we trust GoW ), and the BOB reaction to Vox's 'invasion', we can probably declare war on Vox in the near future without any backlash from the other teams.

                                Vox is almost certainly dead now, and we should claim up to the bottleneck at least ASAP. It will take us about 10 turns to get some Warriors upgraded, we should have their free tech well before then.

                                We have HBR right? We can spend the 20 gold per WC to upgrade them now. We could probably take Dissidentville (giving them no warning by using fast troops) if we get a road in the proper place (doable, wasting a few worker turns for a city capture), but don't really want to trigger our GA just yet.

                                I think we should request that Vox move their Warrior on the E coast Mountain away, saying that we are planning to build our cities in the area soon. We offer to reciprocate by moving our Warrior near Dissidentville away so that they can free up their Warrior nearby for the coming war (hoping they take it somewhere else... anywhere else). Our northernmost Worker gets a road at least 2 tiles connected to the jungle clearing 6 of Dissidentville. This just needs to be done before our units are ready. May be enough time to build a road all the way there, but not sure.

                                6 of our Warriors in the S, other than the one on the Hill NW of Tempest, and the one on the NE coast head to Barracks to be upgraded (they can wait to time getting their with the Iron being connected). We should be able to swing it so we are in a Republic by the time our garrisons have to leave. Our Spear in EotS heads to the Mountain 9 from Arashi, the other Spear moving into Hurricane for Garrison duties and to maintain better movement by being on roads already.

                                The timing should be just about perfect for us. Vox gets enough time to move some more of their armies (if they have any, average to us with 2 spears, 2 Warriors, and 2 Immortals doesn't leave much room for them) to BOB to fight, we upgrade, Dissidentville grows to size 3 (I don't think they have the shields to get a Settler out yet), and then our 5 Horsemen (upgraded WC's we can have at that point) hit Dissidentville, with Swords (4 should do) moving in on roads, and our N Warrior cutting off Vox's Iron (won't everyone love us for this?).

                                Sorry for the length of the post...

