Okay, I'll add where possible...
Happiness: for every citizen, count 0 if he's unhappy or resisting, 1 if he's content, 2 if happy. Divide by 2* number of citizens (6 in our current case)
Population: it's the sum of the population of all cities.
Per city, two things are counted:
- size, where pop = (size^2 + size)*5,000. so size 5 --> (25+5)*5,000 = 150,000. size 1 --> 10,000
- food: I think it is 1,000 per food in the box. which should give 10,000 for EotS, and 13,000 for Hurricane.
Total should give 183,000, I don't know where the extra 1,000 is (possibly in our worker).
GNP is commerce produced, I thought, and not gold. But, I'm hesitating whether it was before or after corruption.
Mfg Goods the same: I don't know anymore whether it was before corruption, or after.
Land area is obvious. 100 square miles per tile
Literacy is something similar to the happiness: sum for each citizen, 0 if no library is in the city he lives in, 1 if library, 2 if university, 3 if research lab. Divide by 4*citizens
Disease: number of disease tiles (jungle / fp) within your borders, divided by total number of tiles in your borders.
Pollution unknown
life expectancy unknown, but it has something to do with how much food extra you're producing, and how much disease you have.
family size unknown (also something to do with how much extra food)
military service is some factor * troops / citizens. Could be related to life expectancy
Annual income: gold / citizen (unsure)
Productivity similar to what Nathan said before me. commerce (not gold)+food surplus+shields. But, again, I'm uncertain whethere it is counted before corruption or not.
Happiness: for every citizen, count 0 if he's unhappy or resisting, 1 if he's content, 2 if happy. Divide by 2* number of citizens (6 in our current case)
Population: it's the sum of the population of all cities.
Per city, two things are counted:
- size, where pop = (size^2 + size)*5,000. so size 5 --> (25+5)*5,000 = 150,000. size 1 --> 10,000
- food: I think it is 1,000 per food in the box. which should give 10,000 for EotS, and 13,000 for Hurricane.
Total should give 183,000, I don't know where the extra 1,000 is (possibly in our worker).
GNP is commerce produced, I thought, and not gold. But, I'm hesitating whether it was before or after corruption.
Mfg Goods the same: I don't know anymore whether it was before corruption, or after.
Land area is obvious. 100 square miles per tile
Literacy is something similar to the happiness: sum for each citizen, 0 if no library is in the city he lives in, 1 if library, 2 if university, 3 if research lab. Divide by 4*citizens
Disease: number of disease tiles (jungle / fp) within your borders, divided by total number of tiles in your borders.
Pollution unknown
life expectancy unknown, but it has something to do with how much food extra you're producing, and how much disease you have.
family size unknown (also something to do with how much extra food)
military service is some factor * troops / citizens. Could be related to life expectancy
Annual income: gold / citizen (unsure)
Productivity similar to what Nathan said before me. commerce (not gold)+food surplus+shields. But, again, I'm uncertain whethere it is counted before corruption or not.